Isaac Nicholas Ashworth

Isaac Ashworth

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Oak Wand with Unicorn Hair Core

[sub]So, whenever they'll say that all we had is bound to fall,[/sub]
[sup]Oh, together we'll stay [/sup]


[sub]Strange, how everything seems to float in grey and drown in gold[/sub]
[sup]Stay, and everything's save[/sup]


Isaac Nicholas Ashworth
The name Isaac comes from the Hebrew name Yitzchaq meaning "he will laugh, he will rejoice", derived from Tzachaq meaning "to laugh". Nicholas comes from the Greek name Nikolaos which meant "victory of the people" from Greek Nike "victory" and Laos "people". The surname Ashworth from Old English consists of æsc "ash tree" + wor{dh} "enclosed settlement
Isaac was named after his uncle, would he have lived. It was the name they had wanted to give the baby, however the baby was born dead. His mother chose the name because she had always loved it and thought it would suit her son just fine. The name Nicholas comes from his father, who is then again named after his great-grandfather. It's a name that runs in his fathers side of the family, which made the choice for Isaac's second name come almost naturally
Isaac has a very easy and short name and it has never been really necessary to shorten it in anyway. He has however gotten some nicknames from his friends, but they were never relative to his name.
Isaac was born on the 7th of June 2027 and was thereby the second child to his parents
He is currently fourteen years old
Gemini. Expressive and quick-witted, Gemini represents two different sides of personality and you will never be sure with whom you will face. Gemini can be sociable, communicative and ready for fun, while on the other hand it can be very serious, thoughtful, restless and even indecisive.
As an air sign, Gemini is concerned with all aspects of the mind. This zodiac sign is ruled by Mercury, which is a planet that represents communication, writing and teaching others. They get fascinated by almost everything in the world and they have a feeling as if there is not enough time to experience everything they want to see. This makes them excellent artists, writers and journalists. Gemini sign means that sometimes people born under this sign have a feeling that their other half is missing, so they are forever seeking for new friends, mentors and colleagues. Gemini is versatile, inquisitive, fun loving and wants to experience everything out there, so their company is never boring.
Half Blood, his mother is a witch and his father is a Muggle
Isaac is 1/2 French from his mothers side and 1/2 Irish from his fathers side.
Marseille, France. His mother comes from a family which has lived in the town for many generations.
Isaac is currently living in Okura, New Zealand, to which he moved with his father and is older sister after their parents got divorced.
Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Oak Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Length: A little on the longer side of things, wands of this length are slightly more uncommon and not easily forgotten by others.
Style: Bending to its side, this wand is more difficult to aim than its straighter counterparts but provides character that some simply cannot pass by.
Wood: Oak wands are excellently reliable no matter the situation they are found in - they withstand the greatest challenges and remain largely unscathed.
Core: The animal is known for its healing qualities and unbridled beauty, so it is no surprise that wands with unicorn hair are particularly successful at performing healing spells. Wands with this core bond with their first caster, making wands with this core not good as hand-me-downs. These wands are useful with charms and transfigurations.
Flexibility: Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.[/b]

[sub]I'll rise and guess where I will go[/sub]
[sup]I'll rise and guess where I go[/sup]


Isaac is a bit on the tall side, he never really had a problem with his length and actually is quite fond of it because it's easy to overlook things.
His skin is far more toned than his siblings and it causes for him to easily get a tan when he gets into the sun.
Unlike his siblings Isaac never really had a lot of freckles, he has a fair and clear skin and that's the way he likes it.
Isaac has dark brown hair which tends to get quite a few shades lighter in summer once he spends a lot of time in the sun.
He has big, chocolat brown eyes which he is very proud of and his little sisters always used to say how jealous they were of his eyes
Jack Gilinsky

[sub]Where do we go when the streets are calling?[/sub]
[sup]How do we know when we each stop falling?[/sup]


Isaac speaks fluent English and French, also being quite handy in speaking Italian.
Kind, enthusiastic, optimistic, protective and confident
Isaac is a super enthusiastic boy who is up for pretty much anything and loves being active and doing stuff all the time. He's also a very kind and social person, which allows him to make friends very easily. It's very hard for anyone to get him down because of how optimistic he is. He will always try to see the best side of things and see the best of people, always ready to cheer people up by joking around and trying to make sure everyone's happy. Isaac is also a bit of a protective person, it wouldn't do well for anyone to hurt his family or his friends because he'd be up and after them within no time, always standing up for others. Other than that he is also a really confident person, which can be seen in who he is and in his actions.
Kind, optimistic and always wanting to cheer people up
Perhaps a bit over-protective at times which causes him to often act before he thinks
Isaac's patronus takes the form of a coyote:
Coyote is a complex symbol of humor, cunning and survival. Coyote is often portrayed as the 'wise fool', helping people to see the truth in difficult situations. Coyote medicine is often strongly tied to learning to be adaptable, seeing the humor in even the worst situations, and being able to cope with even the thoughest things life can throw at you.
Vanilla extract, pine and cinnamon

[sub]See, that everything caves in on our way to grander goals,[/sub]
[sup]Wait, and everything's save[/sup]


Father; Nicholas Ashworth, Irish - Muggle, born 1995
Mother; Marianne Fébaux, French - Mixed Blood, born 1999
Older sister; Adelaide Ashworth - Half Blood, born 2025
Younger sister; Isabelle Ashworth - Half Blood (TBA)

Back in France Isaac's mother never wanted any pets, however her children hd always wanted one. As soon as they were settled in in New Zealand their father decided to get Isaac and his older sister a Berner Sennen dog which they then called Ben. Isaac also shares his sisters church owl but is to get one of his own.


[sub]How, letting it rain, [/sub]
[sup]Our own distress, our own mistakes,[/sup]


Beauxbatons Academy of Magic
It's not surprising that Isaac loved everything there was to love about the school. He's no the smartest kid around but with some hard work he always knew to pass his grades and to get into the next year. Isaac's a kid who very easily makes friends and is having the best time at the school.
<FONT font="Monaco">More to come​

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