Open In the Dark

Logan Ashworth

Confident | Sporty | Selfish | Competitive
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 15 1/2 Inch Rigid Vine Wand with Veela Hair Core
8/2052 (11)
Open after Maria posts with Theo, please let us get in a few replies before catching them with a prefect or professor though!

From the moment Logan had heard that there was a curfew, he'd had the itch to break it. Surely it wasn't really that big a deal, right? He really wanted to explore the castle at night, it would be even more fun and adventurous than doing it in the daytime. He also just wanted to know how easy it was to sneak around at night. With a castle this big, he doubted anyone would catch him. He had agreed with Theo to sneak out of their dorms tonight, just to look around the castle for a bit. Logan had agreed to meet him near his common room, even though it meant he had to sneak through a lot of the school to get there. He had managed it, though he was sure a few portraits and ghosts had seen him. Hopefully they wouldn't tell. He waited outside of the Ravenclaw tower, fidgeting as he waited for Theo. He wasn't afraid of the dark, but the castle at night was a little creepy.
In all honesty, Theo wasn't so sure about the whole breaking curfew thing. At first, when the idea was brought up, he thought it would be a fun and cool idea. Now that the idea had become a reality, he wasn't so sure. He guessed he was just doing this because he thought it would keep him in Logan's good books. Theo thought Logan was quite cool. The new Ravenclaw waited until he felt that all his roommates had fallen asleep. When he felt it was the right time, Theo quickly yet quietly made his way down to the common room. Theo looked around and behind him just to make sure no one was watching him, before making his way outside the common room. He noticed his friend almost immediately. "Hey, man. A bit different in the dark aye?" Theo says just above a whisper, trying not to get caught. The atmosphere totally felt different.
Logan grinned as he spotted Theo, immediately feeling relieved. Not that he would show that. He scoffed a bit at his words, nudging him in the side with a grin. "You're not going to wimp out on me now, right?" He asked with a grin. "Are you saying it's scary?" He asked, giving him a skeptical look. He ignored the fact that he had kind of found the place scary himself. It wasn't like Theodore could know that. "Where should we go?" He whispered.
"What? Me? Scared? Never!" Theo says quietly with a light scoff and shake of his head. But he knew he was lying to himself about that. He was definitely nervous and he wasn't going to admit that, especially not to Logan. That would be embarrassing. "Not at all" Theo says quickly with a shake of his head at Logan's question, ignoring the nervous feeling in his gut. There was no turning back now. "I dunno man, what do you think we should go?" Theo asks in a low voice and shrugs, as he looks around hoping there is no one around. In all honesty, he was just happy to follow Logan's lead.
Logan grinned a little as Theodore denied being scared. He wasn't sure if he believed it, but he was glad about it anyway. If they both said they weren't scared enough times, maybe it would work out for the best. He glanced around. "We're up this high anyway, maybe we should go to the Astronomy tower? I bet it has a sick view at night." He said with a smile. "Or we go exploring seventh floor, maybe we can mess with some Gryffindors by knocking on their common room or something."
Both options Logan was giving were good ideas, but Theo wasn't sure which option he wanted to pick. He would definitely like to see the view of the night, but he also wanted to try and impress his friend. "Messing with the Gryffindors would be pretty funny, don't 'cha think?" Theo says with a chuckle. He would be interested to see how they'd react if that were the case.
Logan was secretly glad Theo went with the Gryffindor idea. Knowing that house, he knew it wasn't unlikely they might run into some Gryffindors out and about as well. Logan was eager to see if that was the case, or if they could lord being brave over the so called brave house. "That would be funny." He said with a grin. "Let's go."
Theo wasn't sure if he instantly regretted his choice, but it seemed that Logan had liked the idea, and Theo knew he couldn't back out of it now. The Ravenclaw nodded along to what Logan had said, trying his best to agree with Logan, ignoring the gut feeling in his stomach he knew what they were about to do was wrong. But he wanted Logan to like him, and this was most likely the best way to do so. "You lead the way" Theodore says with a small smile, as he gestures his friend to lead the way.
Logan went ahead, heading over to where he knew their current corridor connected to the seventh floor. He glanced at Theodore. "So how's Ravenclaw?" He asked, his voice quieter than normal but not as quiet as he probably should be. "Are there just a bunch of boring bookworms in there, or what?"

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