I've got to break free

Lenore Harvelle-Ateara

Little Goblin l Writer of children's books l ☆
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Chante ♥
Straight 9 Inch Flexible Applewood wand with a Phoenix tail feather core
It was early in the morning and Len needed some time to be herself. Being a goblin was hard, but she didn't hate it. She only hated it because it wasn't the standard to be. Her family actually found the pointy ears cute and adored her, but for Len it was the sign of abnormalcy. Len walked to the tip of the northern tower and was sure no one was around at this time.

Len enjoyed the view outside and her hair floating in the wind. No beanie or headband to cover half of her head. The feeling of freedom and bliss spread over her tiny body and for once Len felt safe. Prejudice was out there and so was bullying, this feeling was special and not one she felt a lot.

Len sighed and looked around to enjoy the view. She touched the tips of her ears and giggled, it did feel funny to touch them. They were mostly flattened down by a headband or hidden in one of her beanies. Wearing beanies in a New Zealand summer had been hard for Lenore. It made her sweat and icky, but she had to do it. More people finding out her secret wasn't going to be good, it could only end badly.
The blonde was on her way to meet with Simon and she had to climb up the stairs. Why was he making her do that, the next time he will come to her for sure. It was pretty early but the blonde was up soon. She climbed up the stairs and decided to make a stop for a moment. Charlotte saw someone but when she looked closely she saw something really weird! The blonde looked suprised when she saw that it was a student. This student had really weird ears like really weird. They were huge like very pointy! '' What is this? What are you? What the hell do you have on your head? '' Charlotte was someone that just said what was on her mind. And this was really weird for her and creepy.
The wind that was blowing through her hair felt lovely and Lenore wished she could experience this feeling forever. Her feeling absolute bliss was soon ruined by another girl. It wasn't ruined, it was bad. She obviously saw and wasn't stupid. How could Lenore be so reckless, she had expected to be alone. She was sure that she was alone. The blond girl looked surprised, but obviously wasn't easily fooled. She didn't sound that negative so Len decided to answer and quickly hide the ears back into their safe beanie. ''I am obviously human, but with goblin blood'' Len paused for a bit '' and I have a beanie on my head.'' Len muttered, trying to stay strong.

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