- Messages
- 39
- OOC First Name
- Miss Bee <3
- Wand
- Yew Wand 13 1/2 Essence of Phoenix Feather
Full Name:
- Aurora Sage Palmer
Date of Birth:
- November 18th
Current Age:
- 15
Basic Appearance:
- Rory has straight, long, blonde hair that she ocasionally likes to curl. Her green eyes are quite stunning and almost everyone gives her a positive comment about them. She loves looking in the mirror at them because she sees her mother who had eyes like hers. Rory is 5'5. Rory is a casual dresser. She enjoys lounging in some sweatpants and a tank top or a flowy summer dress would be fine for dinner out on the town.
- She has one scar on the right side of her forehead but she covers it with her hair, not because she doesn't want other people to see it but instead because she doesn't want to remember the pain, physically and emotionally.
- Rory is friendly towards everyone but it's tough to earn the position of "bestfriend" with her. She always has several acquaintances and usually about four close friends than one or two bestfriends. She can also be rude when she's in a bad mood or around someone she doesn't like. She is very caring and loving towards her friends and boyfriend(when she has one).
- Darren Palmer: Darren has major anger issues. When he gets angry he takes it out on someone nearby. Darren and Aurora used to be wonderful friends until he killed their mother. One night when Darren got fired from his job, he came home furious. He stomped throughout their home in Chicago, cussing and knocking things off the shelves. Rory took Annie(her little sister) into her room and locked the door. He pounded on the door, demanding to come in but they still cowered in the corner until he left. At the time that he came home, Allison Palmer was taking a bath. He barged in and drowned her then called the police, asking them to come save her. They marked it as suicide and the next week, they moved to France. Only a few weeks later, Rory threatened to turn him in because she knew what had happened and he slammed her head onto the kitchen counter. It cut her in several places but only one turned to a scar. After that, Rory liked to lock herself in the bathroom and sit on the counter. Rory has been afraid of him ever since. When she recieved the letter, her dad was in a bad mood and said, "Good thing! I won't ever have to see you're ugly face in my house for months!"
- Anniston Jade Palmer: Annie is a quiet, fearful five year old. She's excellent at hide n seek since she's been playing it(the life threatening version) for four years. Rory looks out for Annie and she appreciates it. They are very close. Rory enjoys playing games with her while Darren isn't at home. Annie wasn't happy when she learned that Rory would be leaving her for most of the year.
- Rory has never wanted a pet until she got her letter. She was always afraid it would die with her father around.
Area of Residence:
- Aurora was born in Olympia, Washington but they moved to Chicago, Illinois when she was 3 because her mother felt like she needed a change. After her mother's "suicide", the three of them moved to France to get away from her death place and because their father lost his job. After a few years in France, her father got a job transfer to New Zealand.
Blood Status:
- Muggle Born
Special Abilities:
- None
Interests or Hobbies:
- Aurora enjoys playing board games with her little sister and having fashion shows with her. They sing together and dance around the house while Darren is at work. Aurora reads to Annie often and likes teaching her how to cook new recipes.
- Pocketful of Sunshine is Aurora's absolute favorite song. It is the song that she used to sing with her mom and sings with Annie now.
Additional Skills:
- Rory is fluent in French and German. You can often catch her speaking in French or German but she hardly ever notices that they don't understand her. She learned German from her mother when she was little and French from her best friend, Mirabelle. Aurora isn't extremely talented in anything else but she is decent at cooking, singing, and dancing
- Aurora is brave. She stands up for her friends. She can take a lot of pain.
- She can get very attached to things. Especially boyfriends.
Describe your character in three words:
- Brave, Playful, Protective
Favourite place to be:
- The bathroom because she can lock the door. She sits on the counter and stares into the huge mirror. She stares at her eyes, pretending that it's her mother, and talks to herself.
- Lauralynne Castro: One of Rory's two bestfriends. Laurie came from America to France when she was 13. They tell each other their secrets and she comes to their house when Darren's at work. The only things Laurie didn't know about Rory was... 1) How she got the scar on her forehead(Rory told her that she had slipped on some leftover bathwater from Annie and hit her head on the side of the tub.) 2) That her dad killed her mom(Rory told her what Darren told the police.) and 3) that she's a wizard.
- Mirabelle Durand: One of Rory's two bestfriends. Emmy(She was nicknamed this because of the M at the beginning of her name) and Rory met within the first year that Rory moved there. They ended up both going to Beauxbatons. Emmy taught her and her sister French. Mirabelle lived only one street over in an enourmous house. She invited the two of them to come over during the summer. Emmy's little sister Phillipa was Annie's age so they played while Emmy and Rory chatted.
- Russell Prevot: Rory's boyfriend before she moved. Russell was an untrustworthy boyfriend(Rory didn't know that) and often spent time with other girls. Right before she moved he confessed to cheating on her and said he was glad she was leaving because he could use that as an excuse to "get an easy rebound".
Hogwarts House:
- Rory has no preferance on a Hogwarts house
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Rory wants to make friends and have at least decent grades.
- Rory doesn't want to join the Quidditch team because she feels that she needs to focus on school and relationships but she could always change her mind!
Best school subjects:
- Anything simple. She's not the brightest student.
Worst school subjects:
- Anything that involves using a wand. Rory is terrible at using her wand.
Extracurricular Activities:
- None
Plans for your future:
- Rory has pretty simple plans... Graduate, Get married, have some kids.
Your Patronus:
- A large bird; She imagines herself being free from her father
Your Boggart:
- Her father holding something deadly
Mirror of Erised:
- Rory would see herself with a husband and several kids
A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,
Today has been pretty tough. Laurie came over for a little bit. We sang and danced and she helped make lunch. Around dinner time, we all made dinner and stuck Darren's in the fridge. Laurie left a half hour before Darren walked in the door. He was an hour early so Annie wasn't ready for bed. I sat with her in the living room and we watched television for awhile. We heard the door slam closed and I went to check where he was. I saw him head out to his car, an obvious sign that he was going for drinks with work friends. I put Annie to bed around eight and waited around for Darren to get home before I fell asleep. Once he got back, he stumbled into the living room where I was still watching tv. It was late and he shouted at me to go to bed. As I got up to leave, he caught my arm and gave it a good squeeze, then pushed me against the wall. I glared at him and he cussed at me while I walked towards the bathroom. I could hear him stomping down the hallway, trying to catch then punish me for glaring at him. I sprinted to the bathroom and locked the door then looked under the sink for you, my diary. I hopped up on the countertop and started to write. He's still pounding his fists against the door, demanding entry but he knows he won't get in. He knows that he has lost. Sounds like he's gone away... In a short time, he'll fall asleep and I can leave and do the same. Well, I guess until tomorrow(when I should have yet another "exciting" adventure like today's) I shall put you back under the sink, behind that board!
- Aurora Sage Palmer
Date of Birth:
- November 18th
Current Age:
- 15
Basic Appearance:
- Rory has straight, long, blonde hair that she ocasionally likes to curl. Her green eyes are quite stunning and almost everyone gives her a positive comment about them. She loves looking in the mirror at them because she sees her mother who had eyes like hers. Rory is 5'5. Rory is a casual dresser. She enjoys lounging in some sweatpants and a tank top or a flowy summer dress would be fine for dinner out on the town.
- She has one scar on the right side of her forehead but she covers it with her hair, not because she doesn't want other people to see it but instead because she doesn't want to remember the pain, physically and emotionally.
- Rory is friendly towards everyone but it's tough to earn the position of "bestfriend" with her. She always has several acquaintances and usually about four close friends than one or two bestfriends. She can also be rude when she's in a bad mood or around someone she doesn't like. She is very caring and loving towards her friends and boyfriend(when she has one).
- Darren Palmer: Darren has major anger issues. When he gets angry he takes it out on someone nearby. Darren and Aurora used to be wonderful friends until he killed their mother. One night when Darren got fired from his job, he came home furious. He stomped throughout their home in Chicago, cussing and knocking things off the shelves. Rory took Annie(her little sister) into her room and locked the door. He pounded on the door, demanding to come in but they still cowered in the corner until he left. At the time that he came home, Allison Palmer was taking a bath. He barged in and drowned her then called the police, asking them to come save her. They marked it as suicide and the next week, they moved to France. Only a few weeks later, Rory threatened to turn him in because she knew what had happened and he slammed her head onto the kitchen counter. It cut her in several places but only one turned to a scar. After that, Rory liked to lock herself in the bathroom and sit on the counter. Rory has been afraid of him ever since. When she recieved the letter, her dad was in a bad mood and said, "Good thing! I won't ever have to see you're ugly face in my house for months!"
- Anniston Jade Palmer: Annie is a quiet, fearful five year old. She's excellent at hide n seek since she's been playing it(the life threatening version) for four years. Rory looks out for Annie and she appreciates it. They are very close. Rory enjoys playing games with her while Darren isn't at home. Annie wasn't happy when she learned that Rory would be leaving her for most of the year.
- Rory has never wanted a pet until she got her letter. She was always afraid it would die with her father around.
Area of Residence:
- Aurora was born in Olympia, Washington but they moved to Chicago, Illinois when she was 3 because her mother felt like she needed a change. After her mother's "suicide", the three of them moved to France to get away from her death place and because their father lost his job. After a few years in France, her father got a job transfer to New Zealand.
Blood Status:
- Muggle Born
Special Abilities:
- None
Interests or Hobbies:
- Aurora enjoys playing board games with her little sister and having fashion shows with her. They sing together and dance around the house while Darren is at work. Aurora reads to Annie often and likes teaching her how to cook new recipes.
- Pocketful of Sunshine is Aurora's absolute favorite song. It is the song that she used to sing with her mom and sings with Annie now.
Additional Skills:
- Rory is fluent in French and German. You can often catch her speaking in French or German but she hardly ever notices that they don't understand her. She learned German from her mother when she was little and French from her best friend, Mirabelle. Aurora isn't extremely talented in anything else but she is decent at cooking, singing, and dancing
- Aurora is brave. She stands up for her friends. She can take a lot of pain.
- She can get very attached to things. Especially boyfriends.
Describe your character in three words:
- Brave, Playful, Protective
Favourite place to be:
- The bathroom because she can lock the door. She sits on the counter and stares into the huge mirror. She stares at her eyes, pretending that it's her mother, and talks to herself.
- Lauralynne Castro: One of Rory's two bestfriends. Laurie came from America to France when she was 13. They tell each other their secrets and she comes to their house when Darren's at work. The only things Laurie didn't know about Rory was... 1) How she got the scar on her forehead(Rory told her that she had slipped on some leftover bathwater from Annie and hit her head on the side of the tub.) 2) That her dad killed her mom(Rory told her what Darren told the police.) and 3) that she's a wizard.
- Mirabelle Durand: One of Rory's two bestfriends. Emmy(She was nicknamed this because of the M at the beginning of her name) and Rory met within the first year that Rory moved there. They ended up both going to Beauxbatons. Emmy taught her and her sister French. Mirabelle lived only one street over in an enourmous house. She invited the two of them to come over during the summer. Emmy's little sister Phillipa was Annie's age so they played while Emmy and Rory chatted.
- Russell Prevot: Rory's boyfriend before she moved. Russell was an untrustworthy boyfriend(Rory didn't know that) and often spent time with other girls. Right before she moved he confessed to cheating on her and said he was glad she was leaving because he could use that as an excuse to "get an easy rebound".
Hogwarts House:
- Rory has no preferance on a Hogwarts house
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- Rory wants to make friends and have at least decent grades.
- Rory doesn't want to join the Quidditch team because she feels that she needs to focus on school and relationships but she could always change her mind!
Best school subjects:
- Anything simple. She's not the brightest student.
Worst school subjects:
- Anything that involves using a wand. Rory is terrible at using her wand.
Extracurricular Activities:
- None
Plans for your future:
- Rory has pretty simple plans... Graduate, Get married, have some kids.
Your Patronus:
- A large bird; She imagines herself being free from her father
Your Boggart:
- Her father holding something deadly
Mirror of Erised:
- Rory would see herself with a husband and several kids
A page from your diary:
Dear Diary,
Today has been pretty tough. Laurie came over for a little bit. We sang and danced and she helped make lunch. Around dinner time, we all made dinner and stuck Darren's in the fridge. Laurie left a half hour before Darren walked in the door. He was an hour early so Annie wasn't ready for bed. I sat with her in the living room and we watched television for awhile. We heard the door slam closed and I went to check where he was. I saw him head out to his car, an obvious sign that he was going for drinks with work friends. I put Annie to bed around eight and waited around for Darren to get home before I fell asleep. Once he got back, he stumbled into the living room where I was still watching tv. It was late and he shouted at me to go to bed. As I got up to leave, he caught my arm and gave it a good squeeze, then pushed me against the wall. I glared at him and he cussed at me while I walked towards the bathroom. I could hear him stomping down the hallway, trying to catch then punish me for glaring at him. I sprinted to the bathroom and locked the door then looked under the sink for you, my diary. I hopped up on the countertop and started to write. He's still pounding his fists against the door, demanding entry but he knows he won't get in. He knows that he has lost. Sounds like he's gone away... In a short time, he'll fall asleep and I can leave and do the same. Well, I guess until tomorrow(when I should have yet another "exciting" adventure like today's) I shall put you back under the sink, behind that board!