izaak jay finch,
"take me back to the sweet times, the hot nights
everything is gonna be alright in the summertime
baby in the summertime, that is where ill be."
cheated by the opposite of love
H E L D - O N - H I G H - F R O M - U P - U P - U P - A B O V E !

"take me back to the sweet times, the hot nights
everything is gonna be alright in the summertime
baby in the summertime, that is where ill be."
cheated by the opposite of love
H E L D - O N - H I G H - F R O M - U P - U P - U P - A B O V E !
name: izaak jay finch
date of birth: 8th august.
current age: twenty (almost there!)
raised in: daytona beach, florida
area of residence: bondi beach, australia with fiancée alexis marie richarde.
occupation: lifeguard at bondi.
take these rings & stow them
S A F E - A W A Y ! W E A R - T H E M - O N - A N O T H E R - R A I N Y - D A Y !
education: at hogwarts wizarding academyS A F E - A W A Y ! W E A R - T H E M - O N - A N O T H E R - R A I N Y - D A Y !
house: slytherin
graduation: 2023
favoured subjects: muggle studies
hated subjects: anything and everything else
patronus: pending
patronus memory: the day he proposed to alexis
boggart: himself as his father
mirror of erised: pending
animagus: um, no.
got my high from the second one
G O T - M Y - E Y E - O N - T H E - F I R S T - O N E !
G O T - M Y - E Y E - O N - T H E - F I R S T - O N E !
in three words: athletic, sociable, sensitive.
basic appearance: izaak stands at 62 and as a product of constant
one another and the shaky grounds of her love for another and his
physical activity, is built quite leanly. his hair is a light brown, rich with
gold, sun-bleached tones and is currently cropped short (lengthier
on the top) following years of lazy mops and boyish charm, now re-
-tained only in the cheeky grin that is often on his lips. having spent
so much time outdoors in his twenty years, izaaks complexion once
may have been a light skin tone but now is permanent bronze and
rarely burns in the sun. overall, izaak is rather physically attractive;
a defined jaw, strong shoulders, straight teeth and a pair of eyes
bluer than the sea.the striking azure bears a strong resemblance to
his sisters, nephews and his fathers.and with their wide rims, thick
lashes and breathtaking depth are by far the most distinguishing
of his features and the characteristic he is most often tacked to.
personality: izaak is an easy-going, lovable kind of guy who tends to
wear his heart on his sleeve. this characteristic often leads him to
trust too easily and then ends him in up in messy situations. though,
this openness also accounts for the ease in which izaak is able to
make friends and the familiar comfort most people feel when around
him, that is whether they are close friends or recently acquainted.
physical contact is something that izaak thrives on. be it between
lovers, friends family- he wont hesistate in sharing his affectionate
nature. and likewise, he also enjoys receiving affection too. these
deep relationships mean izaak is also extremely protective of those
close to his heart. he willstop at nothing to defend them and ensure
theirwell-being. and while at times it is overbearing, izaak only does
so out of devotion. passionate in more ways than one, izaak is an
individual who pursues his beliefs with a driving force and will not let
anyone convince him otherwise. occasionally his stubbornness gets
the better of him and obscures his perception on what is probably
right but he eventually comes around. whether physical or otherwise,
izaak is always up for a challenge. this determined trait is one that
has single-handedly transformed his way of life, via his move to bondi.
interests and hobbies: surfing, the beach, jogging, muggle-life, waking up
early, his best friends, drinking, travelling, his fiancée, the list goes on...
strengths: surfing, socialising, .
weaknesses: alcohol, veelas, incantations,
favourite place to be: bondi beach</COLOR></SIZE>
i'm taka-taka-taka-taking it off
A N D - H E ' S - T A K A - T A K A - T A K A - T A K A - T A K I N ' - I T - O F F !
A N D - H E ' S - T A K A - T A K A - T A K A - T A K A - T A K I N ' - I T - O F F !
family: leah samantha finch is not only izaak's sister but his best friend
too. they share a relationship unlike any other siblings after having
fled from their family manor together seven years ago, she nineteen
and pregnant after a one night stand, he thirteen and reckless. their
move to australia was the best decision izaak had ever made in his
entire life. and for a good reason too. their parents were extremely
critical of them, leah especially. and as deatheaters to have children
so seemingly intent on muggle practices was the laugh of the century
so his sisters pregnancy was only an excuse for a disownment that
had been a long time coming. escaping the prejudice, the infidelity
and the darkness that was his father for a fear of being moulded in
to something not disimilar, izaak settled into bondi with a fresh view
on life and a brand new nephew, jay alexander finch, to celebrate it
with. the two are all izaak has but he wouldn't have it any other way.
friends: for izaak, a friendship is the most important relationship in
the world, a basis for family, for lovers. over the years izaak has had
many a friend, naturally as he is such a sociable person, each never
forgotten. but amongst the floridian neighbours, the classmates, the
bondi crew and the work colleagues, there are friends that have been
made for life, especially in casey andrea carlin and melodie ann lowe
lovers: there have been various romantic relationships in izaak's life.
so many in fact that at several points it had put severe shame to his
reputation. after a series of flings and casual relationships, izaak found
real love for the first time at the age of seventeen in a girl with big
city dreams. naive but mad about one another, he and kasey lynn
phillips quickly made plans to travel the world with one another and
assume that everything else would simply fall into place. but it didn't,
it fell horribly out of sorts; kasey disappeared, izaak hooked up with
his best friend, an estranged relationship ensued. that was until he
found solace in his friend alexis marie richarde and the two shared a
kiss together in a tavern booth, heading the sketchy beginnings of a
love to last. it wasn't to seem that way though as after a year with
one another and the shaky grounds of her love for another and his
unfaithfulness, the two spilt and izaak found himself loving another
despite his pining for alexis. isabella antionette ormonde, the veela
girl he had cheated with the night he had learnt of his girlfriend's love
for another man, the girl who had also conceived his daughter on the
very same night. as it were she suffered a miscarriage but their new
and blooming relationship battled on until she too was told of a bout
of izaak's (mostly untrue) acts of adultery. but it paved the way for the
twenty year old to realise that alexis was the real love in his life and
after saving her from a werewolf, he proposed to her in february 2025.
pets: an eighteen month old, black and white border collie puppy he
gave to alexis as a present for the christmas of 2023, named kobe.
plans for the future: currently they are to wed alexis (whether that be
near or distant future) and to eventually have a family of their own.
i'm bigger than the sound
I - T H I N K - T H A T - I ' M - B I G G E R - T H A N - T H E - S O U N D !
<COLOR color="#666666">I - T H I N K - T H A T - I ' M - B I G G E R - T H A N - T H E - S O U N D !
Shrugging his arms into the snug fit of a black blazer he was sure he had not worn since his graduation, Izaak Finch spared his reflection a glance in the bedroom mirror. The formal attire looked rather fresh over the jeans and t-shirt that he had thrown on in place of his work uniform but the azure-eyed lifeguard knew that any more of the suit and hed start looking like a tool. The afternoon had been an anxious wait, not quite sure of when Alexis had her classes or her lectures or whatever they did over at Oxford. In fact he was not quite sure of anything she had been up to over, more or less, the past year. Save for a casual word from Leah or the rare few times the pair of ex-lovers had bumped into one another, Izaak felt utterly isolated. It was no wonder he had been so up and down with Isabella, so easy to defeat in his search for her, so emotionally exhausted when hed heard indirect word of her through Sakura. He had been in love with the same girl for two years and whilst it may seem like a jump, he was already prepared (and excited) to spend the rest of his life with her.
Izaaks own epiphany had rocked him a fortnight or so ago when he had been flicking through an envelope of photos his sister had only just thought to have printed. There had literally been hundreds; from ones of her in Thailand with Fletcher, to a newborn Gabriel and stretching right back to the previous Christmas. Izaak didnt particularly need photographs to remind him of the last real time he had spent with his love, being that each moment was practically tacked to his memory. But there was one that stood forth amongst the rest. It hadnt even been meant to be taken of himself and Alexis but rather of his sister and their cousin, the pair of lovers were merely in the background and mistakenly focused. Deep in conversation and immersed in love they were oblivious to all else but the gaze of one another as Alexis finished towelling dry a dish he had just washed. And there in the Kodak moment, standing behind her with his arms loosely draped around her waist Izaaks brilliant grin meant nothing short of his being on the top of the world. Of all the things he did remember from that day, it was a struggle to even attempt to recall the degree of happiness he had felt. And they had been cleaning dishes for crying out loud. This, he had thought in that very moment as he had tried to relive the happiness Alexis drowned him in, is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.
There was no denying the chemistry that had always existed between himself and Isabella, and when Izaak had told her that he loved her he had been all truth. And they had had all the ingredients for a perfect marriage; the bond of a daughter between them already, her sweetness, his passion, their persistence to stick by one another through every up and down they encountered, not to mention the amazing times they had had between the sheets. But the entire time there had been something missing. There had always been something, the disappearance of the sweet scent of vanilla, the emptiness of the bookshelves, talk of school days, the strong foundation of friendship. Isabella was wondrous in every way possible but as much as she swore that he was truly the love her life, Izaak knew she deserved so much better. More often than not he felt he was betraying her, like he was a leopard wearing a tigers stripes, like every time he thought Alexis was another reason for her to hate him. And now, as far as he knew, she did. Her disappearance had evolved from a misunderstanding and at first Izaak had been driven into frantics but by the time he was told of her well being he was less inclined to set the record straight. It was inevitable that hed only cause her more heartbreak. Though as much as it ached to dwell on the certainty that theyd be lucky to be acquaintances after this decision of his, after all that the two of them had been through together and the soft spot hed always harbour for her persona, Izaak for once felt like he was making the right one.
There was a certain glint in his azure eyes, one that had not been seen within them for several months, as they caught onto the compact, navy blue box atop his bedside table. Just imagining what it encased brought a wave of excited tingles to his body. After having dreamt about it for so long this was legit, Izaak was actually going to get down on one knee and propose to the love of his life. They had never intended it to be this soon but there was an air of change about and the young man had the most wonderful, instinctive feeling swelling inside of him that shed say yes. It didnt matter that they hadnt properly been together in a year, he had never stopped loving Alexis Richarde no matter how many foul-mouthed comments he had had the cheek to spit her way once upon a time. He barely remembered her own retaliations through the shame of his own and prayed that in the time since she would have realised that he had never meant any of it. Not the harsh tongue about her late twin or the taunting comments about Ioan. They had all been so viciously out of character.
Leah had shared a secretive word or two though about the girl that they both loved so dearly and how she was still quite obviously hung up on him. Although she knew nothing of his intentions to ask for Alexis hand in marriage, her words had brought Izaak to the quakes of excitement. Now as he flipped open the lid and stared at the costly engagement ring he was beginning to bring this all down to destiny. As corny as it was, this turn of events had made him a conscious believer. Alexis and Izaak, Izaak and Alexis; they just fitted. Breathing a sigh as he stole one last glance and snapped it shut, Izaak buried the ring box deep within the pocket of his jacket. The beat of his heart drummed in with an irregularity as he did so and he could feel his palms begin to grown clammy. This would be the day that would change his life forever. There was no backing out now and there were no excuses either. But Izaak didnt want to stoop to either; he wanted Alexis Richarde as his and it was as simple as that.
Searching for one last glance at his reflection, Izaak raked a now shaky hand through his tousled golden brown hair and pressed himself a thin smile. It would all work out to perfection, why was he suddenly so nervous? Having put it down to the mere fact that he had not physically seen the young woman that he was so madly in love with for several months, Izaak strode out towards the front door and wondered if hed be carrying Alexis through it when he arrived back home. Yes, yes you will, He assured himself as he locked the front door and disappeared with a sharp pop from his very porch. There was the faint trill of his home telephone in the last few seconds of his presence at Bondi but Izaak could do nothing about it, nor did he really care. He had a proposal to make.
With yet another near identical sound he was right by the mental picture of the house Leah had done well to sketch into his mind. This was it, this was it. The depth of his breaths were shallowing now as he edgily made his way towards the front door, there were beads of sweat lightly beginning to dot his forehead and if he were to speak, Izaak was sure it would sound just as if he was going through puberty for a second time around. But just as his fist reached out to rap against the door a scream of pain sliced through the eerie serenity of the night, whipping him around in the opposition direction to where he assumed his Alexis would be.

post. "do it, do it."
<SIZE size="50">lyrics by the yeah yeah yeahs
anna, aka EAT A PEACH ?! of caution 2.0
made this template. in other words, steal and
i'll probably beat you up. just sayin'.