Isaac Noah Pike !

Full Name:
Isaac Noah Pike
Isaac, was chosen by both my parents. It's a good name and it
suits me a lot. I also find that as a name it holds some importance
It is of Hebrew origins, and means he will laugh, or more exactly
laughter. This suits me as I love to laugh and have a good time. The
name Isaac is a biblical name. It is from the story of Abraham and his
wife Sarah. Isaac was the name of the only son they had together. It
was a similar thing with me. They had been trying for 4 years before I
came along. I was there first miracle.
Noah, which is my infrequently used middle name. It's a good middle
name, but I just don't use it. It is also of Hebrew origin. It means peaceful,
or wanderer. I know that the first part is quite like what I am like, but the
wanderer I don't think I am. I mean I do live very far from home. And I do
a lot myself, but I wouldn't say I was a wanderer.
Pike, is my family name. I obviously can't change it. But I don't like it. As a
last name, it pretty much kinda sucks. It's from the old english to mean spear
and so it was really a warrior name. I can fight, but I'm no warrior. If I was to
change my middle name, I think I would change it to Cale, Which is also from
Hebrew origin. I just think it fits better than Pike. Isaac Noah Pike, or Isaac Noah
Cale. But my parents would never let me change it, so I guess I'll just have to
put up with Pike. For now.
Date of Birth:
11th October 2010.
I was born at exactly 13.13. I was one and a half months early. Which meant
I wasn't quite fully developed in some places so I had to be in an incubator
for three weeks. Everyone was quite worried about if I was going to make
it or not, because I was very small. Small than most babies that are born
early. But I managed to pull through. I think this is the reason why my
parents, more my mom than my dad, worry about me being all on my
own in France. Since they fear they might lose me, like they almost did
when I was born
Current Age:
I am currently 17.
Which is turning out to be a good age for me, depsite the fact I have
these super important and emotionally draining exams coming up at
the end of the semester. I have a good group of friends, and we are
all quite close. I've been doing well in classes. And I'm improving my
family life. So, All is good at 17.
Basic Appearance:
I am slightly smaller than most my
age. But, I think I'll grow a little taller, in the next few years. I have
light brown hair, which is quite short and usually worn in a casual way.
I tend to leave my hair how I found it when I woke up. So generally, my
hair is jagged and layered all over the place. With a number of strands
facing forward and covering my eyes. My mom thinks that the way my
hair is, is the reason for which I need glasses. I wear glasses but, not
too often. I much prefer wearing contact lenses. But, I've found recently
that I am wearing my glasses more and more often. My eyes are a light
brown, almost dark gold color. It's different from the rest of my family
who have dark brown eyes. My parents have never explained why my
eyes are different from all of theres, but I don't mind. I like it. My eyes
are most likely my favourite thing about my appearance. I have tanned
skin, which is due to the fact I spend a lot of time in Southern France, but
when I first came, I was as pale as snow. So it's better now that I'm
tanned. I am of average weight, which is good. I like to eat, but if I eat too
much I end up feeling really sick. I used to be really thin. Even at 11 I was
quite underweight, and this worried my mom, since she thought that if
I was alone, I would forget to eat, and grow even thinner. This didn't happen
and I'm in a good place with weight. Though whenever I go home, my
mom say's I've lost weight, when in most cases, I've put on weight. I have
a few birth marks on my face, which make me look very unique. I also have
a massive scar on my left side. It goes from the top of my hip to the middle of
my ribcage. I got this when I was out swimming with some friends. I brushed
against a rock, and it had something spikey on the side, and it cut through my
skin. It bleed pretty bad, and now I'm left with this scar. I also have a small
round burn mark on the small of my back. It was part of a dare, which meant
someone had to give a friendship scar to each person in the group. It hurt a lot
at the time, but, now I forget it's even there. I also during the Winter Holidays
of 2025, got a tattoo. A whole group of us got them done. Most of us just got
words. I have mine around my left wrist, it looks like a bracelet, slightly. It says
Live Fast Die Young Isaac It's in joined up writing, and is reflected, so
either way you look at my wrist you can see what is written and it looks really
cool. We all got our names tattooed on and it looks really cool. The guy who
did them, didn't even ask for ID. We just all looked old enough. I have yet to
tell my family about it, since I don't think they'll be too pleased. And that's
all about my appearance. I look a lot more like my dad than my mom.
I am a laid back kind of guy who likes
to be in the it the crowd. I'm really nice and friendly, and I give super great
hugs and I love being with my friends. I'm a hard worker, and I try my
very best in all my classes. I'm loyal, as I'll stand up for any of my friends
and I will fight for them and myself. I can be pretty daring, and will do
almost anything that I am dared to do. This is not exactly my best trait
since I have done, a number of things I'm not proud of. I follow my heart
and my emotions. I don't really think about things before I do them. I love
strongly, and act independently. I will at times, sometimes be forced into
doing things I don't like, but it's nothing major. I'm relaxed and easy going.
I don't pressurize people. I hate people who assume things. I like to give
everyone a chance. I am the type of person who thinks that everyone is
good and honest, even if they don't show it. I'm really easy to be friends
with, and am very open to most. My favourite colour is a light red, almost
pinkish colour. Which seems odd since I'm a guy, but I don't think colors define
who you are as a person. So really, I'm a fun loving easy going kind of guy.
My family is pretty small. There is just
me, my sister, and my parents. It's better this way. But, since I live in
France, I don't see them very often. I saw them for a little while during
the last summer (summer of 2025) to help move the last of my stuff to
France, but that was only for a few days, and due to jet lag, I was basically
nocturnal. But, I love my family a lot, and I miss them when I'm out here all
on my own.
My Mom, is a beautiful women. With a huge heart. She is the most caring
person I have ever met. She and I get along really well. I can always talk
to her about girls, and school. But, I'm not very close with her. I chose to
not tell her a lot of things about my life hear in France since she worries so
much. She always, whenever I am there, brings out all the new reports and
stories about children who live away from home, and get depressed, and end
up either, addicted to something, with an eating disorder, self harming or
attempting suicide. I can't make jokes about any of these things in front of her
because she gets in a state. But I have never been close to any of these things.
But she's my mom, she worries. I'm her little boy. She worries about me a lot.
My mom has light brown hair, and dark brown eyes. She is the same height as
My Dad, is a tall person. Hopefully I shall grow a little more to be more his height.
He is also very caring, and understanding, but he is selectively understanding. I know
it's bad to say, but my dad is more understanding about things other people in the
family do, that what I do. My dad and I do not see eye to eye. We have different
views and opinions on almost everything. I have told him more about my life
in Beauxbatons, and about my friends, and while he doesn't understand the pressures
of being young and living aboard alone, he gets annoyed at me. I'm pretty sure, if I
told him about the tattoo he would get close to disowning me. He does keep me in
check about most things, and I know he is only looking out for me. But it's annoying.
The fact my dad acts as such is also the reason for which I don't tell my mum
anything about school. My dad has short light brown hair, and dark brown
eyes. I care for him a lot, but I know I can be quite a disappointment.
My sister, Amanda "Mandy" Pike. She's 11 and will be going to Hogwarts New
Zealand next year. She's just like my mom, pretty, kind and happy. But she's
had a tough time making friends. She doesn't think I know, but I know a lot more
about her than she does about me. She's got wavy brown hair, and dark brown
eyes. She's a shy girl, but I know she'll become more confident at school. Mandy
and I are close. I get along well with her, and I am always her annoying older
brother who tickles her. I'm different around my sister. I'm not so reckless or
careless. I am kinder and more normal. I would beat the crap out of any one
who lay hand on her. I know she's annoyed she doesn't see me very often,
but hopefully this will change.
I have a snowy owl named Pilot.
He's a really good flier, and is very enthusiastic. It's a small owl, who
is only a year old. She's a beautiful bird, and all my friends are
jealous of her. I would love a cat, but I haven't bothered to get
one yet. I was thinking of getting one when I leave school.
Pilot is all I really need right now.
Area of Residence:
Toulon, The Var, France. It's right at
the very bottom of France. It's very hot in summer, and the winters are
bareable. I live with two other guys from my school, and it's one of my
friends parents that bought the house for us. We have reduced rent, so
it's very affordable. It's an apartment, right on the harbour. We look out
onto the sea, and have a balcony. We live on the top floor, so it's a magical
place. We are also really close to a market, a shopping centre, and the beach.
It's the best place to stay. I love it.
But I used to live in Boston in America. It was nice there, and I had a lot more
room, and less money issues, but I prefer France. The rest of my family live
in New Zealand. I don't even have a room in that house. When I go I am
destined to sleep on the couch. But I'm sure, it's a lovely house. I'm going to
New Zealand for the summer, so I'll be able to see then if I prefer it to France.
Blood Status:
Mixed Blood.
Both my parents are mixed blood, so it makes me that too. But I don't
like giving myself or anyone a Blood status It seems nasty. It doesn't
matter what blood you have, in the end, we are all human. I have a number
of muggle and muggleborn friends, so if people start being mean to them,
I make sure, they never do it again.
Jewish, I am Jewish by blood. My ancestors
escaped from Russia or Poland, when people started to be prejudiced and
began persecuting them. I myself am not really religious. I wouldn't say
I don't believe, but I'm not sure. I'm an agnostic as most say. I am not
very Jewish, and it's only because of my blood that I am one.

Special Abilities:
I have none. I tried to become an
animagus, but, it was distracting me from my studies so I stopped.
It doesn't bother me, I'm fine with out Special Abilities.
Interests or Hobbies:
I like sailing, and cycling. I enjoy
being with friends, and having a good time, I enjoy playing the
guitar, though I'm not very good, and I like to go flying, even
though I'm not very good at playing quidditch. Before I came to
France I didn't know the first thing about sailing, but now I'm really
good at it. It isn't exactly hard, but I love it. Me and my friends love it.
Additional Skills:
I can speak French. I've got an accent
and my grammar isn't great but I'm alright. I can read it really well,
and I can speak it, well. It's the writing part which drags me down
completely. But considering, before I came to France I could speak
only a few words I have greatly improved. Which I am proud of, my
parents didn't think I'd be able to learn it. I think they were hoping I
wouldn't and I'd just learn from home.
Sailing, cycling. French. I'm
also good at fighting, and standing up for what I believe in. I
am relaxed and easy going, which means I get along with people
well, which is a strength. I'm a quick and hard worker. And I can
do things for myself. I've always been very independent, so this
is a definite strength for me.
I am too careless with my heart.
I trust easily, which could always bite me back. I follow my
emotions which could lead me into some dark passageways. I can
at times be persuaded into doing things I'd rather not. But I'd rather
be doing things I don't like, with all my friends than the loner sitting
in the corner of the room. This my biggest weakness.
Describe Your Character in Three Words:
Fun - I'm fun, and funny. I like to go out
and just have a ball. I don't need to get drunk to have fun, which is a big
plus, and I always have the best idea for fun things to do.
Careless - I'm careless with my heart
I love to easily. Which is quite bad, since girls can be mean b!tches. I'm also
careless in the sense, that I drop things often, and forget things easily.
Loyal - I would fight, and die for my
friends and family. I will always stand up for them and stick by them through
whatever. I am very loyal. I would never cheat on anyone.
Favourite Place To Be:
In the apartment in Toulon. It really
is just the best. You can't really understand it until you've seen it, but
it's amazing. I love my apartment. But really my favourite place to be is
France in general. It's an amazing country with a deep and rich history.
There is so much to see and visit. I don't think I could've chosen a better
place to be. Plus the good weather, is Awesome.
I have a large group of friends. We are
all roughly the same age and all attend Beauxbatons. Most of them are
french, but some are english and one other is American. We always have
a good time. But since we are a group, there is the Queen, which is a very
good friend of mine. Whom I met in first year. And she says I'm the king
but I chose to ignore the hierarchy that seems to be. Everyone is equal.
I have none. I tried to become an
animagus, but, it was distracting me from my studies so I stopped.
It doesn't bother me, I'm fine with out Special Abilities.
Interests or Hobbies:
I like sailing, and cycling. I enjoy
being with friends, and having a good time, I enjoy playing the
guitar, though I'm not very good, and I like to go flying, even
though I'm not very good at playing quidditch. Before I came to
France I didn't know the first thing about sailing, but now I'm really
good at it. It isn't exactly hard, but I love it. Me and my friends love it.
Additional Skills:
I can speak French. I've got an accent
and my grammar isn't great but I'm alright. I can read it really well,
and I can speak it, well. It's the writing part which drags me down
completely. But considering, before I came to France I could speak
only a few words I have greatly improved. Which I am proud of, my
parents didn't think I'd be able to learn it. I think they were hoping I
wouldn't and I'd just learn from home.
Sailing, cycling. French. I'm
also good at fighting, and standing up for what I believe in. I
am relaxed and easy going, which means I get along with people
well, which is a strength. I'm a quick and hard worker. And I can
do things for myself. I've always been very independent, so this
is a definite strength for me.
I am too careless with my heart.
I trust easily, which could always bite me back. I follow my
emotions which could lead me into some dark passageways. I can
at times be persuaded into doing things I'd rather not. But I'd rather
be doing things I don't like, with all my friends than the loner sitting
in the corner of the room. This my biggest weakness.
Describe Your Character in Three Words:
Fun - I'm fun, and funny. I like to go out
and just have a ball. I don't need to get drunk to have fun, which is a big
plus, and I always have the best idea for fun things to do.
Careless - I'm careless with my heart
I love to easily. Which is quite bad, since girls can be mean b!tches. I'm also
careless in the sense, that I drop things often, and forget things easily.
Loyal - I would fight, and die for my
friends and family. I will always stand up for them and stick by them through
whatever. I am very loyal. I would never cheat on anyone.
Favourite Place To Be:
In the apartment in Toulon. It really
is just the best. You can't really understand it until you've seen it, but
it's amazing. I love my apartment. But really my favourite place to be is
France in general. It's an amazing country with a deep and rich history.
There is so much to see and visit. I don't think I could've chosen a better
place to be. Plus the good weather, is Awesome.
I have a large group of friends. We are
all roughly the same age and all attend Beauxbatons. Most of them are
french, but some are english and one other is American. We always have
a good time. But since we are a group, there is the Queen, which is a very
good friend of mine. Whom I met in first year. And she says I'm the king
but I chose to ignore the hierarchy that seems to be. Everyone is equal.

Magical School:
Beauxbatons Academy Of Magic.
It's in Southern France, and is the best school in the world. Or I think so
anyway. It's a palace, and it's huge. I had the choice to go to Hogwarts
New Zealand or Hogwarts Scotland, but Hogwarts Scotland seemed
boring and Hogwarts New Zealand was too far away. Now, it would
seem logical for me to transfer to Hogwarts New Zealand, but I
couldn't leave Beauxbatons. I love my school.
School Hopes and Ambtions:
I don't really have any if I'm perfectly
honest. I'm just hoping to do well in my exams so that I have a lot of
doors open for what I want to do next. I guess that's really what my
hopes are. I don't like to think too far ahead. Live in the the moment.
Best School Subjects:
Well, I'd like to think I'm good at
everything and not one thing is clearly better than the rest. I work
hard in all my classes and do all the homework. I like Charms and
Potions the most, so I would say I am best at those, but that's really
only because I like them more than I like the rest of the subjects.
Worst School Subjects:
History of Magic. Hands down it's that
class. It's not that I'm bad at it, it's just I can never stay awake in the
class. It's so boring, that I find myself asleep within the first ten minutes.
It's not a great thing to happen. I have gotten a number of detentions for
falling asleep in that class.
Extracurricular Activities:
None. I am part of a group of people
who know that being a part of any of them, are for losers, and
geeks. It's a dull existance if your life is made up of extracurricular
activities, it screams, that you have no friends. Which is always terrible.
2028, I think. So in about two and a half
years time. It's getting kind of close now, but I guess I'll just face it
when I need to. I've been putting it at the back of my mind for most of
this year and just trying to enjoy the company of my friends in the safety
of the school.
Current Job:
Student! But really, currently I don't
have a job. I had one last summer, and during the winter I had a small
job. But nothing permanent. It's hard when you have boarding school
to get jobs. But this summer, I'm going to be working on a summer
camp for Kids. It lasts about 3 weeks, and the pay is really good. It
will mean I can afford flights to New Zealand to see my Family.
Plans For Your Future:
Currently, I have none. I'll cross that
bridge when I come to it. I'm just focusing, right now, on getting through
the year, and getting good grades, so that I then have enough doors open
to do anything I would want. It's the best way to do things, and I am a
person who doesn't like to think about the future that much, so I don't.
Your Patronus:
My Patronus is a red squirrel.
I'm not too sure, why it is that, I just did the patronus charm
and that came out. Maybe it's because we are both small, and
cute. And we try really hard.
Your Patronus Memory:
The memory, I use, currently to conjure
it, is of the one year anniversary of me and my first serious girlfriend.
It was in the summer of 2023. And I was very much in love with this girl.
I made her dinner, and we eat it on the balcony, as the sun was setting.
It was romantic, and I had gotten her, her favourite flowers and everything
was perfect. After the dinner we went out to an unders summer disco.
We danced most of the night. We were laughing and smiling. Then we
came back to the apartment, and well.....I lost my innocence. I was young,
and in love, and the night had been perfect. It had been the way to end
it. It was the most amazing night I'd ever had. I'd never felt so happy in
my life. And although we didn't stay together and that girl is now a major
sl*t, it was an amazing night. And I've never been that happy with
anyone else. So it's the memory I use. It might change. If it does, It'll
be a good one.
Your Boggart:
Being disowned. By my dad.
Or my mom or sister thinking less of me for something. I would hate
that. I know I head towards that, but I don't know what I would
do if I did. I would hate it.
Your Animagus:
I think it would be the same as
the patronus, but I can't be certain, since I was not able to become
one. I'm going to try again next year, but for now I can only assume
that it would be the same. I hope it is. Because red squirrels are just
Mirror of Erised:
I would see me and my dad closer.
I know it sounds odd, but I would love for my dad and I be a lot closer
like we were when I was young. I am very happy right now, but I would
want me and my dad to be a lot closer than we are. And for Mandy to come
to Beauxbatons with me. Instead of Hogwarts.
Letters To Family:
Dear Mom, Dad & Mandy,
Guys, I'm sorry I missed the winter Holidays. I have been so busy
lately with school, that, I just couldn't come. I hope you all had an
amazing time, and liked the gifts I sent you. If you managed to
get through the packaging. I didn't want it to get lost or broken
or dented which was why it was a bit like pass the parcel. How
is New Zealand? Have you all settled in well? It must be quite
a change from Boston. Yes, Mom, I have been eating well. I've
lost a little weight during the year, because of the stress of essays
but everything is good. I love that you worry about me, even though
everything is okay. Dad, like I told you over the phone, it's only 3 or
4 a day. Nothing major. I will be there next year. I promise you all.
I know I say that every year, and I have missed the last 3 now, but
next year I will be there.
Mandy, How are you finding New Zealand? Made any friends yet?
I missed you the most. It sucks I have to be so far away from you
and not be your annoying big brother 24/7.
I envy your summer while I sit in thick jumpers at school. I'll see
you all soon. And I love you all. I miss you a lot.
And I'll keep you updated often.
Love you,
Credit to Taper Jean Girl@Caution for the text banners.
Lyrics by 30 Seconds To Mars (1st and 3rd) and The Arcade Fire! (2nd).
Code By Me! It's nothing great, so I don't mind if you use it with out telling me.
Credit to Taper Jean Girl@Caution for the text banners.
Lyrics by 30 Seconds To Mars (1st and 3rd) and The Arcade Fire! (2nd).
Code By Me! It's nothing great, so I don't mind if you use it with out telling me.