
Logan Vacarius

Saint Mungo's Healer / Psychiatrist (In Training)
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12" Unyielding Cedar Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Never had Logan Vacarius felt so isolated in his life. He walked to the lakefront and rested on the rocks before the shore. As he returned for his last year, he felt like his whole being was in danger of going back to his state where he had stability issues. Logan felt that he needed to seek out Felix and Lucius once more, but it was too early to tell. All of the friends he once had that were protecting him, adoring him and loving him as he did them, were now all gone. They were not dead or moved schools, but merely ignored him. He tried to say hey, but he never got a reply. It was almost as if he had done something to displease them. He folded his legs to him and rested his head upon his lap. There was only one light, one rock in his life and that was Ailsa Evans. But, now she was a prefect and quidditch captain. Did she even have time for him anymore? He hoped with all of his might.

What was he saying? Ailsa Evans was his girlfriend, the one that he fell in love with. And she felt the same, that much he knew. Only someone with a huge heart for him would have put up with his weaknesses since the incident three years ago. Of course she would have time for him. Logan sighed, and stretched his legs out once more. He had sent a little note to her to meet him out here for some time together. As long as it did not interfere with her duties. Logan looked over the horizon, wondering what was in store for them. Since that incident, Logan had been terrified of fire, but somehow by the lake and seeing the sun over it made him feel relaxed. The water did not seem as threatening, but it did take a boy’s life last year. It was hard to think of. Seeing all those people in pain from the loss of Avie. Would he have received the same if he had been killed that year? It was strange, because then he had a lot of friends, and now he hardly had anyone. Logan shook his head, trying to force the negative thoughts out. It was a constant battle.
Ailsa was beginning to hate being a prefect, sure it was an honour but it took up her time, and really Ailsa just wanted to spend what little spare time she had with her boyfriend. It was in fact what she was currently having to do. The girl had been trying to speed along the patrol, looking at her watch, her gaze kept looking towards the outside where she had known he would be but she couldn't exactly just leave, but when it was finally done, the teen could not have been more pleased. She didn't even bother to get changed instead just walked out of the school and then walked over to where the lake was. Ailsa knew that Logan hadn't been having a good time recently, all those people, those so-called friends that seemed to have slowly turned away from him, they had spent so much time at the beginning and had seemed understanding of his situation but none of them now seemed to understand, seemed to even want to be there for him when he very clearly needed people. It annoyed Ailsa far more than she thought it likely annoyed him, but she knew if any one of them tried to do anything they'd have to get through her first and despite the fact that she was a prefect she would not shy away from such things.

Finally she spotted him, "Logan!" she called out before rushing over to him, and wrapping her arms around him as she planted a kiss first on his cheek and then on his lips holding her boyfriend close. She truly did love him, to her he was her everything. Ailsa pulled away and smiled at him, meeting his gaze and just smiling at him, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting sweetie, these patrols take so long," the girl apologised, kissing him on the lips once more in apology. The teen pulled away slightly, moving herself to stand at his side, wrapping an arm around his waist, and leaning into him, and she looked out at the lake and knowing what had happened here not that long ago she wondered if he was thinking about that too. Ailsa knew that a student dying would bring back the memories of what happened to him, of what might've happened if things had gone differently, gone badly, the girl couldn't really imagine her life without him, "How you doing?" the girl asked him looking up at his face trying to figure out how he was feeling.
Logan repaid the favor of kissing his girlfriend back. As she put her arm around his waist, he slipped his around her shoulders. The lake was just relaxing to him, and though all his friends have abandoned him for some reason or hated him he still felt like he did not belong. The only person he had here was Ailsa. The nurses were good to him though. He could admit that easily. "I have been stable. But I've been doing some thinking, actually." Logan looked down because this was hard. He just felt alone here and needed a fresh start. He wanted to go back, to the muggle world. If his brother would let him. He almost doubted it though. He finally looked to her, "Just so you know, I love you. With all my heart, but after the Yule Ball, I am going to transfer out of here. All my friends hate me, and the students here that knew about me, I can't really handle it. I need a fresh beginning." Logan didn't want her to think it was because of her. He needed this. Logan felt like he would be better in a different environment. Ailsa had too many responsibilities. He couldn't ask her to come with him.

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