James Hildenbrand

James Hildenbrand

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OOC First Name
Oak, 10 inches, Dragon Heartstring Core.
The Basics
Character's Name: James Hildenbrand
Character's Birthdate: August 7th, 1991
Hometown: Hogsmeade, Scotland
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Wand: Oak, 10 inches, Dragon Heartstring Core. Slides into the hilt of a custom combat knife.
Educated At: Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Occupation: Criminal
Hair: Thick, brown, straight,, shoulder length, wild.
Eyes: Black
Height: 7' 1"
Style: James' usual outfit consists of jeans, leather boots, a black turtleneck and a black wizard's robe.
Other Distinguishing Features: James almost always carries an expression of indifference or mild irritation, even in apparently life-threatening situations. He smokes incessantly.
A Little Deeper
Personality: James is, quite simply, a monster. Though for the most part his needs are simple, he will not flinch to kill over the slightest obstacle in obtaining them. He is utterly indifferent towards the needs or feelings of others, willing to voice any opinions he has regardless of whom it would hurt. Blind to the goals of others, his own goals mostly consist of food, shelter, and the ability to persue his whims with impunity. For example were he to decide to attend a Quidditch match, rather than simply purchase a ticket he would simply kill anyone attempting to keep him from entering.
Special Talents/Abilities: James' magical talent seems to specialize in escape artistry. Making use of a wide variety of illusions, he more often than not escapes any attempt at capture. On the three incidents in which he was successfully captured, he managed to break free of the Auror's captivity before being contained. He has never made use of one of the Unforgivable Curses, mostly because he lacks the emotional commitment nessicary to use them.
History: James was born to a relatively normal wizarding family (as paradoxical as that sounds), with little to tie him to his ultimate reputation. Attending Hogsmeade when he was old enough, he began his school life without incident. However, as time went on he became more distant, abusive, and outright sociopathic. Ultimately he was expelled in his seventh year for attacking several students who got in his way. Since then, James has utterly estranged his family and living essentially as a stray dog throughout the United Kingdom, attacking or outright killing anyone in the way of his desires. To date, he has murdered 11 people and injured dozens more. He's on the Ministry of Magic's most wanted list, but given that he never seems to stay in the same city for more than a few hours at a time, and any attempts to capture him have failed spectacularly, only the most determined Aurors attempt anything more than a reactionary approach to Hildenbrand's crimes.
Mother- Patricia Hildenbrand. Mixed Blood. Deceased.
Father- Abraham Hildenbrand. Half-Blood. Has publicly disowned James and has vowed to turn him over to the Aurors personally if James ever shows his face again.

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