It’s Business

Sunako Koshiba

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut 10 1/2" Sakura core
It?s Business

<r><FONT font="Courier New"><s></s><COLOR color="#000"><s></s>Sunako Watanuki had been pulled from school for this outing. Hoshi, under orders of the healers, was not out alone and Princess Eden could not be bothered to accompany Hoshi so the Koshiba family gave the headmistress a little bit of money to let Sunako out so she could guide her cousin through Brightstone Village. Not that Hoshi didn’t know her way. Sunako was sure that her cousin had been in these shops more than a hundred times, taking with friends or being just being Hoshi. Sunako was there to make sure that Hoshi did not have an attack; if she did Sunako was ready with the respirator charm as well as other life saving spells that had been drilled into young girl’s head. Her task master taught her in order to learn how to take a life efficiently she had to know exactly what saved it.<br/>
Sunako was already good at taking life and she felt nothing when she took it but her taskmaster’s word was law. She was going to be a servant for Hoshi and an assassin for the Koshiba. Sunako looked forward to it. So with her head bowed down so that her hair covered her face, Sunako walked behind her cousin with an umbrella so that the sun didn’t hurt her cousin’s face. They reached a bench beside a fountain and Sunako set to work to make it more comfortable for the sick girl. Though she wouldn’t admit it Sunako was hoping that Hoshi got better. If she didn’t Sunako might as well start craving her gravestone now.<br/>
Hoshi had been picked up by Sunako to go to Brightstone. Before her illness she had thought of Sunako was a friend that had been made for her and had to help. Now that she had a lot of time to reflect on her own nature Hoshi realized that she did not view Sunako as a friend at all but rather a pet. This was not a bad thing. After all every person needed a pet. Especially someone who had a useless a body as she did. They were here to see her used to be beau Kimihero. Hoshi was grateful that she didn’t need to wear the mask anymore even though she was still prone to having asthma like attacks from her sickness.

The last time she had heard of ‘Kimi-kun’ had been three years ago when Hoshi had gotten herself disowned. It had been longer since she had seen him. How Hoshi remembered Kimihero was as a bratty little boy who had whined at Hoshi when she and her brother had made a wedding cake crash over the head of the bride. A few play dates later Hoshi had discovered that she was to one day marry this boy and had thrown one of her epic tantrums because by then Hoshi had grown to hate the show-offy, arrogant boy. She had been sure back then that he hated her as well and her mentality had not changed. Hoshi was convinced that Kimihero was after the Koshiba’s power. It didn’t matter to Hoshi really. If he was absolutely horrible to her Hoshi would have no problems making her future husband disappear.

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