It's the FINAL countdown!

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Domnech Faulkner

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
It seems that Final fever has swept HNZ lately so I thought I'd advertise two of my loneliest characters:</SIZE>

Domnech Faulkner
Domnech is a Scottish born boy who is 20 years old.
He is very family orientated and adores his little sister
who he is quite protective of her, making sure that no
one hurts her. He is quite a serious character and cares
a lot about people. He does has a fun side to him and
that comes out whenever he is around someone fun.
Domnech enjoys the outdoors and reading books, and
sometimes both together ;] he also likes running and has
competed in a couple of marathons.

What I need for him is someone who can bring out the
fun side of him, sporty people would be good but not
essential. Aged between 20-23 and a female.
<SIZE size="50">

Sibhan Faulkner
Sibhan is a carefree and slightly crazy 19 year old.
She is the younger sister of Domnech and is also
Scottish. She is a bubbly character who see's the
light in every situation. She has led quite a sheltered
life under the guidance of her brother but is trying
to experience life away from her brother. She loves
having fun and the outdoors and loves to sing. She
is a bit of a head in the clouds kind of girl and she
sometimes says and does things completely out of
the blue and is rather impulsive.

For her I need someone just as fun loving but some
one that can bring her down to the real world some
times. (No one too serious.) Some on aged between
18-21 but willing to go outside of that and preferably

So if you have any ideas post here or PM me, on Annalie
Darkhart would get the fasted response. Thank you in
Love, Melissa.

Dom is now taken ;) Sibhan is still free though.
Sorry guys Sibhan is now taken. Thanks to Madz and
Teigan for filling this request. This is now completed.​

I know she's a bit young, but I have Kamaria Warlock? If not, I think that's about it. I don't use many of my other characters :p Here's her biography and I also have another seventeen year old, her name is Isidora Kozlova, she part - veela but don't tell many others about it as well. Her, right here. Anyways if they don't fit I understand ^_^
Heeeey Madz! :woot:

Kamaria is a tiny bit younger than I expected however I think we could make it work. The age difference isn't that big and I don't think that it would matter too much about it. I think that Dom would like her despite her being younger than him. ^_^
So yes I think Kamaria is a great.

Isidora not so much, sorry.
Awesome. Because I hardly use Isidora that much, and Kamaria along with a few other my students are the only one I used. I'm going to bed, but you can pm me to plot whatever you have in mind ^^; Dymetris would be the name I'm always under <3
if it suits you I could make a charrie for sibhan all my other carries are taken and i wanna be able to plot something with you. Tenile is so i want to as well. Yeah I know pathetic but i need more male carries :r
Teigs!!! :woot:

Yay! That is fine with me. Great even, I have to say I have wanted to plot something with you also. Great, if you need any help just send me a PM :)
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