Closed Important Question

Simon Thorne

oldest 💥 tired and overworked 💥 '55 grad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Rigid Silver Lime Wand with Veela Hair Core
11/2036 (26)
Simon hovered around the corridor on the fourth floor, particularly around the Hufflepuff house, hoping to catch a glimpse of one particular girl. The ball was coming up quickly and it seemed like everyone he knew had a date to the dance. It wasn’t surprising that Tyler had a date but when Sydney told him she was taking some girl, he quickly tried to devise a plan to land a date for himself. There were an alarmingly low number of girls at this school that liked him, or rather tolerated him. Then he remembered Jenna, the sweet Hufflepuff girl he had met earlier that year by the lake and had seen again at the spin the bottle game. He just hoped she hadn’t agreed to go with anyone else. After what felt like an impossibly long afternoon of pacing the hall he spotted her. “Oi, hey Jenna!” he called out before jogging up to meet her.
Jennas outfit was suprise when first semester was realy over and soon will be weekend. Jeny waited know where live her best friend and she will be do that slumberparty. She waited weekend so much and she Christmas will be spend time her best frien Daniel family in the New Yourk and why not? She don't have a boyfriend and she always be was so afraid talk about the dates and she walked out from Hufflepuff coomon room and see Simon who was realy cute gay. Jeny always her hands was a book. "Hey, Simon! Happy to se you! How are you?" Jeny asked with a warm smile.

@Simon Thorne
Simon smiled as Jenna stopped once she heard him. He took a deep breath and was suddenly nervous to ask her so directly about the dance. It felt like it would be just his luck for her to say no. He cleared his throat and decided it would probably be more polite to talk a little before asking her about her plans. “I’m doing well.” he said cheerfully. “How are your classes? Are you ready for exams?” he asked and ran a hand through his hair.
"I'm glad to her!" But Simon looked so nervos and she didn't know why. "Class are doing grate and how about you? A little nervos for exam!" Jenna was realy nervos about exams and she always wanted best grades for her. "You look nervos!" Jenna know always what happened with people and she know alwaya what need to say the right moment.
That’s good.” he said a little too cheerfully and he tried to act normal. “I’m not very excited about them if I’m being honest.” Simon admitted with a shy smile. “But I’m sure you’ll do great.” he added and tried to sound reassuring. The last thing he wanted to think about was exams and now he was mentally kicking himself for being the one to bring them up. And of course his behavior didn’t go unnoticed by Jenna. “Oh, am I that obvious.” he said with a laugh. He tried to shake that feeling but now he was even more nervous, even if it was more about exams then asking Jenna about the dance. “Well I was actually wondering if you were planning on going to the Yule Ball?” he asked, finally spitting out the question.
"I know what yoo meen and i can't belive soon is holidays again" Time was going so fast and she will be home New Yourk spend her time with friends and family. "I just know somtimes very good people!" She blushed Simon and looked to him and waited what he will be say next and she was so curios about him. "I don't have partner to Yule ball and i will be go becouse i don't wanted sit Hufflepuff coomon room. Why you ask?" Jenna smiled Simon.
Simon felt a wave of relief as Jenna explained that she had no plans for the dance. “Well that’s good to hear.” he blurted out without thinking, and quickly realized that wasn't a very nice thing to say. “That you’re planning on going to the dance, not that you don’t have a partner. Or well that is good too.” he said and tried to explain himself, but it wasn’t doing much good. He took a deep breath to calm himself and smiled. “What I’m trying to say is this, do you want to go to the dance with me?” he asked clearly. “I can’t promise it will be better than sitting in the common room, but you’ll just have to trust me.” he said with a laugh.
She bludhed when Simon says is good to her. She was happy make him smile and don't voried about shcool exams.She smiled again when Simon told her that was good when she don't have a partner. Jenna never was her that words from a boy and that was a good thing. Then he asked about the ball gping together and now Jenna understand why he was so nervos. "I would love to go with you the ball!" Jenna smiled Simon and agreed about the ball and going with him."I trust you! But can i ask you, it's a date our just friends go?" Jenna never was be a date and she wanted know and hoped that Simon dont be angry
“Oh that’s great!” Simon said as he let go of a deep breath. Surprised at how relived he felt. “It should be fun!” he added, as if he had to convince her or else she would back out for some reason. He felt calmer now knowing that his plans for the dances were settled. He would have a date just like everyone else. For a moment he wondered if Aisa was going with anyone but quickly got rid of the thought, he did not care about anything she did. "Oh, well... I was thinking we would be going more as friends. It’ll give us a chance to get to know each other better.” he explained, momentarily caught off guard by her question. It was smart to clarify those things but he hadn't really thought about it and had to make it up as he went.
Jenna was thinking about Wendall if he would be go with somoune else? Why, somtimes was so hard movie life and forgot emotion of him and she know that their was only friends. Jenna agreed about fun and she know that deffinetky will be fun and she never was be a bored person. "Sounds good!" Jenna agreed with him becouse she didn't knoe enything about Simon and he was a good person? Jenna wanted know him a little more but she know that he is realy cute but go as friends was realy good idea and she was relif becouse she didn't know enything about dates.

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