James Lock.

James Lock

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mahogany Wand 14 Essence of Unicorn Hair

The Basics.
Full name: James Aaron Lock.

Birthday: 3rd March 2006.

Current Age: 23.

Favorite subject: Transfiguration.

Worst subject: Potions.

Educated At: Hogwarts Scotland.

Place of birth: London - Essex.

Current living place: New Zealand.

Hair: Dark drown hair, not long, but not short.

Eye’s: Greeny Brown.

Height: 5ft 7.

Friendly, Flirty and a lot of Fun. He hates it when he upsets people, but sometimes manages to upset them with out meaning to.

James and Luna.

James and Luna first met in Makutu Mall. They hit it off immediately and were constantly flirting. Then James kissed her, and they quickly, but quite happily got together. They had been together for a while when James' old friend, Candy Heart came along. Little did James know that Candy fancied James and kissed him. Luna caught them, but got the wrong idea. Whilst James was trying to pull away, Luna assumed that James had been cheating. Luna ran to Riley, who she spent the night with. James was furious, but they soon started to miss each other and got back together.

Everything had been going brilliantly, and with Luna pregnant, and James as the biological father, James decided to propose to Luna. Luna said yes and the couple were happy. Things were going great until James hit a bad patch in his life. An encounter with the evil side changed James for a while. He turned evil for a few weeks. He soon came out of the evil patch, but on the other side. Baby Ben was born, and James couldn't have been happier, but he was being un-faithful towards Luna. Luna caught James with another girl at their house. And James and Luna had a break, before James decided that they should call-it off for good.

James and Daisie.

James and Daisie met on the off-chance that they were both at the pub, looking for some attention. They got close and that was when James invited Daisie back to his for the night. They have been together ever-since, and our now working as Professors at Hogwarts Together.

James and Eden.

Eden isn't actually James' girlfriend, just a permanent-affair, which is no surprise with James. They both meet-up when James can escape from the Castle, and when James can convince Daisie of whatever excuse that he can come-up with at the time. They both enjoy each-others company, and like to spend time-together, despite the fact that both of them are taking the biggest risk of their lives.


James is from a happy family. He has both his mum and his dad and he has an older brother called Robert. When James was 13, his London Based family moved to New Zealand. He joined Durmstrang, a Wizarding school, and was always popular with the other students there.However, Robert was always jealous of his brother. But when James was home from Hogwarts during a holiday when he was 14, Robert's jealousy turned to hatred, and Robert beat James up, and was put in prison for 4 years for assaulting James. When James was 17, he learned that his brother had escaped from the muggle prison that he was in, and James has been trying to avoid him ever since.

James is currently growing out of being a child and experiencing Adulthood, and the way an adult wizard lives. He is still learning how to be an adult, he can be a bit immature and needs to grow up a little. Being a single-man again, James is out having fun, but is still focussed on bringing up his son Ben to the very best of his ability.

Relationship Status. = Seeing-Somebody.

James' Flat.

Mother: Linda Lock.
Father: Aaron. Lock.
Siblings: An Older Brother - Robert Lock.
Hi there,

-Which of your parents is a muggle, and what was his or her reaction to discovering you were a wizard?
-What was your reaction to discovering you were a wizard?
-What were your dreams as a child and how have they changed?
-What were your hobbies at school?
-What was your favourite toy as a child?
-Why did you break up with Luna, and how did your reconciliation come about?
-What's your favourite food?
-What is your relationship with your parents like? Are they aware of your struggle between good and evil?

((Just so you know, 5'3" is not average for an 18 year old guy. I'm 5'3" and I'm short for a girl in NZ.))
Thanks, hope to see your responses soon.
Thanks for the height advice, have edited it. :)

-Which of your parents is a muggle, and what was his or her reaction to discovering you were a wizard? I didn't say they were muggle's did I? :p
-What was your reaction to discovering you were a wizard? It was the normal thing for James, as his parents were Witches and Wizards.
-What were your dreams as a child and how have they changed? James' dream as a child was to live in Essex for the rest of his life...obviously that has changed. James is a confused boy at the moment, and doesn't really have any dreams.
-What were your hobbies at school? Flying/Quidditch.
-What was your favourite toy as a child? Random...:p. Uhh, his action men.
-Why did you break up with Luna, and how did your reconciliation come about? James invited an old female friend around, Alexa. Alexa ended up kissing James, who was about to pull away, but Luna spotted them, stormed out and ran into Riley's arms. Riley originally threatened James when he chased Luna, but they have since become good friends, and Luna has left Riley and has gone back to James. They met again un-intentionally, at Makutu Music.
-What's your favourite food? Pizza.
-What is your relationship with your parents like? Are they aware of your struggle between good and evil? James has always been very close to his parents, although he hasn't seen/spoken to them in a while, because his life has been busy, and hectic. They aren't aware of anything that has been going on in James' life recently, even though James would like them to know.

Hope that answers your questions. :).

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