James Lock.

James Lock

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OOC First Name
Mahogany Wand 14 Essence of Unicorn Hair

The Basics
Character's Name: James Aaron Lock.
Character's Birthdate: 3rd March 2006.
Hometown: London. - Essex.
Blood Status: Half-Blood.
Wand: Mahogany Wand 14 Essence of Unicorn Hair
Educated At: Hogwarts Scotland. House: Slytherin.
Occupation: Potions-Professor.

Hair: Dark-Brown. - Sometimes short and spiky, sometimes slightly longer.
Eyes: Greeny-Brown with a slight twinkle to them.
Height: An Average Male Height. - 5ft 8.
Style: James is a very trendy guy and is either hot and fitted or casual and baggy. But James will dress-up when he needs to.
Other Distinguishing Features: It is obvious that James looks after his body and is therefore very strong.

A Little Deeper
Personality: James is a very open guy. He doesn't mind talking about his life to people, and he strongly feels that getting it out in the open does him some good. When he first arrived in New Zealand, he was naturally, a very sociable person, wanting to meet new people, and even finding the courage to ask a girl out. James can also be very cheeky and very selfish but his self-indulgent side wouldn't be noticeable when you first meet him. His natural-charm makes him very likeable until you really get to know him, or if you get on the wrong side of him.


James is from a happy family. He has both his mum and his dad and he has an older brother called Robert. When James was just 13, his London Based family moved to New Zealand. He joined Hogwarts Scotland and was always popular with the other students there. However, Robert was always jealous of his brother.

When James was home from Hogwarts during a holiday when he was 14, Robert's jealousy turned to hatred, and Robert beat James up, and was put in prison for 4 years for assaulting James. When James was 17, he learned that his brother had escaped from the muggle prison that he was in, and James has been trying to avoid him ever since.

James also met his first girl-friend when he was 17. Her name was Luna Grace and James thought that she was the one. They were perfect for each other and James couldn't get enough of her. By the time James was 19 they had produced a baby-son together. His name was Ben Lock. What Luna didn't know was that while she was looking after Ben, James was cheating on her, despite telling her that he was 'working.' Luna soon found James out, but after a few weeks apart, managed to forgive James and they got back together. A few months later James and Luna got married, where Luna broke the news to James that she was pregnant with their second-baby.

James soon turned 20 not long after their wedding-day and this was also around the time that Luna gave birth to the couple's second-baby. - Baby Angel. James struggled to connect with Angel after many arguments with Luna.

Whilst all of this was happening, James received the news that his older-brother Robert, had escaped from prison a year-early and was now on the run in New-Zealand. James and Robert met-up and Robert wanted to change things and make things up between both of them, but James refused to forgive his brother for beating him-up all those years ago.

James chose to ignore his brother's requests to meet-up so he could spend more time with his family - Luna, Ben and Angel. However, James and Luna kept arguing and James cheated again. However, this time, Luna wasn't so willing to forgive James but just gave-up. After many arguments, and then a heart-to-heart between the couple, James decided that they should have a break from each-other, so James left, taking Ben with him.

James decided to make his 'break' from Luna permanent and is trying to start a-fresh in his new life with Ben. Whilst trying to be a good-father to Ben, James also tried to enjoy his newly free-social life. With plenty of drinks and a few-flings, James found his happy-place again.

Mother: Linda Lock.
Father: Aaron. Lock.
Siblings: An Older Brother - Robert Lock.

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