I've made up my mind.

Abathyn Dalmoir

Well-Known Member
Abby took her children out of bed, ignoring the tired teary protests. She knew she had to do this, and although it broke her heart Abathyn had to toughen up. "Jay, where's your jacket?" Abby collected her children's possesions and put them all together in a suitcase, Trying her hardest not to break down and cry. It's not for good, you'll see them soon... Abby's lip trembled as she realized what she was doing.

Anxiously she zipped up the suitcase and glanced at Laani and Jaimee sitting at the table with their breakfast. "Come on kids, it's almost time to go." Her voice cracked as she hoped they'd be safe with their foster mother.
Little Jaimee didn't understand. She didn't know why mummy was putting all her clothes in a suitcase, or why she was awake this early. "Mummy, is you a saddy?" the small toddler asked her mother anxiously. "My jackets in my cupboard!" she exclaimed happily, so pleased about the ingenious of hiding a jacket in the pantry. While she and her sister ate their weetbix, Jaimee wondered with her young brain what they were going to do with the suitcase. "Mummy is we going on a hollydays?"
Laani was starting to sit up. Her little chubby fists cluched the bars of her pretty cot as the rather advanced 3 monther bawled for attention. It was too early. She was hungry. Things weren't right. Why was mummy person packing up blanket? Laani let out a soft coo as she was carried into the kitchen for breakfast.
Abby rolled her eyes at her beautiful daugher. "Sweety, you can't do that anymore, okay?" Abby wanted so much for this to be all right. Picking up the kids and their stuff, she turned on the spot with a loud crack and ended up in Obsidian. She craned her neck looking for the woman who was taking the kids.
Dympna seemed to seep into the scene. She always seeped into places. The heart, the mind, the very soul. All of it was her territory. She looked at the woman that was going to give her the children that she had reared herself. Dympna was happy. She had been looking for children to replace the ones that where growing. Only one seemed to do justice to her many experiments. Zeal, her dearest boy Zeal was the epidamy of young magic but he could not show his true abilities just yet.

These two, these two would be the advancement of what Zeal had become. Maybe find a way to avoid his little problem with the youngest one. Who could tell. Dympna walked over the the mother and smiled. "Are you ready my dear. It is really for the best." She said her voice a comforting sigh. Her outer appearance was a cover for the madness within. Dympna held her head out for the youngest girl gently and smiled kindly.
Suddenly Abby didn't want to give away her kids. The woman had arrived and Abby clutched her children around her, one in a pram, the other seeming to retreat towards the safety and comfort of her mother. "Hi. Um, Dympha?" Abathyn was anxious for this to be okay. "Are you sure this is alright? The kids'll be safe, an- and I can get them again soon?" Abathyn was hoping not to crack, but it was proving too hard.
Dympna could see that the children could sense what was under her hood sort to speak. She reached out and stroked a single lock of the older girl's hair. "Come now my girl they will be fine." She said very warmly. "When you see fit to come back they will be yours to take." If you remember them when you get back. She thought but Dympna was not about to take out her wand upon a mother that was giving up her children a little less than willingly. If Abathyn did come back then Dympna would take care of things then for things like this could not be planed before hand.
"Alright then..." Abathyn muttered nervously. "So, do I need to sign anything? Or... do I just... leave." The final word seemed so utterly miserable that all Abby wanted to do was curl up into a ball with her children. Her heart was breaking, this was the hardest thing ever to have to leave her kids with a stranger. Why hadn't she asked Melodie? Because Mel had enough on her hands what with the twins and still dealing with life after the wedding. And Maddiie, well she had her own daughter to worry about. The woman twisted a strand of hair around her finger; a nervous habit. Tears sprung up. She couldn't do this for much longer. She had to pay somehow. First she kills Jaimee's father, then she leaves Laani's for dead in a lake. How could Abby do this? Abathyn was so protective over her children, the last thing she wanted was to send them away. "It'll just be a few months, no more. And then I promise they'll be off your hands." She's a nightmare, honestly, Abby added in her thoughts and looking at her beautiful daughter.

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