In Need of Some Friends

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Merrill Piper

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Mixed Blood
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Seeing Somebody
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Knotted 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core

This is my latest student Merrill Piper. She recently moved to New Zealand, and is in need of friends. Before coming for school Merrill has never had a permanent home. From the age of four her parents were moving her, and her brother all over the world for their 'job'. Their 'job' is being hired by people all over the world to murder werewolves that either refuse to take wolfsbane potion, or don't know to. Since Merrill has grown up with this her whole life it's just a thing that happens to her, but now that she is apart from them, and actually meeting people Merrill will learn how wrong her parents are. Merrill is a confident, and kind girl, and I can see her making friends quite easily. She is letting loose for the first time in her life, and wants to have as much fun as she can. She loves quidditch, and exploding snap. Since Merrill is desperate for friends I can see her going along with things that she isn't completely okay with just because she wants people to like her. She would eventually learn to stand up for herself which could lead to some interesting enemy plots. Merrill is also very competitive so friendly(or not so friendly) rivalries are also a possibility.

So I'm looking for friends, rivals, future enemies, and while she isn't interested in dating anyone yet I am up for plotting for the future.
Hey Sammy :)

I've got a few characters, though they're mostly third years.

Amy Rosemary and Daniel Rosemary, the twins, Amy's in Hufflepuff and Dan is in Slytherin. You can read their bios in the development topic, but basically they're both really amiable and nice people once they meet others. Amy is a bit more optimistic than Daniel, but she'll literally convince him that Merrill is a great person to hang around xD
I have Charlotte if you're interested in rping with her. She also really loves quidditch and pranks and I think they could get along just fine. I can see Charlotte trying to get Merill to do things that she wants her to do simply because she would like company. Charlotte could also be a pretty good role model to her if you like. I'd be interested to see how the two of them react to each other :)
Sammy sammy sammy

I have two! Anabelle Williams, a Slytherin who has come to HNZ to be away from her parents and lessons on how to 'be a lady' ect, and while she tries to please her parents she often fails. Anabelle is a bit of a perfectionist and a pessimist. The two of them could go either way, I can see Ana being competitive so that could work!
And Zenia Katsaros! Zee could totally be Merrill's friend! She's really friendly and talkative, a bit reckless and really excitable. She's totally disappointed that she's not with her twin and would definitely need a friend!

Let me knowwww~
Merrill & The Rosemarys: Yes this could work nicely! They are the same age as Merrill's brother so it might make her feel a little more at home to hang out with them :)

Merrill & Charlotte: Sounds like a lot of fun! They can be bad idea friends :p

Merrill & Anabelle: I am totally picturing Merrill scandalizing Anabelle with her lack of lady like abilities, and Merrill disliking Anabelle having to be perfect. They have a few lessons together so maybe they could be pared up to work on something and we can go from there?

Merrill & Zenia: Yesss!! They sound like they could be great friends! They can bond at first over being sad that they aren't with their siblings. I'm really hoping all the Gtyffindor first year girls can be good friends with each other. I already have an open topic in their dorm if you wanna reply to that? :)
Who's Merrill's brother? I may have missed him :r

Would you like to start something for the three of them? I'm kinda busy right now (and about to head to bed). Otherwise if you can't, I'll have to start it sometime next week or later this weekend :)
Sounds good! Did you want to start something or shall I?
Hey Sammy I have Aaron Walden here who has just been sorted into Gryffindor like Merrill. Aaron can definitely help her to let loose and have fun because he loves causing trouble and getting into mischief. I can see them becoming quite good friends. He can be a little distant and appears to be cold to start with but once you dig under the surface he is quite a big softie and would do anything for his friends.
Ooo sounds awesome! Merrill would for sure push him to open up to her more! (she wants to be friends with EVERYONE) Would you like to start an rp or should I?(although it might take me a bit I'm not feeling 100% today)
I can start it if you like, it might be later tonight though ^_^
Here it is sorry it's a bit late. I kept it open so others can join but I can close it if you wish ^_^
Thank-you! It's all good! I've been bad at replying today anyways :p That's fine by me!
HI HI HI! STUDENT WEREWOLF HERE :woot: :woot: :woot: Obviously no one knows Marisol is a werewolf yet but I can just see her absolutely HATING Merrill as soon as she finds out what her family does, so these two can be instant mortal enemies! :devious: Marisol won't even tell her exactly why she hates her so I think the "irrational" hatred thing could be fun to play out. ^_^

Then I have another character, Lennon Cohen-Knight who hates Quidditch but is also kind of the same as Merrill who will kinda just do anything others will do out of peer pressure. He's trying to figure himself out right now and I feel like the two of them could do that together, being swayed by others but eventually being like "I don't really like doing that" or something like that? Idk! But something about how you described her stuck out to me for Lennon ^_^
omg im so sorry i didnt see this sooner! :shy:
but OMG YES :woot: ive wanted merrill and marisol to interact basically since i made her xD merrill doesnt plan on telling anyone what her parents do, but maybe since theyre in the same house Marisol could find a letter that her parents sent her? (Merrill, Marisol owls can get confused too :p )

It sounds like Merrill, and Lennon could get along! She loves Quidditch, but will try to avoid the subject for his sake :p
Sammy! How did I not see this sooner??

Ok so I have Lucas Woodlock first year Gryffindor and future womaniser. Now, Lucas and Merrill could be friends and Lucas would be happy to lead her into mischief. We could go two ways in the future, they could date at some point, can be brief or whatever you feel like, or they can remain friends and have more of a siblingesque relationship. As long as his womanising ways don't bother her.
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