In the mood for some drama

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Teagan Riley

Mum to Winter | Countess | UK & NZ Barrister
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Teagan Maxwell needs some drama in her life or maybe get in trouble once in a while. Right now she's going into tough situation with being her grandfather passing on. She pretends to be a leader because her mother pushes her to be but in fact, Teagan is a follower. She doesn't like flying and she also doesn't like showing her weaknesses. Plot twist on her life: On her graduation, it will be reveal that she's not a Maxwell and that will strip her title because of the old law.

What she needs are friends, enemies, fling (maybe) and a final (prefer if the IC is Nobility with a future title higher than her). If you have any other plot on mind just let me know and I'll be happy to agree.

I have Charlotte here if Teagan wants to get up to something with her. She loves going on adventures and could be a very good friend for Teagan if she's interested in getting up to some mischief. I'm not sure how well they'll get along but I need to pay more attention to her so why not xD Charlotte will probably find her nobility quite interesting so perhaps they could be acquaintances or something? Let me know what you think!

Good friend is great and is Charlotte okay doing late night outing and stuff and get busted? (Though with house points deductions at stake) ?
Yeah, she's fine with anything really xD Did you want to plot something or just wing it?? I'll start it if you like.
Let's just wing it ... and please, and thank you :D
So, I can offer you someone, Zared Katsaros, he's a first year, pureblood slytherin, very proud of his heritage, he's quiet in school, he only has one friend, Lestat and he hates pretty much everyone else, and really hates dealing with school life, he could prove to be the kind of person to mock her for her lack of heritage down the years? For now perhaps just an annoyance, because he doesn't think her pure enough and therefore doesn't think her worthy of his time. So we could play that?
I feel like Bethany and Teagan would be total enemies! xD Bethany comes from a way poorer class status so I can see her hating Teagan right away for her nobility and teasing her by calling her things like "princess" and stuff lol. I'm not sure what else I have to offer besides that but it could be fun! :)
Em: That's actually perfect. I'm up with that.

Abs: Lol! I think everyone doesn't like Teagan, jk. We could try that but right now, I don't have any deep plots in mind.
Awesome! You want to start something or shall I?
^_^ Could you do it, please
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