Jade Whittle

Jade Whittle

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash
The Basics​
<B><COLOR color="firebrick">Character's Name: Jade Whittle

Character's Birthdate: July 12th, 2018

Hometown: London, England

Blood Status: Half-Blood

Wand: Bloodwood 15 1/4' Essence of Phoenix Ash

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

<SIZE size="150"><U>Appearance

Hair: Auburn

Eyes: Blue

Height: 4' 11"

Style: Loose t-shirts and jeans

Other Distinguishing Features: She has a crescent moon birthmark on the small of her back.

A Little Deeper

Personality: Jade is extremely shy and does not like to interact with people because she is afraid she is going to have to leave them anyway. Instead of people to keep her company, she imagines fantastical scenarios and then draws them in her notebook. When around friends though, she becomes extremely talkative and even annoying. She is a bit distant from her friends even after they break down her walls, but she will always be there for someone. She has a rude streak where she can be offensive to people at times. Lies are a big no-no for her, and she likes to finish arguments.

History: Jade was born in England and raised their for the first 5 years of her life. Shortly after her 5th birthday though, she had to leave England and move to America due to her mother's "job" (in actuality her mother was running away from the Wizarding world). After that, every six months Jade would move to a new country. She came to realize this was the norm and stopped befriending people so she wouldn't have to suffer losing them. When she was 10 years old, her mother told the entire family that she herself was a witch and that Jade was too. This was a complete surprise to everyone, including Jade's father. There was a brief period where the family considered separating, leaving Jade vey emotionally drained for the school year. Now her family is settled into the new life, but Jade still has the remnants of her old situation.

Olivia Whittle: 43, Pureblood, Stay-at-home mom. She spent the majority of her life living under the expectations of her pureblood family and forsake magic as soon as she graduated from Hogwarts. She decided to hide her family from magic also until she knew that Jade was a witch.
Jack Whittle: 45, muggle, forensic scientist. Jack was an extraordinary muggle in the fact that he could spot the tiniest detail that was off, and therefore was a bit sensitive to the oddities that are explained by magic. But being a muggle, he explained it with muggle reasoning. When he discovered his wife was a Witch, he was more surprised by the fact she had lied than that she was a witch. He is a sensitive man and the only person Jade truly trusts.
Amanda Whittle: 8, Halfblood, student. Amanda is Jade's little sister. Jade was resentful that she learned at a much younger age than herself that magic was real, but understood it wasn't Amanda's fault. She is a quirky girl who everyone likes, but she doesn't care to befriend anyone.


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