Isabelle Valentina

Isabelle Valentina

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ebony Wand 15 Essence of Phoenix Talon
Isabelle Celine Valentina


The Basics​

Full Name:
Isabelle Celine Valentina
Nickname: Izzy
Current Age: 11 years old
Birth Date: June 6, 2017

Strengths: Persuasion, Determination, Sense of Adventure
Weaknesses: Noncommittal, Stubbornness, Untrusting
Hometown: New York, New York, United States of America
Languages: English, French, Spanish
Heritage: French

Blood Status: Muggle Born
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Sexual Preference: Female, straight
Wand: Ebony Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Talon

<COLOR color="#80a0ff">Appearance

Hair: Chestnut brown, fairly thick, wavy, with lighter amber streaks in it. It's normally worn down or in a loose bun.
Eyes: Deep chocolate brown with amber specks. They're really big, due to her French and Italian heritage.
Height: 5' 10" Isabelle's height is somewhat of an insecurity of hers, however it doesn't stop her from wearing heels when she can
Weight: Lithe, 80 pounds
Build: Skinny, but with curves.
Style: Dressed to kill. Isabelle relishes in her appearance, the one thing she is sure she can control in her hectic life. Her clothes can best be described as urban hipster. First impressions are very important to Isabelle, and she's learned from experience that looking polished and sophisticated can usually get her far when it comes to persuasion.
Played By: Nina Dobrev
A Little Deeper

Personality: Isabelle is very strong and confident, though she tends to not show weakness in front of others. She sees this as a flaw, because she is never able to let anyone in, and keeps her more sensitive feelings bottled up inside of her. Isabelle's reasoning is that if she doesn't show anyone that she needs them, it won't hurt as bad if they abandon her. She comes from a family where for the most part, she was left to her own devices. Isabelle was classically trained, skilled in fencing, playing the violin, dancing, and martial arts. She is very curious, always looking to discover secrets or travel the world. If stuck between following the rules and going on an adventure, more often than not she'll break the rules. She loves being the center of attention, and is used to having a friend or two at her side at all times. When she's alone, her insecurities tend to come out. Rather than facing them, she prefers the distraction of company. She's fiercely loyal, and demands respect from those around her.

History: Isabelle grew up in New York, and was always fascinated by the loud, vibrant city. Her family was very affluent, however Isabelle had a lonely childhood, with her parents constantly travelling. She turned to her older brother, Alexander, for companionship, and they are very close. Isabelle was brought up to always be mindful of rules; she was to act properly at all times, to speak formally, and study hard. Life was constantly a competition -- her parents expected Isabelle to be the best of the best, putting an enormous amount of pressure on the young girl. When she didn't achieve her goals, she was scolded harshly and belittled. Some were astonished by the strict behavior, but Isabelle took it as a challenge. However, she is quick to criticize herself when she makes a mistake, and loathes erring in front of others. When she got her letter from Hogwarts, her parents were extremely proud. Instead of enjoying her acceptance, Isabelle was initially just relieved her parents approved of her and her intellect. Upon arrival, Isabelle soon found Hogwarts as a release. Gone was the pressure to perform at an elevated level; she found herself being accepted and befriended by complete strangers, and was in awe of magic. Still, Isabelle is plagued by the thought that she is never good enough, and that she will always be a disappointment to her family, friends, and more importantly, herself. She is currently a Gryffindor First Year.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions: To make the Quidditch team or be a Prefect
Plans for the Future: Become an Auror
Patronus: Lioness
Patronus Memory: Winning the national championships in her fencing division or dancing the solo in her ballet company's rendition of "La Bayadere"
Boggart: Her family, looking down on her in shame
Mirror of Erised: Exploring a cave in South America or scaling a mountain in Asia
Favorite Color: Scarlet and cerulean
Favorite Sport: Fencing
Favorite Subject: Since she only takes DADA, Potions, Charms, and Flying, she'd have to say Charms

<SIZE size="150"><SIZE size="150">Family and Friends:

Mother: Victoria Ellewood

Father: Joseph Valentina

Brother: Alexander Valentina


Margo Liddell
Jessica Tenterfield
Adam Perry
Sage Ottavi
Eugene Smythe
Isla MacNiall

<FONT font="Marion Regular">Role Plays:

The Time to Study
And the Adventures Begin...
Dewdrops in the Grass

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