It's Another One.

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Anthony Kim

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2 Inches Essence of Wood Rose

This is Anthony. She is 19 years old and just bought a small place in New Zealand. She is a brat most of the time, but she can be nice. She has a thing about blood status and blood purity, so Muggles and Muggle borns are not her favorite people. She doesn't know who her real parents are, and was left on the doorstep of Chris Kelly's 's. She was home schooled and is wanting to get out of Chris' grasp and start out on her own. (OOC: I applied for her to be a Death Eater.) She is often mistaken to be younger than she actually is.
- friends/flings

Anthony doesn't have many friends. I want to change that. Maybe someone that shares her beliefs about blood status. I want her to have a friend that is like her partner in crime. I am open to any ideas on this. PM me or post here. Maybe she could date a Muggle born, but not find out until she really starts to like the person. I am open to any ideas on this too,
- family

Anthony doesn't know who her mother and father are, and she does not know that her birth parents have been keeping in contact with Chris Kelly since he took her in. If anyone wants to roleplay her mother and/or father you can shoot me a PM about it or post on this topic. Her parents were barely of age when they had Anthony, and her father had drinking problems. They should feel sorry for giving her up, but then are happy she had better opportunities with Chris than with them.
- enemies

Anthony can be pretty hard to get along. So she needs someone that she absolutely can't stand or vice versa. Also with her being a spoiled brat, she is bound to have someone enemies or people that don't like her.

Any takers?

Credit to YEAH I'M THAT GIRL of Caution!
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