Jace Vendalwood

OOC First Name
The Basics
Character's name: Jace William Vendalwood
Character's Birth date: The 9th of December 2018
Home-town: London, England
Blood Status: Mixed
Educated At: Durmstrang
Occupation: student
Hair: Jace's hair is blonde-golden, short, kept no further past his neck
Eyes: Jace has the same eerie beautiful golden eyes as his late mother
Height: Jace is 6'0
Style: Jace keeps it casual, but still wears the type of clothes that girls dream of guys wearing, dark jeans, leather jackets, black shirts and stuff like that. And he always wears a golden ring with his family's crest of an eagle on his right hand's middle finger, and a thin gold chain around his neck.
Other Distinguishing Features: After years of combat training Jace's muscles have developed to an exceeding level in his arms, leg, chest and most other places.
A Little Deeper
Personality: Jace is sarcastic, cool, calm in difficult situations, he doesn't let many people in and even then he doesn't let then know every thing about him, not even his cousin and best friend, Alleara Vendalwood, he can be caring and nice sometimes though but also very defensive towards people who insult or abuse his family and loved ones.
History: Jace's mother, Theresa, died while giving child birth, and soon after his father moved then away to the country into a small castle, and then his father vanished into the highest tower, practising spells and magic, and only coming down rarely. Jace spent most of his childhood alone, training himself in combat, magic, music, reading and anything else to lessen the lonely hours of his child years. when he was 10 years old, his cousins, Alleara and Alice, came to live with him after their parents had died. He soon became close friends with Alleara, her being one of only a few children his age that he'd met, thought mostly he still kept to himself, training and training for nothing. When he was 11, he started at Durmstrang, and has gone there ever since. His youngest cousin Alice died of an unknown sickness when he was 15, and he and Alleara mourned together, both now going to Durmstrang. Jace believes that his father blames him for his mother's death, and so despises him in his own way.
Mother: Theresa Vendalwood was a witch, and also worked at a small local bookstore, seeming as she loved books, the smell, feel and the adventure, which is also where Jace's love for literature comes from. Jace looks so much like his mother, creamy pale complexion, light golden hair, golden eyes, long black lashes. She was kind hearted and brought the light into many peoples lives, including Jace's father. She loved Jace before he was even born, having always wanted a child, but she was be upset by the way that Jace feels about love, she believed that love was the strongest magic.
Father: Jace's father is a hard, cold man, and hides away in the highest tower of his castle. Many people believed that his mind broke when his wife died, and that many be true as he is no longer seeming to be down to earth. He cannot barely to look at Jace for he reminds him so much of his wife.
Cousins: Alleara is Jace's cousin and best friend, they get into quite some mischievous things together and always manage to have fun, even just being in each others company. Alice was a sweet young girl, sadly she died when she was 13. Aleara is much like Jace, whereas Alice was very happy and bright, Aleara seems more down to earth and quiet, deep in thought most of the time.

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