It's Not a Stakeout, I Swear

Onyx Derouin

Dramatic- Loyal- Growing- Soft Boi
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eternally Smitten
Cedar Wood, Hippogriff Feather core, 13 1/2 inches
12/23/2033 (28)
Onyx wasn't staking out Brightstone, honest. He was just... in the area. Sapphire hadn't written him back yet, and although he had sworn to give her space to sort things out, he just needed to see her. He was afraid of losing her again. He chewed his bottom lip as he watched the path that lead from Hogwarts. A few other students passed by, giving him odd glances, but still no Sapphire.

Still, he would wait here forever if he needed to. Call it a twin second sense, but he knew that his sister needed to see him just as much as he needed to see her. Just in case he was wrong, however, he came armed with a bag of suckers.
Sapphire was on her way to Brightstone, her dwindling funds in her pocket. She knew Honeydukes was her main destination, but she also knew that wouldn't take her all day. She hiked her bag up on her shoulder as she turned another corner on the path. She was so lost in thought over which sweets to buy she didn't even see him- not until it was too late.
Onyx's heart sped up as he saw her round the corner, and he broke out smiling. "Sapphy!" He yelled, so excited to see her again that he didn't even think to play it cool. He sprinted towards her, throwing his arms around his sister and pulling her close. He held her tightly, feeling complete again. He had never even noticed how broken he had felt until he found out she was alive. It was like when she was gone someone had stolen the other half of him. He buried his face in her shoulder, snuggling close.
Sapphire let out a startled yell when someone shouted her name. Her heart nearly stopped as she placed the voice with the nickname. There was only one person in the world that called her that, but by the name her mind had registered who it was it was already too late. Onyx was upon her and of course that meant hugging.

Only this time, she didn't have time to prepare herself. When he wrapped her up in his arms, she crumbled. All of her defenses dropped and she clung to her brother. She had been drowning on her own and she hadn't even admitted it to herself, not until now. She let out a small sigh. "Onyx," She sniffled. She might have admitted that she needed this stupid boy, to herself, but she still wouldn't let herself cry.
Lidiya had been observing the boy from a distant, pumping her legs on the swing set as she did. Going back and forth in a moderate speed. She didn't think he could hear her, he seemed to be drowning out all the sounds around him. Waiting for someone? Possibly. Lidiya, bored, sort of waited for the unexpected. Whatever the heck it was.

Lidiya's dull gaze fell on another, a girl he must knew personally. Lidiya jumped off the swing and went over to the pair. The girl, she knew her personally. "How cute.....Not." Lidiya said as she crossed her arms, staring directly at the girl.
Onyx jumped when he heard the girls voice, releasing Sapphire and turning to face the newcomer. He stood in front of his twin protectively, not liking this girls tone. "I don't believe we asked you, now did we?" He retorted, crossing his arms. His eyes narrowed as he looked at her. "Why don't you run along and play like a good little kid and leave me and my sister be, huh?" He wasn't usually so mean, but he wasn't going to back down.
Sapphire's heart jumped into her throat when the girl spoke, and at first, she didn't place the voice. Onyx immediately stepped in the way of her and the newcomer. He acted tough enough, but Sapph just rolled her eyes. She put her hand on his arm and started to step around him. "Shut up, Onyx. I don't care if we're twins, I can still take care of-" She started to scold her brother but stopped, the blood draining from her face as she saw who stood in front of her.

"L-Lidiya?" Sapph spoke, nearly in a whisper. Automatically her hand went to her shoulder, rubbing absentmindedly at the scar there.
Lidiya was ready to block out and ignore the boy all together. He wasn't interesting to her anymore. Light eyes followed Sapphire, when she heard twin, Lidiya's attention fell on the boy. But not for long.

"Twins, oh wow." Lidiya spoke coolly. "That's great, maybe she'll protect you too? Oh wait..." Lidiya trailed off.
Onyx was surprised when Sapph started to push past him, and startled when she seemed to stop dead. These two knew each other? And judging from the look on his sisters face and the reactions the two of them had he could tell there was something bad that had happened. He placed a hand on Sapphire's shoulder, offering her support if she needed it. He glared at the other girl still. "Maybe its about time someone protected her," He growled.
Sapph couldn't decide what she was feeling as Lidiya stared at her. She was happy to see her, but also extremely guilty over what had happened the last time she'd seen her. She was also a little mad at how Lidiya was acting. "There were three of em, Liddy. We were running, they were faster," Sapph growled like her brother, crossing her arms. A challenge was in her eyes, though she wasn't sure if it was one she wanted to be met right now. She just really wanted Liddy to not be mad at her, but she was too defiant to apologize.
"Shut up, stupid!" Lidiya spat in her father's native tongue addressing the boy, he was irrelevant. Not the one deserving of her dislike, and he had a really annoying voice.

"Don't call me that, you've lost your privilege. Just how I lost my summer because I couldn't do a thing and you left me there!" Lidiya spoke, hurt and angry at the same time. She balled her fist, wanting to rain them down on Sapphire. "And you're a liar, you've never told me about him."
Sapphire stopped Onyx before he could do anything else, blocking him with her arm. "Like I had a choice!" She half yelled at the other girl. "I tried to go see you but the old hag wouldn't let me! It was my fault and everyone knew it." Sapph took a breath to steady herself. "And I didn't know about Onyx until recently. After my parents died we went to separate relatives and mine dropped me off in Arrowtown before telling everyone else I was dead."
Eleven year old Lidiya, would roll her eyes not falling for any of Sapphire's excuses. "There were other ways you could've contacted me. Someone in that place could've sent me a note from you just to know that you care." Lidiya's light pale eyes would drift between siblings. The resemblance was cunning, Lidiya cannot deny the fact. "You're nobody important, anyways. I don't blame them for dumping you in that place." Lidiya mutters this under her breath.
OOCOut of Character:
mother frack madz I totally forgot this one why didn't you remind mehhhh?

Sapph let out a strained laugh at Lidiya's comment. "Look, be mad at me. Fine. It was my fault you broke your arm. But do you really think that after what happened anyone would talk to me? Everyone was terrified of me! Sure, you spent your summer alone. Big deal. I've spent every day until I came to this place by myself, fighting tooth and nail to keep it from happening again!" She spat, her fists clenching as she fought back her anger. She could see in her mind that first bad fight when she had stopped those same bullies from targeting Lidiya again. Her shoulder ached with the memory.

Pissed, she knew she had to get out of there. "But you know what? I don't even care anymore." She turned and started to storm off, all thoughts of sweets banished from her mind. Onyx reached out an arm to try and stop her, but she pushed him away. "Bugger off!" She snapped, fighting tears.

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