Jasper Beese

Jasper Arthur Beese

JAB? No wonder he's annoying!

one day ill marry him GIF

Goes by: Jasper

DOB: 1st April 2051 APRIL FOOLS! :party:
Star sign: Aries
Gender: Male

Wand: TBC
House: TBC


✯ ❉ ❂ ✧ ✦ ✥ ✢ ☆ ★ ! ⋆ ★ ☆ ✢ ✥ ✦ ✧ ❂ ❉ ✯

❉ B A C K G R O U N D ❉

Although both his parents are magical, they are also muggleborns from large, sprawling families filled with siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles—you name it—and all of them are muggles. Because of this, they keep their magic hidden even at home, as their close-knit family could pop by at any time and blow their cover. Jasper is accustomed to living a double life - he's become an expert at lying and keeping secrets, as well as mastering the art of manipulation. He’s excellent at making people think he's slipped up and revealed a secret when, in reality, it's all a clever ruse. While he does get to experience some magic through visits to wizarding towns and playing his beloved gobstones game, his day-to-day life involves very little magic until he's alone with his parents when they can talk freely.

Jasper's father is called Thomas and has a muggle job working as a vet. He's from a farming family and the eldest of seven siblings (and the only one to have magic). Every single one of his siblings has at least two children so Jasper has so many muggle cousins. Thomas was sorted into Ravenclaw and despite his magical schooling, he attended university after Hogwarts and has not worked in the wizarding world.

His mother, Eloise is one of five children and like her husband Thomas, the only magical one. She was also a Ravenclaw and has not pursued a wizarding career. Instead she works part time in the family bakery and looks after the children. Again, Jasper has lots of cousins on this side of the family too. She is a family orientated woman and adores her children.

Jasper has one younger sibling.

Quick Facts about Jasper
  • He's gobstones obsessed
  • What you see is not what you get
  • Lactose intolerant

❂ A P P E A R A N C E ❂

[*]He's tall, and will grow to be 6'2 as an adult
[*]He has sandy blonde hair, always kept short
[*]Bright blue eyes
[*]Lean and wiry build
[*]Distinctive eyebrows, sometimes described as the 'eyebrow guy'

✧ P E R S O N A L I T Y ✧

You think you know Jasper, he's that clumsy friendly guy who just wants to be your friend. But he's not. Not really. Let me explain.

Jasper is chatty and passionate, clumsy and a great friend. On the surface, he appears to be the perfect companion. However, dig a little deeper, and you’ll find that Jasper’s seemingly endearing traits mask a more complex personality. Incredibly selfish and self-absorbed, he struggles with being a reliable friend, you'll find yourself waiting for him for a planned hangout which he never turns up to and misses your birthday or events that are important to you. He's often more concerned with his own interests, Jasper’s inconsiderate actions are usually shrugged off and if you challenge him, he reverts to clumsy forgetful friend who will come next time and is gutted he missed the fun. His contradictory nature means that the first impression people get of him is often far from his true self.

Growing up, Jasper has led a double life, hiding his magical abilities from his muggle relatives. This constant need for secrecy has made him adept at masking his true feelings and flaws, to the point where he himself is oblivious to the discrepancies.

✦ S K I L L S A N D A B I L I T I E S ✦
Intelligent and studious

✥ G O A L S ✥


☆ C H A L L E N G E S ☆

Growing up, Jasper has led a double life, hiding his magical abilities from his muggle relatives. This constant need for secrecy has made him adept at masking his true feelings and flaws, to the point where he himself is oblivious to the discrepancies.

The first sign of the zodiac, Aries loves to be number one. Naturally, this dynamic fire sign is no stranger to competition. Bold and ambitious, Aries dives headfirst into even the most challenging situations—and they'll make sure they always come out on top!

The contrasts in Jasper's personality are exciting to roleplay and develop. I haven't really gotten started with him yet, but I'm looking forward to getting to know this complex guy better.
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