- Messages
- 450
- OOC First Name
- Emzies
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- Married
- Sexual Orientation
- onyx <3
- Wand
- Knotted 12" Flexible Pear Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
- Age
- 5/2031 (30)
James "Jamie" Gallie Derouin,
All those days that pass me by,
i can't believe, I'm still alive,

All those days that pass me by,
i can't believe, I'm still alive,
[name] James Gallie Derouin
[etymology] In Hebrew the meaning of the name James is: He grasps the heel. Supplanter, Gallie was a name given to someone who was a galley-man. Derouin Normandy is the region of ancient France from which the name Derouin was derived. It comes from when the family lived in Normandy. Drouin is also thought to come from the French word "drouineurs," which was a nickname given to boilermakers, officially called "chaudronniers."
[nicknames] Jamie, he is known to most by Jamie and not James
[alliance] Jamie's loyalties are to his family and his work. He is felxible with his loyalties and go with people he finds worthy.
[birthdate] 27th May 2031
[zodiac sign] Aquarius
[age] twenty
[gender] male
[sexual orientation] Jamie would describe himself as pansexual, he likes people for who they are much more than what they look like. he ends up attracted to people who he feels deep emotional connections to.
[dialects] english and french
[hometown] Dunedin, New Zealand
[residency] Marseille, France
[vacation destination] Paris, France
[heritage]1/4 french 3/4 kiwi (english)
[blood status] Half blood - muggle mother, wizard father
[blood type] A (+ve)
[children] None
[mother] Jennifer "Smith" Derouin
[relationship with her] Jamie has a good relationship with his mother, they have a close bond, and he always feels like he can turn to her when he needs something. They haven't not had problems when he was a teen, but they've always managed to work to get over it. [father] Jean Derouin
[Relationship with him] SJamie is also close with his father, he was happy to move to france for his father's job when he was 11, they have a close bond, only made deeper by Jamie's work.
[siblings] two sisters; Penny Derouin - trainee social worker for the french ministry
Agnes Derouin - still at school[first wand] Knotted 12" Flexible Pear Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
[occupation] Chaser for the French National Quidditch Team
[health status] Healthy
[allergies] None
Jumping right off the edge,
Freedom, it's freedom,
Freedom, it's freedom,
[five words] polite, warm, determined, caring, affectionate
[beliefs] Holds no beliefs really - believes in the good of people
[boggart] the loss of his family
[fears] falling from his broom and never being able to play quidditch again
[likes] beer, flying, quidditch, spring, cherry blossoms, golden retriever puppies, sunshine
[dislikes] bullies, snow,
[goals] eventually he'd like to coach the french team, and he'd like to win the world cup.
[strengths] he is driven, he'll settle upon something and make it his mission to do right by that person. he is a kind, and always looking to be good to people. he's excitable and generally happy. He'll never ever want to make anyone sad.
[weaknesses] he can be clinging, some would call him overly affectionate and he would often get left out of things because he wouldn't want to participate in things which makes him fairly lonely
[magical talents] an excellent flyer
[other talents] an excellent beer drinker, good at drawing, cooking
[patronus form] golden retriever puppy
I was sleeping, diving, eyes closed, blinding,
Now for the first time, I can see,
[relationship status] single
[whom/when] n/a
[past relationships] following graduation he was briefly with Meloetta Kovalenko, but their work made it impossible to stay together
[first kiss] to Meloetta Kovalenko
[innocence] to Meloetta Kovalenko
[Living together] Jamie lives alone[children together] too young
[pets together] too young
[relationship with in-laws] too young
[most beautiful thing about them] too young
[favourite thing about them] too young
[proposal] too young
[married] too young
[thoughts at wedding] too young
[wedding outfit] too young
Sometimes I gotta pinch myself,
Well let me introduce myself,
[playby] maxence danet-fauvel
[ages used] In use currently
[former playby] n/a
[natural hair] gdark brown, shaggy, kept short
[hair modifications] he doesn't do much with his hair
[eyes] bluish eyes
[height] a little above average height - 6ft 2
[weight] lean, thin due to quidditch
[complexion] has a lightly tanned complexion, due to living in southern france
[scars] several scars throughout his body from most of his adventures, one on his shoulder, one on his thigh, a few on his arms.
[smile] he has a wide smile
[body build] an average build for someone her age who engages in occasional spot and eats relatively well
[body modifications] none
[dominant hand] right handed
[style] has a very basic style, wears clothes which suit his style, attempts to never wear things that are too revealing. he wears things in style for both muggle and wizards. he keeps it casual
No more living in denial,
See it, breathe it,
See it, breathe it,
[school] beauxbaton
[hogwarts house] n/a
[sorting post] n/a
[special titles and awards] n/a
[extracurricular activities] beauxbatons quidditch team
[favorite subject] dada
[best subject] charms
[loathed subject] potions
[worst subject] arithmancy
[grade average] EE+ and A+
[apparition] passed first time
[year of graduation] 2049
[graduation post] too youngThey said you'll need the dark to shine,
it's like I can see for the first time,
it's like I can see for the first time,
Code: Made by Kaitlyn.
All quotes from gorgeous by illenium
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye