Jai Dionysus

Jai Dionysus

Well-Known Member
• J A I A L M A N Z O D I O N Y S U S •


• B A S I C F A C T S •

Birth date: June 19th, 2014.
Blood Status: Unknown.
Hair colour: Brunette/curly (short).
Eye colour: Brown.
Height: 5ft 8"
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (leaning towards females)
Animagus Form (Theoretical): Black Bear
Patronus: Crane
Boggart: -to be added-
Amortenia: Roast Meats, Lavender, Aspen and Glenlivet
Currently resides in: Bleak Street, Wizarding New Zealand
Employment: Self-Employed, Private Wand Maker
Relationship status: Single</FONT>
• H I S T O R Y •​
Jai Dionysus was found abandoned in a condemned warehouse, apparently three months after his birth. The authorities responsible for finding him were in fact wizards, as the company had been in an ongoing battle to purchase the land for a ministry building and were secretly surveying the property. It is unknown how long he had been there, but the infant Jai was near starving and addicted to two illicit substances through the mystery mother. There was no way to tell if he was a wizard or muggle child yet, but it was decided that he would be placed into a muggle system and as luck would have it, eight years later, it was found that he was indeed a wizard. He had spent those eight years with his adoptive mother and father who were both of mixed magical blood, having never before shown any signs of magic. On the day of its discovery, he was crying at a sunflower in a pot that his mother had given him to grow, which was dying. In a fit of fury, he pulled it out of the pot where it blossomed in his hand, to the delight of his watching father.

First Year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was soon becoming the best thing that had ever happen to Jai, whether he wanted to admit it or not. He cared nothing for his house placement, preferring to ignore everyone equally and living the life of a true Slytherin, thinking only of himself and what he might gain from his studies. This became increasingly difficult after he met Sureya Eidos, the enchanting Hufflepuff Part-Veela who had many falling at her feet. The girl could see through him like the crystal colour of her eyes. There was nothing he could get away with and nothing he wouldn't do for her, but he fought against the attraction with everything he had. He first met Sureya in the park outside his house where he had been working on The Sanctuary, a private and carved treehouse that no one else entered. Despite everything, when the Veela child discovered him there, he took her up to see what he had made. Jai was surprised to see her at Hogwarts and even more surprised to learn that she was Part Veela. Before, his feelings were confusing and slightly thrilling, but it seemed to Jai now that he knew, the feelings were false creations of her species. After that, he kept his distance but maintained a close friendship despite himself.

Jai studied impassively and devoted himself to no other subject more than the others, though he did enjoy Flying Lessons and Potions (as many Slytherins do). His interest in wood carvings led to further interest in wands, and he began to research wandlore and curing methods in his later years at Hogwarts. When the time came for him to leave and pursue the career path of his choice, Jai had neglected all of his studies save for those most necessary to his interests, and so scored badly during his OWLS and NEWTS. This is a personal point of bitterness within him, despite being of his own making, and he becomes very irate at the mention of his scores. He has maintained his independence all this time, although some would call this self-inflicted isolation. The young man even went so far as to rent above a shop on Bleak Street in order to keep people away (and the costs down) so that he had study and tinker to his heart's content. Jai takes commissions for private wand creations and receives very little business because of his location, but his prices are high enough to keep him afloat between jobs. He is none too picky about his clientele, and will accept nefarious instructions so long as they pay. This does not make him popular, per say, but he is respected by those who come to him, as he is quiet and almost obsessive with his work.​
•P E R S O N A L I T Y •​
Jai was always a sullen child and crushed his best and brightest attributes beneath a firm layer of pride and arrogance, simply because he believed that everything else made him weak. Among the few people he has a regard for, all of them are gentle and kind, often shy beings that he likes to protect. Jai's most prominent attitudes are denial and anger, both of which he indulges in frequently. Only Sureya and his mother can make him smile, laugh and joke.
There are other, more human qualities that he possesses that also get buried beneath his pride, such as guilt, compassion, and a genuine urge to help those who need his strength. He doesn't look it, but he's shy about those parts of him and thinks they're better off hidden. As a result, people find him difficult to get along with because there is always something he is holding back. With Sureya's influence, he began to relax and become more open, but there is always room for improvement.

Worth noting is Jai's secret vulnerability to the cute and delicate. He does not broadcast this by any means, but he has been spotted smiling at children or leaning down to pet stray animals. He finds this offensive to his character, and becomes flustered and angry when being called out on it, which has affected him enough to seclude himself away just to hide what he feels is a great shortcoming. There would be hope for someone to pursue him (although one might wonder why they would bother), should they manage to get him to relax enough to let his guard down.​
• E D U C A T I O N •

Educated at: Hogwarts New Zealand
Sorted into: Slytherin
His best subject: Flying Lessons
His worst subject: Transfiguration
Favorite place at Hogwarts: The Cliffs
Least favorite place at Hogwarts: Slytherin Common Room
Extracurricular activities: The Brotherhood of MAGIC​
<FONT font="Georgia">• L I T T L E F A C T S •

Interests/hobbies: Jai enjoys drinking more than eating and likes to compile his own drinks from existing beverages. He also likes woodworking and likes to carve characters into his creations (although they don't often look as he would wish them to). Jai sometimes helps his mother in the garden and also likes looking after pets and, strangely, babies as well.
Special Talents/Abilities: Jai is particularly good at climbing trees and building things with his hands. He also has a wonderful memory for facts which makes History of Magic much easier (although no more interesting, sadly).

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