Isabella Fitzgerald

Isabella Fitzgerald

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Full Name:
- Isabella - God Is My Oath
- Alexis - Defender of the people
- Vera - Faith
- Fitzgerald
Date of Birth:
- December 25 2013 - Isabella was born at Christmas eve, she was delivered at around 12:01. (OOC: She was named after Phineas and Ferb character Isabella Garcia-Shapiro)
Current Age:
- 11 Years Of Age
Basic Appearance:
- Isabella has long, breast line length, blondish hair. She also has round and golden pupil eyes, a perfect body and has the tall of 5'4. Sabel always has a ribbon on her left hair but doesn't wear it in front of Dymetris only.
- Isabella is happy, sometimes coward, spirited. She is mostly optimistic, but she also cares for and worries about people at times.
[ul][li]Leonid Maxim Fitzgerald</LI>
[li]Father of Isabella
[li]Half Blood
[li]Half-British and Half-Russian
Vivian Antonina (.nee Klavdiya) Fitzgerald
[li]Mother of Isabella
[li]Muggle Born
[li]Half-Russian and Half-Jewish
Mikhail Gleb Fitzgerald
[li]Middle Brother of Isabella
[li]Half Blood
[li]Half-Russian, Half-British and Half-Jewish
Viktoriya Sehja Fiztgerald
[li]Younger Sister of Isabella
[li]Half Blood
<LI>[li]Half-Russian, Half-British and Half-Jewish[/li][/ul]
- She doesn't have any pets because she's allergic to hairy animals but she might get a hairless pet once she's at Hogwarts.
Area of Residence:
- Moscow, Russia but parents are originally from St. Petersburg
Blood Status:
- Half Blood, her mother is a Muggle Born and her father is a Half Blood
- Isabella has three heritage; One is she's half-Russian which she has on her both parents, hald-British from her father and half-Jewish from her mother. Her father didn't mind if her mother is a Jewish because it was so long time ago that Russians hate Jewish.
Interests or Hobbies:
- Isabella is one of the members of the FIRESIDE GIRLS a girlscout association, she too sing and dance ballet perfectly.
Additional Skills:
- She knows how to cook some tradional Russian foods and will only serve this to Dymetris
- Her parents and best friend
Describe your character in three words:
- Charming, Lovable, and Mischiveious
Favourite place to be:
- Dymetris house, vacant lot a mile away from her house with an old vacant house and THE CLIFFS
- Dymetris :wub: , Her brother and sister, some school mates in a muggle elementary school
Hogwarts House:
- Her father preferr her to be in Slytherin because her father was sorted in Slytherin when he was at Hogwarts Scotland but to her it doesn't matter because she doesn't hold her future and will take whatever house she is in. But she likes Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw.
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Isabella hopes to gain friends that will stick to her and be with her in problems and her ambition is to learn more about the wizarding world.
Best school subjects:
- Coming soon
Worst school subjects:
- Coming soon
Extracurricular Activities:
- Coming soon if she can try out for Quidditch
- After graduation she wanted to go to college and study culinary arts
Plans for your future:
- Tell Dymetris her feelings, work, study again
Your Patronus:
- A DoDo Bird because Isabella likes extinct animals and loves history
Your Patronus memory:
- One time that she sleep over at Dymetris house and have a real slumber party with girls and boys on their age, Dymetris was pissed off xD
Your Boggart:
- A Vampire, she's afraid of them especially their teeth
Your Animagus:
- A Dinosaur, again Isabella loves extinct animals
Mirror of Erised:
- Her and Dymetris together :wub:
Hello Isabella,

I'm going to ask you a few questions, feel free to answer them IC or OOC.

You stated that your character was named after a character from a television show, do they share any traits? Or is it just the first name that does? What made you choose that character to name this character after?

What does Isabella think of her name?

What does she think of her birthday? I know a few people who are born close to Christmas and they hate it, does she? (Oh and just a hint, she would be ten turning eleven because December is coming up.)

What is so special about Dymetris that makes her not want to wear a ribbon in her hair?

What do you mean by perfect body? Do you mean model-wise (remember that that figure is really unhealthy)? Does being a ballerina in training affect what she thinks of her body?

When is Isabella a coward?

Compared to Isabella's siblings, their names seem to come from more of a Russian decent then her own, what does she think about that?

How old are her siblings? Do they attend Durmstrang, Beauxbatons or any of the Hogwarts schools?

(I see that you put that she is "half-Jewish" but I feel I should inform you that Jewish is a belief and not a race.) Does Isabella's family practise the Jewish faith?

What are Isabella's family like? Give me at least five personality traits and at least five facial characteristics.

Isabella dances ballet, does she wish to one day be a professional dancer? What made her start to dance?

Is Isabella on demi-point or still on flats? (At this time, her feet would not be strong enough to be en pointe completely but she could be training for it).

Who are Isabella's musical inspirations?

Why will she only cook for Dymetris?

Have Isabella and Dymetris known one another for a long time or are they new friends?

I see that you have listed Dymetris as Isabella's weakness, could you give some other personality weaknesses? (Does she bite her nails or have a nasty habit that she just can't kick?) Or why Dymetris is her weakness? (Does he scare her, etc?)

What are her feelings towards Dymetris, because you are alluding that the pair are together.

What do her parents feel about her feelings towards Dymetris? What are her siblings feelings towards him? Does she care what they think?

Where are these cliffs that Isabella likes to visit? Or do you mean the Hogwarts ones and she will like them when she begins at Hoggies?

Why is Isabella attending Hogwarts New Zealand rather then Durmstrang when she lives in Russia? That is a considerable distance. Do you think she will miss her home country much?

Has Isabella ever seen a vampire?

And to be an animagus, I do believe that the animal has to currently exist (don't quote me on that, though) so what living animal would Isabella be should she be an animagus and what personality traits do the two share?

As with the animagus, I think the Patronus is the same deal. What other animal would her patronus be and why?
1. Yes, they share something which is their personality and the way they wear ribbons at the side of their hair. I choose that character because I like watching Phineas and Ferb which I first saw on a Hotel Suite, I just feel that she's perfect.

2. She thinks its cute, Isabella's name was given by her grandparents.

3. Isabella doesn't hate it, actually, she likes it. Its a double celebration; a birthday and Christmas. Many gifts she will accept.

4. Because she thinks its so lame wearing it in front of your crush

5. What I mean about that is perfect ballerina type body. Of course it affects her body.

6. She's has been a coward since she was bullied at her school

7. She thinks that she's very important because she's the oldest, Isabella doesn't think her parents hate her for naming her not Russian style.

8. (I don't know that xD ) Only her mom.

9. [ul][li]Leonid - Isabella's father is a hard working, caring, loving, open minded and understandable person. For Isabella his the best father ever. Leonid has some graying hair, has hazel shape eye like Isabella's, and a short mustash.</LI>
[li]Vivian - Isabella's mother is a loving, obsessive, cruel, selfish and wh0re person. Loving because she will do anything for her children thus the other four personality is for her husband when she knows about her husband is a wizard she had change towards him. For Isabella is she cruel and doesn't like her. Vivian has long and blond hair which Isabella has too, pointed nose and heart shape face and golden hazel shape eyes.
[li]Mikhail - Isabella's trusting, kind, happy-go-lucky, secretive and naughty brother. Isabella was lucky to have Mikhail to be her brother. Mikhail has short, fly away, brownish hair, has pointed nose too like her mom and a blue ash hazel shape eyes.
<LI>[li]Viktoriya - Isabella's sister is like a miniature doll of her mom, has the same personality but isn't a wh0re. Viktoriya has blond, above shoulder length hair, blue ash hazel eyes and not so pointed nose like her dad.[/li][/ul]

10. No, she just dance ballet because its her hobby and its what her dad wants. Isabella wants to be a chef.

11. Still on flats, she had just started basically she's on girl scouts than ballet

12. That would be Beethoven and some Russian traditional musics

13. Because Isabella knew that she's still learning and has a bad cooking, that's why she only cooks for Dymetris xD

14. Since birth because of the same hospital and same ward their mothers had.

15. Her personality weaknesses are clicking her fingers when nervous and thumb sucking and for Dymetris, Isabella just can't resist Dymetris.

16. Isabella has a deep feelings toward her best friend but she doesn't admit it, even tho its almost obvious.

17. Actually, her parents doesn't know about it but her siblings knew and support her. Her siblings like Dymetris because they are family friends and known Dymetris for like 10 years.

18. The cliffs are just a few walk from her house not in Hogwarts

19. Her dad wants her to be independent and that's what she wants after all, and Isabella and her siblings will be on her dad's custody anyway when the divorce is filed.

20. Nope, only in movies (Vampire Diaries not Twilight)

21. Hmmm ... that's tough, tho she wanted a Platypus because Platypus has some personality that Isabella has, Platypus are isolated ... I think.

22. For the Patronus ... a hairless mole rat because they are tiny and hairless, Isabella is allergic on hairy animals.

I think that's all but I think I'm missing something ...

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