I'm just looking for a good time

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Faxen Lowart-Kozlova

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Dymetris ❤
Oak 14 3/4" Essence of Raven Feather


Faxen Lowart
This is Faxen Lowart. She is a fourth year Gryffindor. She loves to have fun, but is still really innocent. Faxen has endless amounts of energy. It was always wearing out her family when she was a child. She is older and more mature now than she was in her first two years at Hogwarts. She has a bit of a habit of speaking exactly what is on her mind though she is learning to control it a bit. She's impulsive, going where the wind takes her. She's an amazing piano player and pretty good with the guitar too. Faxi also sings beautifully. She wants to be a singer/songwriter/performer when she finishes school. Her bio is in her siggy.

What I'm looking for
1. Friends
Poor Faxen really has like two friends. So I need more of these for her. I would like her to have a best friend as well.

2. Love interests/flirts
I have a final set for Faxen but in the meantime I want her to have several flirts, crushes, boyfriends. I would like a few one sided crushes which can go either way. Faxen likes the boy and he pays no attention to her or the boy likes Faxen and she is oblivious. I would also like her to fall in and out of love. I want her to get her heart broken a few times as well. I'm open for any suggestions.

3. An enemy or two
I think it would be nice if she had an enemy or two. Maybe someone that she offends with her loose, impulsive tongue.

I think that is about everything! I am open for other suggestions! Just post here or pm me!
hey Kait!

I can offer up Dymetris for flirts/flings friends. He's still shy often and a little quiet at times but if she has that typical gryffindor attitude I think he'll fall for her in some way, but doesn't fall in love :) let me know what you think?
Thanks! We already planned a few things out. ;)

Anyone else?
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