Its been a while

Logan Stone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Tail of Charmed Newt
Logan was sat on the cliffs with the sound of the calm ocean below him. It had been a while since he had been here but he thought that it was a good place to just relax for a bit. He didn't plan on spending too long here, maybe half an hour. Just some time to clear his head after a week of lessons and planning. He found it nice to just slip away from the world for a short time now and then, make him forget the troubles in life and just go to a world of his own where he didn't constantly have to worry about anything. The biggest worry on his mind right now were his parents. How they were feeling about Mark adopting him and if they would change their minds and come back. He hoped not, he loved living and spending all his time with his big brother and he liked having company when he was at home, something he never had when he lived with his parents. Logan took a deep breath and tried to forget about everything, listening to the sound of the sea while he did so
Lily walked up the steep path to the cliffs. She hadn't been up there for a while and she figured it would be a good place to think. Not many people went up there so she could have some time to herself. She was confused about Jerrod. He kept disappearing all of a sudden and nobody seemed to know where he was or why. He would be there one minute then he'd look at his watch, say bye and walk off. It was starting to annoy Lilz because she had no idea what the hell he was up to. She just wanted to find out.

Lily saw a familiar face along the cliffs. She smiled slightly and started walking towards him. It had been a while since she had seen Logan and the last time they spoke didn't exactly go great. They had split up after all. She couldn't help noticing how he seemed to look better every time she saw him though. "Hey Logan." She hoped he would accept her. If he did then she would apologise. If he didn't then stuff him.
Logan eyes flashed around as he heard a voice talking to him. He thought that he had been alone but he guessed you could never really be alone for long in this school. Everywhere good seemed to be general knowledge to every other student. It bugged him sometimes. When his eyes landed on the familiar face. It had been a while since he had spoken to Lily, since their break up in fact which had not gone too well. He had not expected her to be so civil, he was expecting lectures and insults but then again that had never really been her style. "Hey Lily." He said quietly with a slight smile on his angelic face. He wasn't sure if he should smile or not, he wasn't actually sure if he should be feeling happy about seeing her like he did. "How have you been?" He asked wondering if her life had gotten any better than before. He knew she had not exactly enjoyed her family life then
Lily was glad when she saw a smile on Logan's face. She nodded and replied. "I've been okay. What about you??" Logan had never told Lily much about his family, even when she had been going out with him. He had always been kinda secretive with that part of his life but she knew he never did it on purpose. Or rather, she hoped. "I just wanted to say sorry about the way I acted. I was wrong and stupid and stressed and I should have realised that getting in a fight with you would do nothing good for me." Her eyes glimmered apologetically. "Could we still be friends??" Lily couldn't deny that she had missed having him around. Having her brother as company all the time was something she'd done her whole life and she'd hoped it would change when she got to school. She was disappointed when it didn't.
Logan shrugged at her comment. He had been ok, or at least he thought he had but it had brought up that he had been very reserved lately although he didn't think he had because he was meeting up with friends and things. "Iv been good. Had a busy year though i guess. My big brother adopted me so now i live with him, our cousin, his wife and son." He said with a sigh. He wasn't used to being in such a large house with so many people living in it. But he liked having his close family close. As Lily apologized to him Logan shook his head "Lily dont worry about it. That was the past im over it, its no biggie." He said to her. He had learned from that argument anyway and tried to spend a little less time with his books and went to spend time with people like Jeremy and as he was his room mate they spoke all the time. "Course. Dont need to ask. Im talking to you know which means im not ignoring you." He said with a slight laugh. "You wanna sit down. Its really calming here." He said patting the ground next to him.
Lily smiled when Logan said he forgave her. She was glad she was able to have one proper friend. She had become more shy over the last few years and found it very difficult to make friends with anyone. She'd been keeping to herself more and more. Knowing that she could be friends with Logan made her feel great. Lily nodded her head and sat next to him. "I always come up here when I need time alone or time to think. It makes it easier to concentrate when there's less people around." Lily shrugged when she heard about Logan's family. "If I wasn't so scared of my brother's sudden mood swings then I'd go and live with him. It's great that you have someone that you can go to." Lily loved Junior more than any of her other brothers but she always got scared that he'd sudden change when she was around. He had very fast mood swings and nobody wanted to be around him when his mood went the wrong way.
Logan nodded as he turned his attention to his front at the sea as Lily said she liked to come up here. He could see why. He was just glad that many others did or else it would be too crowded and the whole reason why he liked the cliffs would be non existent. "Yeah everyone seems to be by the lake today so i thought i would come here and see if it was quiet." He said looking around. It was just the two right now so he still had his peace for now. "There always seems to be someone scaring you. He is your brother, just talk to him. If h hurts you then just use it against him. Your siblings after all." He said looking across at her as he spoke. He knew that he did not have much experience when it came to family but that didn't stop him from trying
Lily nodded in agreement. "Most people can't be bothered to walk all the way up here. I've got nothing else to do so I figure I might as well." She liked being alone every now and then. It gave her a chance to get things sorted. But being alone too much was something she hated. She had grown up in a house with fourteen so she needed people around her to keep her company. Lily shrugged. "He already knows. He doesn't care about controlling it. He says it's the way he is and if we can't live with it then it's tough. He's a great brother but that is the one thing that really annoys me about him."

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