- Messages
- 1,118
- OOC First Name
- Steph
- Blood Status
- Half Blood
- Relationship Status
- Single (Looking)
- Wand
- Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
- Age
- 29 (02/20)

Full Name: Indiana August Night
- oiskwanyë'ta'ë:' nyakwai' brown bear
Brown Bear as a Native American Animal Symbol
The Brown bear has always been part of Native American Indian history; for as long as Native American Indians have been around, so has the big beast. The big beast showed gentleness, but could also be fierce. All in all, the bear was a magnificent creature that they respected. They knew a mother bear would fight to protect her cubs, just like any mother would do. She could also be gentle and quiet, however, and she was just as good a hunter as the Indians.
Many Indians have different stories for the brown bear as a Native American Animal Symbol, and there is a special meaning throughout all tribes. The brown bear stands for courage, strength, protection and life. If an Indian were given a name that included "bear", he knew that the tribe thought that he was brave. Most of the time it would be because they went through a tough time in life, like if their parents had died and they took care of their family, or they got into a fight with a bear and lived. When an Indian receives a gift like this, they get to tell the story again.
The Nez Perce tribe have a story called, The Man that Married a Bear". It shows a bear pretending to be a human girl and trying to get the interest of a man. In many ways, if you look at the story you can see that the bear is curious by nature, especially when there are strange intruders. The bear never does hurt the man and the man is just as curious. Together they find a common ground and become one, as husband and wife. The brown bear does die in the story by the mans own tribe, then he is brought back home but disappears soon after.
There are several different legends that surround the brown bear, and many of these stories were passed down from one generation to the next. Each story holds its own special meaning. Look into books on Native American Legends to learn a bit more about their history
Date of Birth:
-February 19th, 2020

For: Indiana
DOB: 2/19/201024:00 PM
Ascendant: Leo
Sun sign: Pisces
Moon sign: Taurus
Mars sign: Leo
Mercury sign: Aquarius
Venus sign: Pisces
Current Age:
- 14
Basic Appearance:
- Indiana has blonde hair much like her elder brother Kayden, however she has her sister's thick dark eyebrows. Georgiana's being a little more feminine then her own. She around 5' at the moment, which she hopes she can be taller when she gets older. Just like her older sister the young girl has blue eyes, however unlike her sister she took after her Native American traits and tans very easily.
- The young girl has a mild temperament, being a very calm being ever since she was a young child. She doesn't consider herself to be quite a child anymore. More like a young girl is what she'd prefer to be called. She forced herself to start growing up faster around the age of eight once she realized how much of a burden she was to her father and grandmother when her siblings were off at school. She is still very much young inside and will possibly be at the head of some very fun times around campus.
- Selene Blanchyard,(mother).
Not much is known about the woman.
She left her family after her third child was born leaving the children
in the care of their father who decided not to remarry.
Selene has not been heard from anyone in the
family and the adults fear the worst and believe
she came to her own demise in Los Vegas, where
they had last found a trace of magic from her wand.
Indiana does not talk about her mother much
and one will most likely never actually hear her say anything about
the woman. Of course this being do to the fact she does not really know her at all.
Stephen Night,(father).
Has been in a self operating job since his divorce.
He is his own boss and creates his own hours,
meaning he can spend more time with his children.
Though he has to take many buisness trips that lead him outside of the
states leaving his children to live with their mother's mother.
Nana B,(grandmother).
A nutty old Native American women who has lived in the same cottage all her life.
She is a witch but prefers to stay out of the magical world believing only evil comes from magic,
which is her reason why the world is so bad. However she does practice herbal medicine,
believing that we come from nature therefore nature is us and can heal us.
On the inside she is a realy lovely women who loves her grandchildren very much.
Georgiana Night (sister) Small Dove
Like a mother to Indiana, Georgiana has always been there for her younger sister.
This is the reason why Indiana wants to go to Hogwarts New Zealand at least for a year
to try it out and see if she likes the school as much as her older sister. She has learned much about
growing up and the pains from her sister.
Kayden Night (brother) Red Wolf
Kayden is currently attending the Wizadery School in Salem
to be closer to his father and sister, leaving Georgiana at Hogwarts New Zealand.
He has always been a shy guy but seems to have been making plenty of friends at Salem and is very good at Quidditch.
Area of Residence:
- Senaca Reservation, NY or New York, NY
Blood Status:
- Halfblood
- Half Muggle, American. Half Native America Witch.
Special Abilities:
- Excellent Drummer.
Interests or Hobbies:
- Taking after her older siblings she's developed an interest in music. Georgiana has a Guitar which she started to leave at home once she entered her second year at Hogwarts. Kayden plays a Native Can Flute. Indiana however has gone with something a bit more crazy and owns a Drum Set which she has taken lessons on for the last few years and goes to competitions for her age group and has won a few awards. Her older siblings have taught her to fly and she is quite skilled in a two on one game of quidditch, her brother and her against her older sister, Georgiana.
Additional Skills:
- Indiana can speak the Senaca Tribal Lanuage.
- Being alot like her elder sister, the young girl is very open and enjoys talking with others.
- Her openness could lead to hurt from talking to the wrong person.
Describe your character in three words:
- Spiritual. Lively. Temperate.
Favourite place to be:
- In the corn fields next to her Grandmother's house on her father's side. A place she doesn't get to visit often in upstate New York, however she enjoys the wind through blowing through the tall stalks and finding it's way to her.
- Other children around her age in her Grandmother's Native American Reservation.
Hogwarts House:
- Gryffindor
Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
- She plans on staying at the school unlike her older brother and follow in her sister's footsteps. She wants to become a Prefect and then hopefully the Head Girl when she's a seventh year, like her sister hopes as well.
Best school subjects:
- Flying
Worst school subjects:
- n/a
Extracurricular Activities:
- Quidditch Hopefully
- 2039
Current Job:
- Student
Plans for your future:
- To young to plan for this sort of thing.
Your Patronus:
- n/a
Your Patronus memory:
- n/a
Your Boggart:
- A Snake.
Your Animagus:
- Not an Animagus. Most likely would be a Brown Bear.
Mirror of Erised:
- Her entire close family together and happy, mother included.
A page from your diary:
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