instant sunshine

Leigh West

Reader of long books, and drinker of good coffee
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2 Essence of Mermaid Scale.
49 (10/2012)
leigh had been in new zealand for a while and was seeing it as home now. she had a small appartment in a town off brightstone village. and had her job in a muggle cafe. she would rather have one in the wizarding world but she was happy with it. the people were nice and the coffee was good. which was more than the one she had now. it was an instent coffee from a stand on the street. the disadvantage of her job as a barista was that she had developed a taste for fine coffee, and instant only worked at seven in the morning. and right now it was more like three in the afternoon. she had a coffee in a travel mug in one hand and her latest read in the other. it was the middle of summer and she had decided to go into brightstone to read in the park. she round a seat under a tree and opened the book. she read for about half an hour before the sun and warm lazy afternoon breeze made her feel lazy. she laid back on the grass her brown eyes looking up at the leaves in the sunlight slowly growing heavy, it was just so peaceful.
Adrian would've been perfectly happy to spend the rest of the year huddled underneath a blanket to avoid going outside, but his uncle had practically insisted. "Kid," he'd said, gently and patiently as he was so inclined to speak. "I know you hate going out, I know it's tough. But you've just got to get used to it." Adrian had nodded, meekly - he was twenty-three, for crying out loud, he could at least try to make the token effort to go shopping in Brightstone. He wished Emmanuelle was around, though. She could deal with people. His uncle Tyrone was great with people, too. Adrian was a wreck. Anxiety did that to you, though. Avoiding everything was easier than having to face the prospect of the pain that came with social interaction and uncomfortable situations.

Still, the fresh air was wonderful. Adrian wasn't one to get out and enjoy the sunshine much, which made it all the more sweeter when he took the rare opportunity to experience it. An awkward, small smile crossing his face, he stretched his long legs out with a walk through the park, stopping luckily just before he nearly walked in to a young woman lying on the ground. "Oh, uh, that would've been bad," he muttered, stepping back and holding his arms up, apologetically. She probably hated him already for disturbing her peace, or getting in the way of the sunlight. "I'm, um, sorry," he apologised in advance. "It's a nice day, isn't it?" he asked, remembering that his therapist had told him that casual conversation was something to try to help him, then of course, he remembered that he was probably annoying this poor woman already. Biting his lip, he took another step backwards.
leigh was very close to falling asleep, maybe part of her brain was laready asleep when she heard someone speek she opened her eyes and brushed some of her short hair out of her eyes. it was starting to get too long and should be cut again. maybe some otherday today she was too peaceful to think about that now. above her she could see the light dappled with leaves and a silhouette of person who was apologising.
she propped herself up on her elbows so she could see him better. he seemed sweet but a little uncomfortable. "there is no need to apologise. actually thank you, I was almost asleep and if i sleep now i will never sleep tonight" she said before sitting up properly her book falling to the floor slighrly splayed . She brushed herself down a little, she seemed to have grass sticking to her back, and bits of leaf in her hair. goodness must look like such a mess. she thought
"I'm Leigh, Leigh west, It's nice to meet you" she said offering him her hand in poite greeting. "yes, it has cleared up a lot since last week. though we did need the rain." she said i had really rained a lot the previous week, thunder and lightening too but the rain had given everything a new leg of life. and made todays clear day far more appreciate able, though leigh did like curling up in bed during storms. with a nice coffee and good book.

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