I'm Sorry, have we met?

Sydney Caine

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bois d'Arc Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Crystallized Dragon Fire
Sydney sat on the swing. She didn't know who had made the tyre swing over the lake but she liked it, she sat and span around. The blonde leant back so she was only holding onto the swing with her feet and she was upside down. Sydney closed her eyes and let herself spin.

Sydney loved the feeling of the wind in her face. It felt nicer when she wasn't clinging onto a nasty, grubby rope. It was autumn so, naturally, she was in a warmer version on her uniform. Of course, returning to Hogwarts New Zealand hadn't stopped her fashion sense from being amazing still.

Sydney opened her eyes when she stopped spinning and managed to sit back up. While she looked girly, she was actually pretty strong. It didn't show much as she didn't like physical work and she rarely fought with fists. She preferred words. The blonde grabbed the rope and slid out of the tyre. She began to swing her legs, and the swing, until she could reach the grass. Once she was on the ground, Sydney tied the swing to the tree where she had found it and sat down.
Teddy walked through the grounds with his hands in his pockets. He looked up and saw a silhouette of a girl over the lake. He watched as she moved expertly to get back onto the land and he smiled. She looked pretty cool.

Teddy walked over to her only to see who it was. It was Shaylah's sister, the girl who strangled an owl in second year because she was annoyed. He had thought she was cool at one point but now, well, not so much. He didn't know whether to talk to the girl or not. Sure, she had done all that stuff but she didn't look mean. With Shaylah it practically radiated off of her but not with Sydney. Plus, he had done nasty things and he wasn't evil.

"Hey, you're Sydney right?" Teddy asked her, he was stood behind her and she hadn't seen him yet. At least, he thought she hadn't seen him, he was behind her and she hadn't turned around so she would have to be pretty talented if she had seen him.

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