Jamie Davis

Jamie Davis

OOC First Name
<COLOR color="#000">Jamie Davis

The Basics

- Full Name: Jamies Micheal Davis
- Birth Date: January 26th
- Current Age: 40
- Pets, if any: -
- Area of Residence: A new house in New Zealand.
- Blood status: Half blood


Mother:- Shaylah
Father:- Jonathan Davis
Siblings:- Jay Rouge (Half brother- Mothers' side)
Wife:- Christina Serena Davis - November 3rd
Victoria Emma (24) - June 8
Daniel Jamie (20) - April 17th
Gareth Jack (18) - MArch 12th
Tanya Christina (16) - September 1st
Malcolm Duwey (14) - December 20th
Alvin Doren (12) - August 6th
Kayne Luke (10) - February 20th
Daisy McKenna (9) - July 5th
Aerin Kaylee (8) - June 28th
Shaunee Aphrodite (8) - June 29th

Other important family members:-
Shaylah Rouge - Niece
Tracy Rouge - Half brothers' wife.


Jamie was born as a result of a one night stand between his mother and one of her customers. This customer was one of many muggle celebrities the frequented in her shop. As he was married they came to an arrangement, he claimed his wife was pregnant and she did not leave the house for a while so there would be no claims against the suggestion. A few days after Jamie was born and his mother gave him to his father, his fathers' wife died of a fall down the stairs.

Jonathan asked Shaylah for help with bringing up the child and, to the press, he claimed that she was his part time nanny. In the end the celebrity couldn't cope so he lived with his mother for five years before Jonathan decided he could cope again. Jamie had a happy, spoilt, life from then on. When he was in school, Hogwarts Scotland, he met Christina, she was three ears ahead of him and helped him with his school work. They were best friends for many years before admitting they liked each other and got together.

Christina was pregnant with their first child, Victoria, when she was nineteen and he was sixteen. The year he left school they got married. It was a year later that Jamie's father died. He died of a heart attack and left quite a big inheritance to Jamie and his family. The next child, Daniel, was born when Jamie was twenty. Since then, The couple have had eight more children. The large inheritance is still supporting them as well as the money brought it from Christinas' job.

Originally, Jamie and Christina lived in London, moving to the country, Gloucestershire, when Victoria was two . Later on, when Victoria was nine and three more children had arrived, Daniel Malcolm and Tanya, they moved to France. Later, once Gareth and Alvin had been born, the family moved to Spain, following Chrisina's ever moving job. Then, When Kayne and Daisy were alive and Christina was pregnant with the twins, the family moved to Bulgaria. Recently, in September 2024, the whole family had moved to New Zealand, following her most recent promotion. Currently, Alvin and Gareth attend Durmstrang school, whereas Tanya attends Beaxbatons. Next year Kayne will be attending Hogwarts New Zealand.​
School Grades:

Potions - A
History of Magic - D
Astronomy - A
Transfiguration - O
Herbology - E
Charms - E
Divination - N/A
Arithmancy - N/A
Muggle Studies - O
Ancient Runes - A
Care of Magical Creatures - N/A

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