Jack Dyson

Jack Dyson

Well-Known Member
There's a gang in every town
Basic Information
Full Name: Jack Adam Dyson
Birthdate: 23rd October 2008
Gender: Male
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Single
Offspring: None
Pets Owned: Cat (Named Cat)
Country: United Kingdom
Area of residence: Horsham

I say that the rules be turned around
Feelings & Explanations

Lonely: Jack has lived alone
ever since his mother booted
him from the family home when
he dropped out of school due
to being bullied. His mother did
not realise this and Jack never
talked it through with her.
He spends his time in solitude,
kidding himself that he prefers
it to company.

Fun: On the occasions when
Jack has accepted company,
he has put on a good show
and generally cheered up those
present. He isn't normally sober
on these occasions, as he finds
socialising to be quite difficult.

Kind: Jack is the sort of guy
who will take in and generally
care for all sorts of people or
animals. However, he is quite
awkward around people he
hardly knows (women in
particular) and so he has only
ever taken in animals: Cat
was a skinny stray who Jack
began to feed and, eventually,
provided permanent shelter for.

Loyal: Deep down, Jack is
incredibly loyal to those he
learns to trust and care for.
He isn't a grass, often even
in the case of enemies. He
values loyalty as a sort of
priceless jewel and only
presents it to those he truly
cares for.

Psychological Likes
♦Sense of Humor

Psychological Dislikes

Physical Likes
♦Vodka shots
♦Loud music
♦Odd clothes
♦Scrambled eggs

Physical Dislikes
♦Bow ties
♦Rotten food
♦Sharp fences

Listen here from one who knows
Skin Colour: Pale tan
Eye Colour: Bright blue
Hair Colour: Dark brown
Hair Style: Odd, mostly short
Height: Six feet, one inch
Body Type: Bordering thin
Distinctive: Warpaint make-up
Dress Style: Erratic, random

Be fearless just like the Scorpios

Pretty, look young be fearless
Name: June Dyson
Relation: Mother
Blood Status: Muggle
Relationship: Constant conflict

Name: Tyler Dyson
Relation: Father
Blood Status: Muggle
Relationship: Disapproving of Jack

Like the Scorpion

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