James Sal

James Sal

Unknown Wood, 12", Essence of a Dragon Scale.
Character's Name: James Cornelius Salazar Sal

Character's Birthdate: Some time around, January and February 1994

Blood Status: Half Blood

Educated At: Hogwarts House: Gryffindor or Hufflepuff


Position at Hogwarts: Hogwarts Librarian / Muggle World Psychologist / Author / Musician.

Appearance: James possess a some what scruffy apparel. He, is often keeping himself shaven, however, there may be a brief shadow upon his face. He wears regular garments, and often sports an AC/DC T-Shirt with jeans, shorts and high white socks. He tends to always carry his guitar with him due to the fact he loves Music. His hair is always kept at least partially long due to the fact that he tends to like it that way - it shows off his rock side; or so he believes. He isn't a tall man, but nor is he a short man - hence standing at a reasonably good height for a man (5' 11¾").

Personality: James is a nice man, he is understanding and very respectful to those who are his friends. He loves music more than anything, at times, more than those that he considers to be 'Best friends'. With this, he is a man that is in love with rock and roll, and slowly as he ages, finds himself drifting into the disease that they call 'Knowledge'. As a Librarian of Hogwarts and a Muggle Psychologist, its is no secret that James has the brain capacity to be great - but not on purpose. He seems to do things well, completely and utterly by accident, through silly and obscured actions. He is a funny man, who loves to make people laugh and is in per suite of a relationship - other than the complicated one that he has with his Guitar!

Family: TBA

History: TBA

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