In need of plots

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Stephanie Harris

Well-Known Member
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Holly Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

So I've been away from here for quite some time but I'm very eager to get back into it again and wake up my characters! I have a few I'd like to get roleplaying with again as I have not had a lot of rp's in the past so have not really gotten the chance to get to develop my characters nor their relationships with other really well. I hope you guys can help me out! I'm going to keep this very simple, so for any questions about them you can always check out their biography's (which are pretty bad and I really need to update) or send me a message!

Other: Ailith Bisognin

Nathaniel Rowe//22//Muggle//Biography
Nate's a friendly guy who's sometimes struggling with a bit of an anger issue, however throughout the years he has learned to control that pretty well. He's a good guy who loves to help people out and is currently enrolled in a job as a police officer.

Stephanie Harris//24//Muggle Born//Ravenclaw Alumnus//Biography
Stephanie is a lovely, intelligent young woman once you get to know her. However she's very insecure and because of this rather spineless. She'll easily back down from a confrontation and let's people walk over her way too easily.

<COLOR color="#000">Fae Walker//20//Mixed Blood//Beauxbatons Alumnus//Biography
Fae is a very outgoing and spoiled young lady who loves to be a little rebel from time to time. She's very unsure about her future and worries a lot about it, yet she is always in for a little party.

Katherine McVanough//14//Half Blood//Gryffindor//Biography
Kath is a rather adventurous girl who would much more love to spend her time wandering around outside than to sit inside being surrounded by books and homework. She's very confident about herself and will be very picky about who she wants to be friends with.

Alexa Rhowen//13//Half Blood//Gryffindor//Biography
Alexa is a very energetic kid who loves to have a laugh. She's a very trustworthy person who will always protect her friends from whatever tries to harm them. Other than that she's very straightforward and may sometimes say things that aren't taken that well by others.

Ryleigh Millet//14//Muggle Born//Ravenclaw//Biography
Ryleigh's an intelligent girl who's placed into Ravenclaw House for good reason; she loves to learn everything there is about the wizarding world. She's a very helpfull person and loves to make as many friends as possible.
Hi there Marijke!

I thought that I would post in here to see if you wanted a RP or two. I can't offer you someone for everyone, but I got half. XD
So, for Alexa, I have two guys that can be her friend. I have Nicolas Styx, the son of Professor Styx but is more like his uncle, Nicolas Hensel. He is a bit of a nice guy and enjoys his time in the school. He is not to be confused with his twin since his twin is essentially mini Kalif. Another choice of a friend would be Mason Greene. He is hyper, clumsy but overall lovable.
For Ryleigh, I have Matt Green as a friend. He is a good guy, but a little sarcastic to those that get on his nerves. He is pretty smart, but he is more noble than anything else. He is seeing Belladonna Metzger, and adores her. He doesn't talk about her all that much though.
Finally, for Katherine, I have Vixen Zhefarovich-Dolohov. Vixen thought that she could get by without friends, but she truly needs some. I think she needs a few people to open her up. She is slightly prejudice, but isn't open with it. She is a good, loyal friend when she finds people worthy enough, and trustworthy enough. She doesn't believe in house prejudice though.

So, there are a few possibilities for you. ^_^

I think both Nicolas and Mason could be great friends for Alexa! I think Mason's energy will totally fit with Alexa's and I can already see them bouncing around together, but either of them could work out great!
As for Matt and Ryleigh I think he'll be a good friend to her. She's easily afraid that she annoys someone and therefore is very cautious about what she says and does, so he won't need much of his sarcasm.
Lastly for Vixen and Katherine I think they could become friends, but it might take some time for them to both realise? Seeing as they're both picky about who they want as their friends and whom to trust.
I think that both would work, so we can RP one set and after that's done, RP the next set? I'd want to go with Nicolas first, since I've not RPed him yet.
That's good, then they would definitely get along. Matt doesn't tell much about his life, so that shouldn't be an issue, I hoped.
Some friendships that take work are sometimes the best that there is! Vixen might have some odd behaviors about her, but that makes her unique.

So, it looks like we have four possible RPs. I don't want to overload you, so how about choosing two, and letting the other two wait until the first two are done? I'm up for whichever ones you are up for!
Sounds good!
Perhaps we could start of with Alexa & Nicolas, as you said you've not rped him yet. And Vixen & Katherine? Because that one sounds like a lot of fun!
Sounds perfect! Should you start them or should I?
I'm fine with either of us starting them, or perhaps we could split and both start one?
That sounds good. I can start the one with Nicolas x Alexa and you can start the other?
Looks good to me! Once I get a little more free time, I'll start the one with Nicolas and post the link here. I've been a little swallowed by Quidditch.
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