International Mole Day!

Alexis Richarde

Well-Known Member
Okay I'm going to be slightly nerdy and dorky here but I'm excited so yeaaah.

Today is International Mole Day (depending on where you are) but it does not start completely until the mole equation matches with the time of day/month and the day. What you do is you say a pledge at 6.02 in the morning on the 10th month on the 23rd day. (6.02 x 10[sup]23[/sup])

So when it is 6:02 IN THE MORNING you say this pledge:

I pledge allegiance to the mole, and to the science from which it comes, one SI unit, extremely divisible, with micromoles and millimoles for all.

I pledge allegiance to the mole, to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, and to the atomic mass for which it stands, one number, most divisible, with atoms and molecules for all.

I know this was posted early for me because I'm actually going to celebrate it with friends and my teacher this morning but you may celebrate it at that time if you are awake (*cough* Pat :p )
More Informations About The Mole
Hey that's unfair <_< :p And believe it or not I was asleep at that time, but just barely :r:

Hope you had a good Mole Day (if that's the right thing to say =)) )
Rosaline Mckay <_< at Toki
Well you aren't alone. Chris (my brother) loves all that stuff, he wasn't aware of it being International Mole Day, but I just read out the pledge and he had his hand over his heart :oy: :lawlz:
Patricia Rogers said:
Well you aren't alone. Chris (my brother) loves all that stuff, he wasn't aware of it being International Mole Day, but I just read out the pledge and he had his hand over his heart :oy: :lawlz:
Yaye for your brother!
*high fives him*

There is a song too!
Get on board, get on board
Get on board, that molar express
The mole is your ticket to success
So get on board that molar express

Chemistry can be so cruel,
So many concepts, facts and rules
Equations that make no sense
And problems that are too intense

It�s a like a long long journey for your brain
But you don't have to walk because there's a train
And the mole is your ticket to success
so get on board that molar express

Get on board, get on board
Get on board, that molar express
The mole is your ticket to success
So get on board that molar express

The unit called the "mole" can help you count
Very tiny things in very large amounts
like atoms, ions and even molecules
Hey, the mole is a very useful tool

The number in a mole, you may have heard
is six point oh two times ten the twenty third
Memorize it now and I suggest
you�re right on track for that molar express

Get on board, get on board
Get on board, that molar express
The mole is your ticket to success
So get on board that molar express


There�s molar mass, molar volume and molarity
You might say moles abound in chemistry
So why not get ahead all the rest
and get on board that molar express

Get on board, get on board
Get on board, that molar express
The mole is your ticket to success
So get on board that molar express
get on board that molar express

(trains sounds and spoken: "All aboard!")
(fade off into train sounds)
Whats all this about Mole Day? I dont think we celebrate it here... Do you mean Moles as in animals or warts?
Alexis Richarde sticks her tongue out and rolls her eyes.

If Australia is an exception I will be really surprised. Go ask a chemistry buff (would be best if it was a teacher or a Professor) But I'm 99 % sure all countries celebrate it, well the chem nerds anyway :p

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