James Colin Adams

James Adams

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
James Adams Bio
James Colin Adams​

<SIZE size="150">The Basics
Character's Name: James Colin Adams
Meaning of first name: Replace/supplant
Meaning of middle name: Young dog/victory of the people. This name was taken from his father, as his father took his middle name from James' grandfather, down the centuries.
Meaning of surname: Man of the Red Earth
Thoughts on the names: James feels the names suit him down to the ground, but overall, he has no distinct feeling either way.
Nicknames: James has no nicknames, and he would prefer it to stay that way.
Character's Birthdate: 25th June 2022
Age: 13
Nationality: Half English, half Australian
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Birth town: London, England
Hometown: Port Douglas, Australia
Blood Status: Half blood
Blood Status views: James feels that blood status should be a thing of the past, and be abolished. He feels that pure bloods are, more often than not, unworthy of the title; most are the exact opposite of how pure bloods should be representing the magical society.
Wand: Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
[ul][li]Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.</LI>
[li]Style: Straight and smooth: what else is there to say?
[li]Wood: A wand for the brilliant, often used by innovators and creative types - a walnut wand in the right hands will do its owners bidding unquestioningly.
[li]Core: Wands with this core appear to be useful with healing spells. Spells from a wand with vampire blood may be stronger than the caster intends, however, so they are advised to take note of this.
<LI>[li]Flexibility: Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.[/li][/ul]Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Relationships: James has never had any relationships, but is finding that he has started to look at girls in a completely new way since turning thirteen.
Broom: Scarlet Streak -- This Broom has a sleek and aerodynamic build, self-balancing magic, and its own patented cushioning and braking charms! It also has an unbreakable charm put on it, so it is sure to last through the worst of storms. This broom travels at a record breaking 225mph and can go from0 to 75mph in 2.3 seconds. It has an optional warning whistle. Its performance and handling has been unsurpassed. It has also been proven to remain controllable at record breaking heights. This broom is thought to be able to lead the market for many years to come, the only possible downfall becoming its price.
Spoken languages: James can only speak English, although he picked up a few words of French from his muggle schools.
Health: Normal, healthy as can be.
Occupation: James is too young to have a job, but he does attend Hogwarts New Zealand.

Hair: Jet black
Hair style: Cropped short
Eyes: Ice blue
Shape of face: Narrow and slightly square
Skin tone: Fair, but slightly tanned from his time in Australia
Build and body type: Muscular build, strong and handsome looking, in a rugged sort of way. His clothes contradict this however. He is slim, but not underweight.
Height: 1 metre, 73 centimetres
Weight: 68 kg
Scars: James has no scars that he knows of.
Smile: James has a handsome smile, for when he is trying to be formal, and a slightly more relaxed one where he can give a good top-teeth friendly grin.
Right or Left Handed? James is right handed, but his left is very strong as well from his martial arts practise.
Piercings: James detests piercings, and therefore has none yet.
Tattoos: James detests tattoos, and therefore has none yet.
Gestures: Uses his hands a lot to animate his speech
Style: At Hogwarts, James dresses in his normal Gryffindor robes. Whenever he has free time, he usually wears something similar to chinos, a smart short sleeved shirt, and deck shoes. Sometimes, however, he wears board shorts and a polo shirt for relaxing on one of the nearby Australian beaches.
Other Distinguishing Features: Muscular arms above the average: he is a mixed martial artist with a lot of experience. He also climbs a lot, further developing his muscles.

Family And Upbringing
Mother: James' mother, Bianca Collins, was a muggle born into a rich, aristocratic family living in Kent, England. She hated the lifestyle with all the pomp, old fashioned mansions, and the special attention given to her by the servants. As an only child, she was afforded a lot of luxuries which she also detested. When she left after university - the University of Bath - she used her inheritance to buy her own pad in London. She spent a lot of time in London, where she met Colin Adams, James' father. She found her first and only true love in him, and they lived together in the luxurious simplicity of her modern-styled apartment. She had James in 2022 after a few months trying. Bianca has many university friends still, and several from her advertising and promotion job in Canary Wharf. When Colin, her husband, died, Bianca first moved to Australia where she lived for six years learning about Colin and his past life. When James accepted his letter to Hogwarts New Zealand, she moved across to Whakatane, New Zealand. She now owns a small villa in the countryside outside the town from where she lives a peaceful retirement earning a little cash from a small vineyard. In James' second year, Bianca became terminally ill with cancer, and as a muggle, she was diagnosed that it was serious. She is constantly afraid that she'll suddenly pass away and leave James without any parents.
Father: Colin Adams was born to a large magical family in the Australian countryside. He lived in a small flat above the family's clothes boutique shop - selling unique clothing which had a very similar style to wizard clothes. Born into a half-wizard family, Colin was a half-blood who was one of the three to inherit their mother's magical ability. Of his seven siblings, the eldest went to Beauxbatons, Colin attended Durmstrang and his youngest brother died at the age of three in a tragic accident where he was run over. Distraught over his sibling's death, Colin tried to forget about his past life and his small wizard brother who had been so recently killed. He became a recluse at Durmstrang and only had one friend who tried to break him out of his melancholy. That eventually came when Colin moved to London as part of his job - he had taken a muggle job as a banker. There he met Bianca and the two hit off from the very start. Colin died in 2025, before James got the chance to know him. The cause of death is still unknown.
Siblings: James was an only child, the only one the family could have before Colin passed away.
Cousin: James' cousin, Alan de Seigneur, is a retired Quidditch seeker, formerly playing at a semi-professional level. He now owns a large cattle ranch in the south of France, and James visits him for a month each summer. Alan persuaded James to use his excellent eyesight for playing a seeker role, rather than as a chaser. He hopes that James will become captain of Quidditch for Gryffindor, which James achieved in his fourth year, but subsequently gave up to focus more on lessons.
Family finances: James' family has always been well off, mainly due to the large inheritance from Bianca's family. The family never flaunted their money though, and despite wearing luxury clothing along with expensive furniture in their houses, the family never tried to appear better than anybody else.
Pets: James has never had a pet of his own, but when he lived in London for the first three years of his life, he apparently had a tabby cat named Margy. At Hogwarts, he now has a snowy owl which he feeds regularly, and is much like a friend to him.
His bedroom: James has always had Bianca's style for the modern, and his childhood bedroom was no different. There was a comfortable bed along half of one side, made of light wood, with a desk next to it. The desk was glass and light wood again, with a black leather and chrome sleek chair. Along the other wall was a huge bookcase filled with fiction books - both magical and muggle. James always had a soft spot for historical fiction, particularly Roman, Greek and the Crusades books. He also had a light coloured wood wardrobe where he stored his smart-casual style clothes. Along one side was a huge glass window, staring down across the Australian beaches. He had an en-suite bathroom of plain white tiles: simple, yet elegant.
School: James currently attends Hogwarts New Zealand, but before that, he has been at a mix of private schools in both Britain and Australia. Both mixed and single gender schools, James got on averagely at every school, finding it difficult to move on from his new found friends. As all were muggle schools, James found English, especially the creative writing part, his favourite subject, but he found a deep hatred for Geography for no particular reason, although most likely because of the succession of appalling teachers in the subject.
Popular? James has never been popular. He can get on well with a small group of close friends, but he has never been good at meeting new people.

Likes And Styles
Loves: Quidditch, smart clothes, surfing, martial arts, sunsets, climbing.
Hates: Blood type stereotypes, getting up late, doing homework at the last minute, Brussels sprouts.
Food: Pea and ham soup
Dessert: Vanilla slice
Books: Historical Fiction, especially Roman, Greek and Medieval.
Colour: Beige
Clothing: Smart-casual, and therefore usually chinos, semi-smart shirt and deck shoes.
Sports: Surfing (in Cornwall and on Australian beaches), kayaking, martial arts and climbing.
Animals: Wolves and dolphins.
Greatest want: To become a Hogwarts Professor, marry and have a few children.
Favourite saying/motto: “Power and fame does not come from being the best, but by controlling the best.”
Subjects at Hogwarts: James prefers practical subjects at Hogwarts, and so Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration and Charms number among his favourites. Potions is a subject James has always struggled with, and so he has to work hard in it, rather than merely using his own natural talent to coast him through the year. In Third Year, James took up Care of Magical Creatures where he finds many of the animals disturbing. He has also taken up Ancient Runes, which he finds confusing, but fascinating. Flying lessons in First Year were a breeze (((pun not intended))), but he found them extraordinary.

Optimist or pessimist? Very pessimistic
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert
Day or night person? Day
Sexuality: Straight
Motivation: To retire happy with a loving wife and a few children, preferably magical, who go to Hogwarts. To become a Hogwarts professor.
Bad habits: Eating too fast; biting nails; fidgeting; losing concentration in classes; reading too much - not spending enough time looking into the distance, and thus damaging eyesight.
Good habits: Holding doors open for others; going to bed early; trying hard in all homework.
Strengths: Politeness; being brave in trying new things out; Quidditch; loyalty to family and close friends.
Weaknesses: Lying too much; passing blame onto others when it's not their fault; clinging to his own views and values, even when they are obviously wrong - stubbornness.
Best memory: When his mother lived past the date the doctors gave her for her passing away.
Worst memory: When his mother became terminally ill with breast cancer, and was given a short time to live for.
Temperament: James is a generally calm person. His stubbornness however has led him to be angry at others without good cause.
Fears and phobias: He has a fear of snow and whales.
Flaws: Blatant lier; passing blame onto others as his scapegoats; stubborn in his beliefs.
Secrets: Has a crush on an older Slytherin girl without her knowing.
Regrets: Not somehow being able to know his father, even though it would be impossible. Not concentrating in Second Year due to his mother's illness, and missing out on crucial lessons.
Annoyances: James gets annoyed by many minor things, such as squandering your chances by not paying attention in lessons, or not holding doors open for others. He finds excessive noise distasteful.
Short term goals: Become Quidditch captain and Prefect for Gryffindor. Manage not to become Head Boy (James does not want all of the attention). James has since achieved all of these
Long term goals: Become a Hogwarts professor, marry and have a few children who attend Hogwarts New Zealand.
Mirror of Erised: James would see himself as a member of the a famous quidditch team, clutching the latest broom, standing next to his father brought back to life, his healthy mother, a loving wife, and two children, both in Hogwarts robes. He would have a professor's hat to represent him being a Hogwarts staff member.
Boggart: James' boggart would be his mother dying in front of him, and James being powerless to help.
Animagus: A wolf - the fiercely loyal creatures of a pack.
Patronus: A wolf - the fiercely loyal creatures of a pack.
Patronus memory: When his mother lived past her 'deadline' of surviving her cancer, and took him to a Quidditch match as a treat, where the Holyhead Harpies were victorious in a close game.
Summary: James is a quiet person, who is surprisingly ambitious, and gets annoyed over minor things. He doesn't aim to be the highest in everything, but enjoys being important within groups of people. He cares greatly about his family, and is deeply loyal to them, but can be shy at times towards others outside of his inner circle of family and friends.

A Little Deeper
History (summary): James grew up with an eventful childhood: his father died when he was only three, and he has never known him. He attended muggle schools, but never enjoyed them. He found school boring, and his mother was a muggle, so he was never brought up to know much magic. He lived in London with Marga, the cat, and his mother until the age of three where the family moved to a villa in Australia - Bianca Collins (his mother) wanted to find out more about her husband, and his Australian roots made a good start. At the age of eleven, James gladly accepted his letter to Hogwarts New Zealand; this first introduced him to magic. In his Second Year, Bianca was diagnosed with cancer and given a deadline to live. James spent the entire year worrying over her. She miraculously survived longer than the deadline, and is still living. He does not know how much longer she has yet to live. James' cousin, Alan de Seigneur, also taught James mixed martial arts and how to play Quidditch, specifically as a Seeker. Overall, James' childhood has been very eventful, but he has enjoyed it so far, especially coming to Hogwarts.
Hogwarts and Beyond​

<SIZE size="150">Hogwarts
House: Gryffindor
Years: [ul][li]2034-2035 (Year 19)</LI>[li]2035-2036 (Year 20)[li]2036-2037 (Year 21)[li]2037-2038 (Year 22)[li]2038-2039 (Year 23) Became a Gryffindor Prefect[li]2039-2040 (Year 24)[li]2040-2041 (Year 25)[/li][/ul]
Clubs: Student Defence Association; Quidditch; Club Academia.
Quidditch: [ul][li]Alternate Chaser (First Year)[li]Seeker (Third Year - Fourth Year. Stopped playing due to illness.)[/li][/ul]
Favourite class: Flying
Favourite professor: Professor Cyndi Kingsley
Least favourite class: Potions
Favourite spell learnt: Stupefy

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