It's Time to be Serious with these Plots!!

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Danielle Gates

green eyes 💍 harpies keeper 💍momma to twin girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Damien ❤️
Straight 14 Inch Flexible Elm Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
23 (05/2027)
So,I am easing myself again to the world of magic so I am in need of someone,and I mean anyone, to establish connections with...Gotta have to break from the boring routine of work right???

You can check my bio if you feel up to some threads...This would somehow sum up who Danielle is..

She will soon be sorted to a house..

Anyways,hope anyone is up for some RPing since as of the moment,I need some time to retrieve my Auror account which was forgotten for a loooooong time already..

Cheers! :D

I have to chars, that I would love to put in here.

I got two special girls :)

I got Amy Applewhite which is a First Year Hufflepuff, a bit strange and clumsy. Under stress her feet and hands start moving involuntarily. I still need to approve things on her, but before that I can still Roleplay. She loves plants and animals, books calm her down. She gets stressed easily and is rather jumpy. She is really kind and lovely to be with, but she has some problems.

Then I have this control freak that loves to plan out of her whole life as time efficient as possible. When her plan does not work she tends to go a bit nuts. She is really nice and sweet if you return the favour. She knows what she wants and she does not like people who are still floating around somewhere.
I can offer my hufflepuff firstie Lizeth. Lizeth is very shy and tends to become mute around new people but before long she'll begin to open up. She loves reading and the outdoors. And honestly she needs friends to bring her out of her shell cause she really is a lovely girl.
Tamara: I love them both..Amy is clumsy which Kenz would find amusing but cute..Kenz also loves books and animals,seeing as she has her own dogs and an owl..I am also having some things to be approved for her..

As for Bridget,a Slytherin..Hmmm...I can say they would clash!!!They could be like friendly rivals..Kenz is a heiress,she also knows what she wants,passionate and active..I don't know about Bridget but Kenz loves some competition somewhere..

Micah: Lizeth is wonderful..Her shyness would become a challenge for Kenz..Kenz loves being around people..With her love for music,it is not difficult for her to entertain small groups..They mostly have common things:reading and outdoors,though Kenz prefer heights..
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