It can't be true...

Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
Shaylah sat by the lake with a sigh. Life hadn't exactly been easy for her recently. She loathed her mum and her sister and wished she had never met them. She was waiting for Larissa still. The older girl had told her that she would send Shaylah a letter in response to what they had been talking about but Shay had heard nothing.

Shay had never been a patient person. If someone was slightly late she started getting annoyed. She had no idea when Larissa would send a letter but Shay wished she would hurry up. If she could really do what she had said she could then Shay wanted to know rather than get her hopes up too much and just watch them crash and burn.

Shay started thinking about the sorting ceremony to get her mind off of it. Usually she completely ignored it and went off into her own world. This year had been different though. She had been daydreaming until she heard that name. Rouge had never been a common name. She'd never met anyone with the same surname as her. Plus, the girl had been sorted into Slytherin. There wasn't a single Rouge who hadn't been in Slytherin. And they had similar first names as well. The girl had been called Taylor. Shay knew she really needed to meet this girl and question her on her family,
Taylor had woken up to the sound of hooting from outside the window near where she lay, and as she slowly got up, she noticed one of her dormmates reaching forward to retrieve the letter from the owl, resulting in her fingers being snapped at. Taylor was the only other one in the dorm that wasn't outside yet, and assumed that the letter was for her which surprised her. She had never received an owl before as her father was in Azkaban and her mother was a muggle-born, and since Taylor was conceived by a one night stand, her mother didn't want anything to do with magic, so Taylor was reluctantly allowed to go to Hogwarts, and now that she was placed in Slytherin she wasn't sure if she'd be allowed back home.

'Are you for me?' She whispered to the owl, stretching her hand out warily, afraid of the owl snapping at her fingers like it had to her dormmate, and sighed in relief when the owl allowed her to retrieve the letter. The feeling of relief that she had received, was quickly replaced with expectation and fear as she worried that her mum was sending her a letter to tell her that she was not allowed back home, and she was relieved when she slit open the letter and began reading. The letter was from a girl named Shaylah who appeared to have the same last name as her, and Taylor wondered if she was her father's real daughter, the daughter of his wife as well, which would make Shaylah her half-sister, but she wasn't sure if her father didn't just go around having one night stands. Shaylah could have been a result of a one night stand as well. She desperately hoped not as maybe Shaylah could tell Taylor about what her father was like, as her mother refused to tell her anything, especially after they had heard he got sent to Azkaban. Her mother didn't even know that Taylor had gone to visit her father in Azkaban, which was when she had learnt about him, and why he had been sent there. Even though she had only met him once, he impressed her, and she aspired to be like him, except not get caught.

The letter told Taylor to go down to the lakefront to meet Shaylah there, and she hastily got ready, placing her hair up in a ponytail and practically ran down to the lakefront. As she got near the lakefront, she slowed down to a normal walk, and she gazed around admiring the view. There was an older girl there, and she knew that this must be Shaylah. She continued walking, until she was slightly behind her. 'Are you Shaylah?' She inquired softly, being cautious, but curious. She was surprised at herself, she usually wasn't shy, but this older girl intimidated her. She looked like the type of girl that could protect herself if need be.

xSorry it took me so long, got a bit distracted with school work and studying.x
Shaylah kept thinking about the girl. If she wasn't related to Shaylah then why did she have the same surname. The girl was going to have to change it. There was no way Shay could put up with another Rouge in the school. Then again, if she was related then how?? Jay never had any siblings and nor did her mum. It would have to be a distant relative, in which case she wasn't related in Shaylah's opinion.

Shay turned her head when she heard a small girl talking to her. She stood up so she was slightly taller than the girl. Shay may have been three years older but she was also one of the smallest in her year so there was nearly no height difference between the two Rouges. Shay looked the girl up and down a few times. There were definitely some similarities.

Once Shay had taken in everything about her appearance, she spoke. "Yeah. I am." She huffed then looked around to make sure no one else was there. "Who are you and why do you have my name??" It couldn't just be coincidence that their first names were practically the same as each other.

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