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- OOC First Name
- Zelia
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- Beech with Essence of Pixie Hair, 14 1/4"
Izale Elesi Brai
~pronounced ih-zah-lee e-lee-see bray~
Izale is an anagram of Eliza. Her mother's name is Elizabeth
Elesi in an anagram of Elise. Her other mother's name is Elise.
Brai is the first two letters of each of her mothers' names: Brown and Aiden.
Date of Birth: 02-09-2022 (2nd of September, 2022)
Current Age: 11 (turning 12 on the second day of school)
Basic Appearance: Izale is of average height (4'9") for an 11-12 year old girl. She has thick, straight, dark brown hair that falls below her shoulders. Her skin is slightly olive and she has freckles all across her nose and cheeks. She has not yet learnt to take pride in her appearance.
Personality: Izale is a regular pre-teen, often changing quickly between friendly/bubbly and sullen/brooding. She sees herself as hard-done-by even though she's had a pretty good life, and thinks she deserves better than everyone else because of it. She likes attention but doesn't know what to do with it. Having said that, she also likes to spend quiet time alone with her comic.
Family: Izale has two mothers and is the oldest of 9 children (soon to be 11 - the twins are due on the 20th of December).
Mum: Elizabeth Kathleen Brown, muggle. Member of parliament in the New Zealand Government. Conservative. Her parents are very religious and anti-gay. They disowned her when she insisted on marrying Elise. She has two brothers with whom she has no contact.
Whaea: (other mother) Elise Lilly Danica Aiden, muggle. Popular muggle author. Currently pregnant with twins. Her brother, Izale's uncle Max, is an important part of the family and a good male role model for all the children.
Siblings (as yet unnamed in case anyone decides they want to RP them)
Brother, 10
Sierra, 8
Brother and sister twins, 7
Brother, 5
Brother, 5
(these two are not twins: Elizabeth gave birth two months after Elise)
Sister, 2
Sister, 1
Unborn twins due 20th December 2034
Izale resents her siblings for the attention they get. Being the oldest, she shoulders much responsibility in herding them around, changing nappies, etc. She wonders what it would be like if her mums had only ever had her.
Pets: At home, Izale had a piebald horse, Candy, a white rabbit, Gunther, and a tortoiseshell cat, Gertie. Her eldest brother also has a rabbit, named Axel. Her eight year old sister has a horse called Neptune.
Area of Residence: Te Puke, New Zealand, Kiwifruit capital of the world.
(Izale hates kiwifruit)
It's a small town, semi-rural.
Blood Status: Muggle-born
Heritage: Mish-mash of European with a little maori thrown in. Pretty much like most 'white' New Zealanders.
Special Abilities: None yet, though she will be drawn towards Legilimency/Occlumency once she learns what they are.
Interests or Hobbies: Horse riding, drawing and writing - she has her own comic that she has never shown anyone else. It's about a girl with magical powers (she'd been drawing it long before she knew that magic actually existed.
Additional Skills: She can change nappies, and she's good at crowd control. She's very capable of almost anything she turns her hand to. This has made her lazy, though, and she has no patience for people who don't find certain things as easy as she does.
Strengths: Creativity. Fearlessness. Adaptability.
Weaknesses: Self-awareness. Patience. Tolerance. Selfishness.
Describe your character in three words: All about me.
Favourite place to be: At home, it was on the roof of the house. It was the only place most of her siblings couldn't follow her. Her 10 year old brother tried once, but she threatened to push him off, and he saw something in her eyes that made him sure she meant it. He's been kind of afraid of her ever since.
At Hogwarts, she likes the Courtyard. It's busy, but mostly with people passing through, so she's kind of alone, kind of with people when she's there.
Friends: At home her best friend was Courtney McDonald. Courtney has one much older brother, and because of that, she gets a lot of attention at home. Izale is intensely jealous of her, and it is this warped best-friendship/jealousy that has formed her perception of what friends are.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin - this suits her well.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: The idea of being a leader pleases Izale, though she is thinking only of the perks, not the responsibilities. She mainly just wants to be popular. Later on, she will want to learn more about legilimency and occlumency.
Best school subjects: Not sure yet.
Worst school subjects: Still not sure.
Extracurricular Activities: Maybe quidditch? We'll see. She might join Heta Omega.
Graduation: 2041
Current Job: Lowly first year
Plans for your future: Popularity. Izale hasn't thought much about the future, except that she wants her own house with no babies around.
Your Patronus: Not sure yet.
Your Patronus memory: n/a
Your Boggart: A screaming baby with a dirty nappy and vomit all down its front.
Your Animagus: It's unlikely she will be one, but she wishes she could be a horse, or a bird to fly away.
Mirror of Erised: Izale would see herself as an only child, with both of her mothers looking at her with adoration.
A page from your diary:
2 September 2033. ~pronounced ih-zah-lee e-lee-see bray~
Izale is an anagram of Eliza. Her mother's name is Elizabeth
Elesi in an anagram of Elise. Her other mother's name is Elise.
Brai is the first two letters of each of her mothers' names: Brown and Aiden.
Date of Birth: 02-09-2022 (2nd of September, 2022)
Current Age: 11 (turning 12 on the second day of school)
Basic Appearance: Izale is of average height (4'9") for an 11-12 year old girl. She has thick, straight, dark brown hair that falls below her shoulders. Her skin is slightly olive and she has freckles all across her nose and cheeks. She has not yet learnt to take pride in her appearance.
Personality: Izale is a regular pre-teen, often changing quickly between friendly/bubbly and sullen/brooding. She sees herself as hard-done-by even though she's had a pretty good life, and thinks she deserves better than everyone else because of it. She likes attention but doesn't know what to do with it. Having said that, she also likes to spend quiet time alone with her comic.
Family: Izale has two mothers and is the oldest of 9 children (soon to be 11 - the twins are due on the 20th of December).
Mum: Elizabeth Kathleen Brown, muggle. Member of parliament in the New Zealand Government. Conservative. Her parents are very religious and anti-gay. They disowned her when she insisted on marrying Elise. She has two brothers with whom she has no contact.
Whaea: (other mother) Elise Lilly Danica Aiden, muggle. Popular muggle author. Currently pregnant with twins. Her brother, Izale's uncle Max, is an important part of the family and a good male role model for all the children.
Siblings (as yet unnamed in case anyone decides they want to RP them)
Brother, 10
Sierra, 8
Brother and sister twins, 7
Brother, 5
Brother, 5
(these two are not twins: Elizabeth gave birth two months after Elise)
Sister, 2
Sister, 1
Unborn twins due 20th December 2034
Izale resents her siblings for the attention they get. Being the oldest, she shoulders much responsibility in herding them around, changing nappies, etc. She wonders what it would be like if her mums had only ever had her.
Pets: At home, Izale had a piebald horse, Candy, a white rabbit, Gunther, and a tortoiseshell cat, Gertie. Her eldest brother also has a rabbit, named Axel. Her eight year old sister has a horse called Neptune.
Area of Residence: Te Puke, New Zealand, Kiwifruit capital of the world.

(Izale hates kiwifruit)
It's a small town, semi-rural.
Blood Status: Muggle-born
Heritage: Mish-mash of European with a little maori thrown in. Pretty much like most 'white' New Zealanders.
Special Abilities: None yet, though she will be drawn towards Legilimency/Occlumency once she learns what they are.
Interests or Hobbies: Horse riding, drawing and writing - she has her own comic that she has never shown anyone else. It's about a girl with magical powers (she'd been drawing it long before she knew that magic actually existed.
Additional Skills: She can change nappies, and she's good at crowd control. She's very capable of almost anything she turns her hand to. This has made her lazy, though, and she has no patience for people who don't find certain things as easy as she does.
Strengths: Creativity. Fearlessness. Adaptability.
Weaknesses: Self-awareness. Patience. Tolerance. Selfishness.
Describe your character in three words: All about me.
Favourite place to be: At home, it was on the roof of the house. It was the only place most of her siblings couldn't follow her. Her 10 year old brother tried once, but she threatened to push him off, and he saw something in her eyes that made him sure she meant it. He's been kind of afraid of her ever since.
At Hogwarts, she likes the Courtyard. It's busy, but mostly with people passing through, so she's kind of alone, kind of with people when she's there.
Friends: At home her best friend was Courtney McDonald. Courtney has one much older brother, and because of that, she gets a lot of attention at home. Izale is intensely jealous of her, and it is this warped best-friendship/jealousy that has formed her perception of what friends are.
Hogwarts House: Slytherin - this suits her well.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: The idea of being a leader pleases Izale, though she is thinking only of the perks, not the responsibilities. She mainly just wants to be popular. Later on, she will want to learn more about legilimency and occlumency.
Best school subjects: Not sure yet.
Worst school subjects: Still not sure.
Extracurricular Activities: Maybe quidditch? We'll see. She might join Heta Omega.
Graduation: 2041
Current Job: Lowly first year
Plans for your future: Popularity. Izale hasn't thought much about the future, except that she wants her own house with no babies around.
Your Patronus: Not sure yet.
Your Patronus memory: n/a
Your Boggart: A screaming baby with a dirty nappy and vomit all down its front.
Your Animagus: It's unlikely she will be one, but she wishes she could be a horse, or a bird to fly away.
Mirror of Erised: Izale would see herself as an only child, with both of her mothers looking at her with adoration.
A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,
Today is my 11th birthday. I was hoping I'd get breakfast in bed or something, or that Mum would come home from Wellington just for today, at least, but no, nothing special when I woke up. I didn't even get to sleep in. The kids woke me up as usual - I SO wish I had my own bedroom! - and I had to clean up the milk someone spilt on the floor. OMG, this place is hell! At least there was a present waiting for me on the breakfast table, and none of the brats had opened it, like last year. It was just an iPhone, though, which I knew I was getting. Boring! It didn't even have a cool case or anything.
Anyway, just as I was going to leave for school, I hear this almighty scream. Coming not from the brats, but from Whaea! I ran up to her writing studio, but she wasn't there. She was in my room (probably snooping) and screaming at this owl sitting on my bed. It was beautiful - it looked so cuddly! It was pure white with big gorgeous eyes, and it had a letter in its beak. I thought maybe mum had arranged for it for my birthday - without telling Whaea, obviously, or she wouldn't be screaming. I ran up to it and it dropped the letter and flew out the window. I was sad about that, but I picked up the letter.</I></COLOR>
<COLOR color="#CC0066"><I>I knew it. I knew I was different from all those other lame-os at school. But the worst thing is, apparently the cut off date is September 1st, so I have to wait until NEXT SEPTEMBER to go to this new MAGIC SCHOOL. So I'm excited but pissed off at the same time. I didn't tell anyone. Whaea would be all gooey and tell the brats how she knew magic was real all along (omg, I think about all the times she's been telling lame stories and I've said "That's not real" just to piss her off and to show the brats what's real and what isn't - guess she was right. Damn). I don't want the brats to know. I just want to leave and never have to come back. I thought about telling Courtney, but I think I should keep it secret. At least until Mum comes home. I'll tell her and no-one else.