🌹 Rose Giving Jasmine Yellow Rose

Callie Cardoso

confused | keeper
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 15 1/2" Swishy Chestnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
05/2048 (14)
Callie had just missed this girl, she had heard that the girl was on the second floor and had rushed to it. Just in time to watch the girl go into the prefect common room. Callie approached and known on the prefect common room door. Waiting for hopefully the girl she wanted to open the door.
Margo liked having the prefect's common room available to her but it wasn't a place she went that often since Isadora couldn't come in with her and her house was already on the same floor as the student lounge. But she had made a detour today to see if Aine was inside since she was on her list of deliveries. It just took a quick look to see she wasn't and headed back to the rest of the castle. As Margo opened the door to get on with her day she nearly ran into a younger student. "Oh, hello there. Can I help you with something?"
Callie looked at the girl who opened the door. "You're Margo right?" she asked, "Margo Fox?" she was reaching into her basket for the rose and note that she had for this girl.
Margo nodded when the girl asked about who she was. "That's me." she said with a tentative smile. She hoped this was rose related and not a problem she was about to be stuck with.
Callie smiled with ease, "I have a rose for you," the teen said taking out the yellow rose and the note that went with it. "Here, happy valentine's"

Thank you for being a good friend and roommate for the past seven years.
I hope you have a very nice Valentine’s Day and maybe we could meet up for coffee sometime after graduation if you’d like?

Margo was relieved when the girl held out a rose for her and she smiled. "Oh, thanks." she said before taking the flower and the note. She opened the note and read it quickly. She let out a soft chuckle as she read what Aine wrote. She wasn't sure if her roommate was going to send her a rose. They hadn't been as close as she was with Cameron and Isadora but she had always appreciated her. She would definitely take her up on her offer of coffee when they were out of this place.

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