Intense Plots Wanted

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Geoff Randon

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 11 Inch Sturdy Yew Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Geoff Randon, now a first year, has many things to accomplish and much to learn. He is my main character, and I want to develop some intense plotting ideas with those interested in taking the time for bigger plots. Ideas I have in mind are as follows: Dueling,(perhaps later on, in order to stay realistic) Challenges, Puppy Love, and more. I honestly will add ideas as they come, and anyone is welcome to develop some.

I'm looking for a mentor and/or a dueling buddy.

Obtaining items, or roleplays involving judges and a contest.

Puppy Love
Lets be real, Geoff is way too young to hold down a relationship, but that doesn't mean there can't be mutual crushes.

Anyone interested?
Hey Tim, I have Hemi here who is available for plotting.

They could learn to duel together. They help each other out and practice the spells they know on one another until they are good enough for real tournaments.

Also, I wasn't quite sure what you meant by challenges with judges. Do you mean something along the lines of an unofficial mini Tri-Wizard Tournament?
No, more like we roleplay a race or something and it's through the forbidden forest where we meet centaurs or giant spiders. Or Hunapo's cousin. xD
But I'd love to develop my dueling with Hemi. Maybe we can even find a common mentor.
Ohhh that makes more sense to me. Well Hemi loves adventures as much as any one so sure he'd be interested in racing through the forest as well. Depends on what you'd like to do.
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