It's On

Flavio Morales-Tipene

Newlywed | Father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 1/2 Inch Rigid Blackthorn Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
It was only the beginning of the semester, and Flavio was already feeling the pressure of his OWL year. The weight of succeeding as much as he did in his fourth year hung on his shoulders but the addition of the OWLs being the most important exams of his school career thus far was entirely different and twice as much of a burden. He needed to succeed, and he needed to do so not because he enjoyed academia like in his previous years, but instead because his future depended on it. That notion alone made him feel sick to his stomach with anxiety, making him want to stay in bed all day just to avoid the pressure he was putting on himself to achieve well. But he did his best to ignore that temptation, and rather try to use it as motivation to study more than he ever had, both to keep up with the year ahead of him and catch up on what he knew from previous years.

In the sense of catching up on previous years, it helped that Flavio knew younger students also dedicated to their studies that he could tutor on the days he did not have as many classes. One of these students was Geo Volt, a girl he met through unusual circumstances in the antiquated lavatory the previous school year, but a girl he considered a good friend nonetheless. Flavio was glad that he could spend time studying with her as it helped him revise what he was supposed to know from his third year, but also because she was first and foremost his friend and he was sure that he would become too immersed in school work to remember to spend time with her otherwise. Luckily their study sessions were regular and Flavio never needed to worry he was forgetting her because of his dedication to school. That day was one of the days he planned to study with her and he made sure to show up early to prepare for it. He arrived to the library with his books and notes from third year, found an empty table, then set everything up in wait for his friend to arrive. They were going to study charms that day, which would hopefully be fun for the both of them in comparison to studying history of magic which had drained their patience and motivation the last time they studied.
<FONT font="georgia"><SIZE size="50">Geo's third year was everything she'd hoped it would be. She had begun to study new classes that both challenged and interested her, and she felt as though she was making progress with her life at the school. Things were still tense between Geo and Jess, and the pair had barely spoken in months after their break up at the end up of the previous semester, and with most of the members of the Indigo Crusaders either tied up with work, Quidditch or other activities, the Hufflepuff was finding that she'd begun to spend more and more time with those outside her usual circle of friends. One of those was Flavio. When they'd first met, he hadn't judged her like most other students at Hogwarts had, and the third year didn't feel the pressure to be more than just herself when she spoke to him. With both students now taking all the electives, and Flavio beginning his OWLs, they'd mutually agreed that study sessions should be arranged, and as a result they were able to keep one another company without feeling as though their grades were going to be neglected.

While Geo never disliked their sessions, she couldn't help but feel much more excited about seeing Flavio today compared to last week, since they would be going through Charms; her second favourite subject, beaten only by DADA and Professor Styx's irresistible cheek bones. She arrived at the library prepared and on time, she her blue eyes quickly scanned the room for her friend. She still hadn't gotten used to the fact he now wore glasses; something that she thought suited him very well, and it took a moment to register when she spotted him. A wide smile appeared on her face as she made her way over, eager to update him with the news of the week over their books, all while appreciating the company of a close friend. "Long time no see! Have you been waiting long?" Geo said enthusiastically, but quietly as to not disturb those around them. Her free arm that wasn't laden with her textbook, briefly pulled him into a small hug after she'd approached his table, before she set down her belongings and took up the seat opposite him.

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