I've done it again

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Tawny Lao

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
I brought Tawny back, and frankly don't know what to do with her, I mean, I have this big plot in mind for her small wedding, but don't even know where to start, especially since she isn't near old enough to have found someone!

Tawny is a sweet, part-goblin, Hogwarts Scotland graduate. She just recently got back to New Zealand to spend time with her family, before she goes off to get a job. She aspires to be a dancer, and is very artistic in that way. She loves music with all her heart, and is slightly shy. That's all I've really got figured out about her.

I have her final planned out, but I need someone to help her get there. See, I have this scheme, where she's heart broken and all that stuff that happens when you and your best friend will never be because he's playing for the other team, but, tries to move on. She finds this nice guy and they date for a while, then he pops the question. They're all happy, but he wont let her invite Neiko. So she tells him nicely, but he sneaks in and tells her that he loves her and to marry him. She leaves this unnamed boy at the alter, and such. Kinda romantic, unless you're unnamed guy, right?

So i need unnamed prince charming to come around. If you are interested, let me know! I'm sorry it seems a bit rushed, just kinda excited about this and want to cut down to teh chase.
how about this one here michael? hes already been married and lost that wife. so hed be over protective to the max so that could play against him maybe?
Hey, I'm glad i got a reply. Let's Roleplay, and see how they go! i hope you know she's only around 3' tall, right? If her height wont get in the way, then yes, please!
Would you like to start, or shall I?
it would be better if you started it as i dont have permenant access to a pc
Mmkay, sorry it took a bit. I will get on it by the end of this weekend.
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