Jared Mccoy

Jared Mccoy

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
As if
<SIZE size="50">
Jared Peter Mccoy


The basics

Name and meaning

as a boy's name is pronounced JARE-ed. It is of Hebrew origin, and
the meaning of Jared is "descending". Related to Jordan. Biblical:
Jared was a pre-Flood ancestor of Jesus. Jered was a descendant
of Judah.

as a boy's name is pronounced PEE-ter. It is of Greek origin, and the
meaning of Peter is "rock". Variant of Petros. Biblical: one of the 12
apostles, Peter the fisherman was impulsive and had strong faith.
Jesus said of him, "Upon this Rock I will build my church". In Catholic
tradition, the first pope.

This surname is of Irish, Scottish and Manx origins. It is a developed
form of the Old Gaelic Mac Aodha, meaning the son of Fire, originally
the name of a Celtic pagan god. The name dates back to the late 11th
Century, and it is said that there are at least fifteen forms of the name.

Birth date
21 January 2010

Jared was born in Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge at 4:37pm. He
was son to Marlena and Jack Mccoy. The city of Cambridge is located
in the south east of England.

Star sign
Jared brith date falls on January 21st which makes him a Aquarius. People
under this star sign are often described as intelligent, concise, clear and
logical. Many are strongly imaginative and psychically intuitive. They fall
into two principle types: one shy, sensitive, gentle and patient; the other
exuberant, lively and exhibitionist, sometimes hiding the considerable depths
of their character under a cloak of frivolity.

Relationship status
Jared has never really been in a proper relationship. Being too busy with
his music girls often tired of him and left him a few month later at max.
This has left Jared unconcerned with relationships and although not
interested in looking for love he is attracted to girl who can make him
smile no matter how he is feeling and someone who is fun to be around
and very loving.

Although not one for relationships there is no doubting that Jared is as
strait as they come. He has never had a man crush but has had many
crushes on girl as he grew up. He does not have much time for girl
friends now because of his busy work load but he would willingly give a
relationship a go if he found the right girl who would put up with him.

Blood status
Jared's mother was a muggle born who had come from a muggle family
where as his father had been a mixed blood from a wizarding family.
This made their son, Jared a half blooded wizard.

Jared's first school was a muggle primary school. As his mother followed
the muggle ways of life closely she wanted Jared to have an understanding
of muggles where as his father wanted him to also have a wizarding
education. Once he came to his last year at the muggle school when he
was eleven he was accepted in to Beauxbatons as that was where his
father had gone to. the wizard school was very different to what he was
used to but he soon settled down and attended Beauxbatons from 2020-2027
when he graduated without any outstanding grades or achievements to be
remembered by except his exceptional talent for music.

When Jared left school he was able to follow his dream and become a
musician. With his amazing talent he got a few gigs here and there in
clubs before moving on to become a music teacher. Although he was
being paid for doing what he loved Jared found that he didn't enjoying
just doing one so he decided to teach and in his spare time play around
doing gigs here and there for some extra money and a bit more advertisement.

Living place
Jared lives in Gosborn a town located at the north east of New Zealand
by the coast. He moved here after graduating Beauxbatons after wanting
to start a new life. He lives in a small one bedroom apartment, although
he does not stay there too often because he travels around a lot it is
cheap enough for him to afford.

Jared in ways is the typical teenage boy, he likes to party and be around
people to have a good time. He is very sociable and often finds himself
the life of a group. His friends would describe him as talkative and caring.
Someone who is fun to be around and who is easy to talk to about anything
and everything. Although he is an only child Jared does not have what people
would say was a typical only child behavious, he was never spoiled as there
was nothing he really wanted except to play music. He cares for everyone
around him and would put his friends first without even knowing. Even though
his parents were willing to spoil him rotten Jared was never one to take
advantage of such things and often found himself out more often with friends
than he did inside with his parent. Although he is sociable Jared is not very
good in an awkward situation and often sits in silence as if waiting for it to pass.
This is just because he never knows what to say to make the situation better
but he would give it a go if he really had to otherwise he would just make up
an excuse to leave and do something else. Because his mum is a muggle Jared
is very in to the muggle world and is also an all round mummys boy, he hardly
ever uses magic and this is why his dad often says that he is a disappointment
because he is a wizard who wanted him to graduate with great grades and work
in the ministry. Of course this never happened as there was only thing Jared's
heart is set on and the things that makes him truely happy.


General appearance
Jared had icy blue eyes which have often been described as puppy dog eyes.
His black silky hair which shapes around the frame of his face perfectly when
it is longer which emphasizes his face even more. He has a round face with
puppy fat giving his cheeks more shape. Jared has very fine thin lips which
match his pale skin and give an impish like smile when he grins. He has a
small but point and curved nose, which runs in his family. His masculine
chin adds yet more shape to his circular face. Jared has a semi long neck
which connects his face to his thin frame. He has always had a skinny
build no matter what he eats Jared never seems to gain any weight and
just stay thin. He does not have a very muscular body as he does not
work out to gain muscle because he is not interested in body building.
As well as having a thin body Jared also has long thin fingers, perfect
for playing musical instrument's as he has musician hands. Again his legs
match the rest of his body, quite thin but rather long which gives him
his height. He has a very athletic build although Jared has never done
any athletic sports out of choice.

Jared has a very unusual fashion style. He has never gone by what sort
of things were in and what was the latest thing to be wearing. He always
went with what he thought look cool and he wanted to stand out a bit
from the crowd and get noticed a bit more. His favorite outfit includes his
red skinny jean, black shirt and a red blazer. As red is his favorite color he
tends to wear that color more often than others but sometimes he dresses
down and just goes with trackies or normal jeans. Because of his unusual
dressing sense Jared was often picked on by other people but he never let
it bother him and he still carried on with what he was doing.

Other characteristics
Jared does not have anything distinguishing about his physical appearance.
He has no tattoos to speak of and no body piercings to show. Jared does
how ever have a birthmark on the upper part of his pelvis which looks
slightly like a love heart.



Amelia was born on the 14th of July in 1986 in Dorset. She was the
second child to two muggle parents. She was home schooled because
her parents did not want her learning magic all the time and wanted
her to grow up in a muggle environment. Although knowing her
potential Amy was hard for her parents to keep her under control and
she often rebelled. When she was 15 Amy met Thomas, a wizard who
attended Beauxbatons. Amy instantly found him interesting because
he was a wizard as well, and after a short friendship the pair began
dating. They carried on dating until Amy was 19 when they got engaged
and married when she was 20. They continued to live happily with
each other and had their first, and only, child when she was 24. Priding
herself with being a stay at home mum Amy was determined for her
son to be a child of both muggle and wizarding worlds. Because she
came from a small family Amy never felt the need to have more
children and she put all her time and love in to raising Jared.

Thomas was born in 1984 in Dorset, only half an hour down the road
from Amelia. He was a mixed blood wizard and was raised by two
wizards and naturally grew up around magic. He never had the problem
which Amy had in not being able to practice magic and being an only
child Tom was often the centre of attention and grew up getting
everything which he could possibly want. The spoilt attitude which he
had grown up with however ceased to exist once he began Beauxbaton
and made friends. He became quite a sociable boy and was quite popular
in his year. When he was in his seventh year Tom came home for the
holiday and when walking back from the train station he bumped in to
Amy. They started talking and soon became friend and even sooner
became a couple. Once he graduated he spent a lot of his time with
Amy although he had to get a job so began to work in a near by shop,
so he was not too far away from his love. When he was 21 and had been
with Amy for four year he proposed and after saving up some money the
next year he was married. After four years of married Tom became a
proud father and was over the moon about it. He spent all he free time
with his family and when Jared was old enough Tom sent him to Beauxbatons
because he had gone to that school. Although being a father who wanted to
give his son anything he wanted Jared had never asked for much and Tom
just loved him like any father would


Pre school
Jared was born on January 21st 2010 in Cambridge. He was born to
Amelia and Thomas Mccoy. Son to a muggle born and a mixed blood
Jared was able to grow up accepting both muggle and wizarding
technology and was happy to sit in the middle of both. When he was
7 Jared got a guitar for Christmas and instantly fell in love with it.
Many long nights followed when he practiced and many lessons were
thrown his way and he soon became good at it. Being an only child
Jared had no other siblings to play with so he spent sometime making
friends to keep him company. He became quite popular around his area
and it became easy for him to make friends and was the sort of child
that all the parents loved. Because he had gotten so good at playing
the guitar Jared found a new pass time with his friends and often sat
and played a few tunes while they listened. Although none of his friends
could play they all enjoying listening to him. His parents were proud of
their son, even if he had gotten involved in the muggle world than his
father had hoped but they were happy that he had found something
which had made him happy.

School years
1st year
When Jared was accepted in to Beauxbatons he was just coming out
of the muggle primary school he had gone to. Naturally he was nervous
to move schools, especially as it was a wizarding school which he was
not used to. He had always been more in to the muggle world than the
wizarding so the school change was a big step for him. Once he was in
the school and in to the lesson time table Jared slowly settled down
although because of his lack of effort in lessons and his obsession with
music all of the time Jared often found himself picked on by the other
first years, and even some of the older students. He tried not to let it
get to him and he did try in his lessons but his heart was never much in
it and this showed in his end of semester grades, for both terms.

Second year
When Jared's second year arrived he had vain hopes that the year would
be a better one, that his fellow students wouldn't feel the need to tease
him as much. But after all they were just vain hopes and were soon
shattered as the term began. It seemed like wizarding school was never
going to quite live up to the good times he had had in muggle school.
Still he did have his friends who he spent a lot of time with during his
time at school. Just like his first year Jareds grades were never really
that good, lucky to get the odd EE in the exams. This was because his
mind was more on his music than it was on his lessons, as where it should
have been really.

Third year
Now that Jared had gone through two years at school he had gotten
used to the way a majority of the students treated him but luckily it
was time to do the lessons he had gotten to choose. Seeing as he
was never in to any of his lessons it didn't much matter to him which
lessons he took but he did make sure he had taken the ones away
from the people who picked on him. One of the lessons he had taken
was muggle studies. A lesson he had done the best in with out hardly
even trying. Now that he was away from the people he disliked the
most his third year was becoming quite enjoyable and he was beginning
open up a bit more. And he even made lots of new friends. It had
seemed he had become friend with the right crowd however because
he soon found himself constantly around people and he became quite
popular, this was how school was meant to be for him. This was what
he was used to.

Fourth year
After having such a good previous year Jared came back a very happy
fourth year and like last year he was still quite popular. This was the
only good thing with his school life however as his grades were no
better and and some of the Professors were starting to get on his case
as it was his OWLs year next year. Luckily he did well to stay out of
their way, except in lessons of course, so it was not much of a drag. It
was also in this year when Jared got his first proper crush. A girl who like
him had a love for music. She played the piano and using this as a
common ground to talk to her Jared often practiced with her, playing
different songs and a duet. Over the course of the year he grew close
to her and once the second term started Jared asked her out and they
began dating. They lasted until the end of the year when they had to
split up because she was leaving to be home schooled. This came as a
big surprise to Jared who was deeply hurt by the loss of his first girl friend.

Fifth year
So it had arrived. The year Jared had been dreading. He would be taking
his OWLs at the end of this year and he already knew he wasn't going to
do any good in them. He had had all of the holiday to revise but he had
been too busy play music and forgetting about his ex girlfriend to have
spent any time doing school work. As he had expected the Professors
were all over him and trying to get him to knuckle down. The year roved
stressful for the teenager and he often found himself loosing his temper.
If it had not been for the support of his friend Jared didn't know where
he would be. The year passed quickly and before he knew it the exams
were on and he had to struggle through them, hating every second Jared
tried racking his brain for answer he knew wouldn't come. The years of
not paying attention really began to show in this year more than the rest.

Sixth year
It was in this year when Jared began not attending many lessons.
Since his OWLs he had lost the will to attend them, in stead he sat
with his friends and played the guitar, that was a lot better than
going to a boring lesson, in his eyes anyway. It was also in this year
when he began seriously planning his future, he didn't want to live
with his nagging parent for too long and he wanted to make music his
life which meant that he would have to work hard to be able to get
what he wanted, or at least impress the right people. He spent the
rest of the year planning his future, what he really wanted was to be
a famous rock star but he knew that wasn't going to happen but he
would be happy as long as it was his music bringing in the music.
Apart from that Jared attended few lessons and just dreaded the
next year

Seventh year
So the year had finally come, his last year in education. His last
year before his new planned out life would begin. To say the least
Jared was more nervous in this year than he had ever been before.
He tried attending more lessons this year, to boost his chances of
getting slightly decent grades. It would make him look better if he
did. It was quite an easy year for Jared and although the NEWTs
were looming Jared was feeling quite confident, considering. He
didn't get amazing grades, all A's which was better than he could
have gotten. Jared was still in high spirits for a while as he had a
girl friend again. A girl he had asked out at the beginning of the
term although they split up after the exams and Jared went his
own way after graduation. It was time for him to make his own
way in the world.

After graduation
Once Jared had graduated it gave him the chance to be able to
follow the carer path he had wanted to do ever since the Christmas
he had gotten his first guitar and he began to go around playing
at a few clubs and did hat he could to make money. He moved
to New Zealand so that he could get his independence and do
what he wanted without his parents moaning about it. He did get
some success and got a tour going in a few countries but that
was a one off an he went back to freelancing around different
clubs and getting his name around, waiting for another break Jared
became a music teacher so that he could get a bit more money by
teaching younger kids what he knew. It was quite rewarding for
such a young talented boy and Jared was truly loving his life outside
of school.


Diary entry

Dear mum and dad
Its been a while since we last saw each other, in fact its been
a while since i last sent you a letter. Iv been really busy with
work, iv gotten so many gigs around and about its unbelievable.
I think im really starting to hit it off. I hope everything is going
well for you too, hows the business going dad? Still good i hope.
I think im going to be coming backover to England for a bit soon,
i mess you guys and we have so much to catch upon. Il send you
another owl closer to the time so youl know when i do.

See you soon

Love jared xx

In three words
Passionate, Determined, loving

Most prize possessions
Jared has loved his guitars ever since he was given his
first one. To him it is lie an extension of his own body and the key
to what makes him happy. It is one of the few things which he could
never give up even if he tried.

Silver chain bracelet- When Jared was nine his
grandfather died he left him a silver bracelet which had his name
engraved on it. Since it was given to him Jared had never taken
it off, it is his favorite item of clothing.

Jared does not have many hobbies to speak of. His main one are
music, he spend most of his time playing his guitar, piano or singing.
He writes his own songs although some times does a few covers.
He also likes to go out and party sometimes with his friends although
since he moved to New Zealand he has not had the chance to meet
many new people he can call friends because he travels around a lot
playing at gigs.

(in progress)​

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