I'm not lost you are!

Guinevere Lavish

Magical Law | Professional | Big Sister
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Gwen had been sure that when she left the Ravenclaw common room earlier that morning she knew exactly where it was however when she returned from her early morning run she had no idea where it was she was supposed to go. It felt like she had been wondering around the towers for the best part of an hour. The positive was that she hadn't run into another soul with it being so early. The last thing she needed was for someone to discover her lost on her first day. She would be mortified.

"Where is the stupid common room!" Gwen yelled, her voice echoing back off the walls. She froze as her voice travelled down the corridor. What if someone had heard her?
Elly was enjoying the period of freedom before the lessons and Quidditch practises were going to start. The start of the year feast had been great and there were lots of new Ravenclaws joining the bunch. It was still early and since Elly slept on the oddest of times she was wide awake. Elly wanted some time alone and decided to walk farther up the North Tower. When she found a good spot to relax and think about the coming year she heard a yell coming from somewhere around her.

Apparently some girl was lost and forgot where the common room was. It did sound like someone was in need of help and Elly decided to go search for the person. Soon she found the person that yelled about the missing common room.''Hello'' Elly muttered trying not to scare the girl. Elly looked her over and she spotted the Ravenclaw symbol on her robes. ''You aren't that far off.'' Elly smiled ''I am Elizabeth, but just call me Elly.'' Elly held out her hand and waited for the girl to respond.
The last thing Gwen wanted was for someone to hear her outburst so naturally, that was exactly what happened. Gwen whipped round to the direction of the voice when she heard someone say hello. An older girl came into view and she assumed she must be a fellow Ravenclaw as she indicated that she wasn't far from the common room. "Uhm, thanks," She said awkwardly looking around to where the entrance could be. "I'm Gwen, I got a little turned around, I thought I made a mental note of where the common room was, evidently, I was wrong," Gwen sighed, she was truly mortified that someone had found her when lost and on her first day too.
The story of the girl made Elly smile. She had been lost on her first day as well. The castle was big and you could turn a corner and suddenly be in a whole different part. The castle was filled with secret passages and corridors. They had even found a secret hideout in their first year. Which was now the headquarters of de Indigo Crusaders. ''I got lost on my first day as well.'' Elly paused ''I think almost everyone gets lost'' It wasn't like you got a map on your first day. Although the Prefects showed the way on the first day of school, you always forgot it. You get so many impressions on your first day that something like that doesn't stay.

''I can help you give a tour of the castle if you want?'' She only had keeper training today and that was in the afternoon. She had time to kill and spending it one new students wasn't that bad. Elly smiled and looked at the girl. ''Or I can show you the way to the common room, so you can relax there''

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