Isobel Hills

Isobel Hills

Well-Known Member
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4 Essence of Silver Thistle
Full Name:
Isobel Jane Hills

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
Golden brown wavy hair, amber eyes. Quite pretty and she knows it.

Arrogant, self-centred. Hates to be told what to do. Will do nearly anything for attention

Mum: Jane Hills - dead. She died 3 years ago when Isobel was 7. She wasn't ever really close to her mumr. She looks a lot like her mum did. Parents divorced 2 years before she died. They divorced because he found out that she was a witch. They had been married for 4 years and had had Alice before they were married. Her mum hid it from him easily because he was barely ever at home.
Siblings She has none and is an only child. She prefers it this way.
Dad: George Hills - Adores his daughter and spoils her rotten. She is a 'daddy's princess' and she is close to him. He is a rich business man.
Cousin: Alice Hills - They don't get on and she despises Alice for being cleverer than her. Alice's dad and Isobel's dad are close brothers.

Has a dog at home called Harvey whom she loves.

Area of Residence:
Oxford, England

Blood Status:
Half blood. Her mum was a witch but her father divorced her when he found out. He threatened to disown Isobel when he found out that she was one as well but she convinced him otherwise.

Special Abilities:

Interests or Hobbies:
Playing sport games. Loves to be musical. She plays the violin, flute and piano.

Good at music.
Reasonably clever.


Describe your character in three words:
Pretty, arrogant and self-centred.

Favourite place to be:
At home with her dog or with friends.

None yet :(

Hogwarts House:
Hopefully Slytherin because she is cunning and likes things her own way.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
To learn to fly and graduate.

Best school subjects:
Muggle: Sport
Wizard: Probably Flying

Worst school subjects:
Muggle: History
Wizard: Book subjects that are boring.

Extracurricular Activities:
Wants to take part in the quiditch.

Plans for your future:
Be better than Alice. Make a name for herself.

Your Patronus:
A fox because they are cunning and sly and work alone.

Your Patronus memory:
When her mum and dad were with her together and happy.

Your Boggart:
A clown. She used to have one that made horrible shadows in her room. She burned it but the memory of it still haunts it.

Your Animagus:
A cat.

Mirror of Erised:
Being powerful, rich and important.

Hope this is ok for the moment. Its not quite finished so questions would be really appreciated now to help me :DD
Hey there, just a few questions ^_^

Why was Isobel named Isobel? Is there any meaning behind her name?
How does Isobel react if she gets told what to do?
What type of dog is Harvey?
How did Isobel convince her dad to keep her? Did he continue to spoil her even after he found out what she was?
What is Isobel's favourite sport?
Why would her animagus be a cat?
Is Isobel going to Hogwarts New Zealand? If so, how come? Why is she moving from England?

Hope this helps :)
Thanks for the questions :D


1) Isobel comes from the name Elizabeth - Isobel's grandma's name. (OOC: I really chose it because someone whom i REALLY don't like is called Isobel and i wanted to make an evil character <_< :r )
2) She doesn't like it at all and tends not to do it. People think that her dad can tell her what to do but she has him around her little finger and really she tells him what to do. I think that she would probably obey a professor because she doesn't want to get kicked out of Hogwarts before she can really settle in. She would make a fuss and procrastinate, but finally relenting.
3) Harvey is a golden retriever and is very old - will probably die soon sadly :(
4) She just made him feel REALLY bad about it and he didn't really mean it, it was just a burst of anger. Yes, he did continue to spoil her even when he found out. He isn't home much because of his business and wants to make up for this to her. He loves her more than anything and he couldn't really cope with losing her. He thinks that if he can give her everything she wants then she will be happy. She regularly threatens to leave home when she really wants something.
5) Isobel is really good at Netball and Hockey and running. She likes being outside and showing off. Her favourite sport is Netball, and she used to play for a team.
6) Cats are known for being unnoticed, sly and don't trust people. She would probably be a black cat because they are seen as clever. She likes the idea of being the stereotypical 'black cat with green eyes' that appears in children's books as evil.
7) Yes she is, her mum went there and she decided to follow suit. She decided to go there before she found out her cousin Alice was. She would have probably changed her mind if she knew this beforehand.

Thanks, they are great. :D The answers will probably be rusty because i made some of them up just now!

Thanks anyway :)

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