James Hildenbrand

James Hildenbrand

New Member
OOC First Name
Oak, 10 inches, Dragon Heartstring Core.
Full Name:
James Brian Hildenbrand

Date of Birth:
August 7th, 1991

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
James is extremely tall, a little over seven feet. His usual dress is jeans, leather boots, a black turtleneck and a black wizard's robe. He keeps a combat knife at his side, customized so that his wand can slide into the handle. He's fairly well built, largely out of a need to escape Aurors, often on foot. His face is ruddy and poorly shaved, most likely with his combat knife. His expression almost always looks mildly irritated or simply uninterested, even in apparently life-threatening situaitons. His thick brown hair is shoulder-length, wild and unkepts, and thick enough that it stands up on its own. James is almost always smoking, more or less only stopping to sleep.

James is a laconic, crude individual. Though he rarely speaks with anyone, when he does he is most often harsh and criticizing. Though he holds little interest in philosophy, he won't hesistate to stike down any ideas that strike him as stupid. Utterly despises containment and inhibition of his freedoms. Has on at least one occasion released all the animals from a zoo on this principle.

Mother- Patricia Hildenbrand. Mixed Blood. Deceased.
Father- Abraham Hildenbrand. Half-Blood. Has publicly disowned James and has vowed to turn him over to the Aurors personally if James ever shows his face again.


Area of Residence:
No permanent residence.

Blood Status:


Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
Has a passing interest in Quidditch and art. For the most part his concerns are only with basic survival needs, but when those are taken care of he may persue those hobbies.

Additional Skills:
Excellent knife fighter and broom pilot, extremely adept at Parkour.

Illusion magic.
Rapid Apparation.

Lacks the emotional reserve to use the Unforgivable Curses or Patronus Charms. On the upside to this, Dementors affect him less than most people.

Describe your character in three words:

Favourite place to be:
Rather fond of Knockturn Alley, but can never stay too long or he'd be recognized.


Hogwarts House:
Hufflepuff. Lacking the intelligence for Ravenclaw, the bravery for Gryffindor, or the ambition of Slytherin, he really could only be placed in the House that took anyone.

Never graduated. Expelled in his seventh year.

Current Job:

Plans for your future:
None in particular. Survival and pursuit of whims.

Your Patronus:
James lacks the emotional drive nessicary for Patronus.

Your Patronus memory:

Your Boggart:
Utter sensory deprivation. Best described as an utterly black fog where nothing can be heard or felt.

Your Animagus:
Not an Animagus.

Mirror of Erised:
If he's well fed and the weather is nice, James only sees his own reflection. If not, the Mirror depicts these problems being resolved.

A page from your diary:
Tuesday. Diagon Alley.

Two Aurors today. Think I saw them in Amsterdam last month. Most likely looking for me. Will move on after lunch.

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