*i'm just going to dance, all night

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Nora Davis

OOC First Name
new yorker - ex-coke addict - sweetooth - fashion journalist
so that girl up there looking all smexi? that's nora. say hi won't you?
anyways nora tends to be a mysterious sort of person, although she
is not at all the sullen type who distances herself from everyone and
everything. in fact nora is quite a socilite who has many friends. she
just doesn't tend to share much with people. a prime example being
that every weekend, she apparates back to new zealand to visit, her
dying grandmother for just a simple hour or two. wait, this all sounds
a bit blunt let me go back a bit and give you some sort of insight into
her life.​
nora grew up in new york all of her life, quite well off too. her mother founded the well known fashion magazine, 'luxe' and is currently the editor while her father, continues to serve as the financial manager for the magazine. thats how they met, if you didn't already guess? anyway, nora - a muggleborn - was sent to salem to learn magic however it wasn't all that easy being in an entirely different world from her family, especially when she had held that muggle world so dear. one summer, back in nyc, nora's old friends got mixed in with drugs and so brought her down with them. she was busted only a little while later and was then grounded every summer, to new zealand where her grandmother lived. her parents felt keeping her in new zealand would take her away from her friends and partying and perhaps maybe drugs in general. to keep this semi-short, nora's grandmother helped her face the road of recovery and by the time she was eighteen, was clear of drugs completely. sucessfully graduated from salem now, nora prefers to live a more muggle sort of lifestyle, and works alongside her parents in the magazine offices, as a fashion journalist, a job she absolutely loves. life seemed to be perfect for nora up until a few months ago when her grandmother fell ill with lung cancer. it utterly broke nora's heart when she heard about it because she had done so much good for her life and so, nora wasn't going to see that to waste and decided that every weekend she would apparate to new zealand - a second home almost - to visit her until she sadly passes away. tear, tear. okaaaaaaay. so that may be it? i just wanted to brief you to keep you up to speed, but now that that whole boring part is done lets get down to some plotting!!​
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i guess i pretty much need everything for nora. friends, love interests (a final if i'm lucky?), perhaps a few enemies? the beauty about this character is that i not only can rp her with new york folk but with the new zealand folk aswell because she is in new zealand every weekend! fun times!
friends; i need a lot of these kinds of people. one best girl friend perferably? a 'few night on the town' friends? are you catching my drift here? maybe a few guy friends? but the most important would probably be one best girl friend? she doesn't have to have already known her or whatever, and maybe someone who preferably lives in new zealand or nyc?
romance; i think this plot could get interesting, for a final or just a long-term relationship i don't mind. but yeah, i think if nora finds someone who she can properly open up to about everything, the drugs, her grandmother and maybe other little secrets she keeps from everyone? someone who can show her a new way of life other than her stressful job, her pressuarising parents and of course, the weight of her grandmothers illness on her shoulders. someone who could really bring the fun back into her life maybe someone that she wouldn't have originally classified as her 'type'? a simple plot, but it could be cute? other than that, flirts, crushes, all are welcome!
enemies; enemies are enemies and it pretty much speaks for itself. i think at some point, nora would have made an enemy be that at work, in a club, or perhaps a friend from her teenage/'darker' days? if you have any plot ideas for this please let me know. mutual hatred is always fun!

alright so i think that's just about it, if you have a character that fits the bill or if you think my character could fall in nicely with your plot, please please post! i would love to hear all your ideas and whatnot! thanks guys! much love! ♥
I have Caysi here for a best friend for Nora. Caysi is a trooper if I do say so myself. She has gone through lots in her life like, her mother being a death eater, her father re marrying, her sisters dying, as well as many relationships not working out at all. But all of that has not shun on her amazing attitude and pure sweetness. She is a motivated, hard worker who is extremely loyal to all of her friends. Caysi is positive, sweet, caring and really looks out for her friends too. I think that the two could really get along with each other. :)
Oooooh! That could work! I really like the sound of Caysi!
We should RP them out and see how they get along? ^_^

Thanks Caysi! :wub: Anyone else out there? :r
So, I have Sola here for an enemy perhaps. She's 19, extremely independent, and a bit of a wild child. She really has a dislike for rich people especially muggles, mostly because she's jealous at how easy their lives appear to be. She'd never admit that though! Instead, she says she hates rich people because of how they treat others. Sola has had a lot of difficulties in life, so she's been on her own since just before she came of age and she likes to wander...a lot, mostly because she's restless and also because she can't keep a job. She usually quits before she has a chance to be fired or she blows up at a customer and is then let go. I can easily see her being in New York waitressing or working as a barista or something like that. Maybe that's where Sola and Nora can meet up?
Sure that sounds good, do you want me to start something? Or do you want to? :)
@Sola: Sounds good. There's nothing I love to RP more than a pair of enemies xD And yesssh that's sounds perfect although I don't really see Nora, properly arguing with someone if their in a restaurant/bar type place. So I think it would be more likely in a park or maybe even on the street? What do you think?

@Caysi: If you could start it that would be much appreciated! :wub:
Me too! ^_^

As soon as I saw your mention of starting the rp in the street, I had a lightbulb moment xD
I'll pm you with an idea I have once I work it out a bit!
Well...if you'd be interested I have Vladmir Sykes with whom I have actually just posted my very own plot development. I could offer him up as a romance and even potentially a final if you'd like. There is a little bit of history in that thread if you'd like to read it and I'm working on a bio for him as well.

I also have little miss Sawyer Franklin here that I could offer up as a friend. She can be a bit of a *****, but with her soon to be new sweetie pie she's going to be softening up quite a bit. She really needs someone who takes very little sh1t off her. I'm needing a few friends for her as well.

Anyhoo...just let me know what you think :D
@Caysi: Thanks for starting that up, I'll reply to that ASAP.

@Sola: I received the PM and replied. Awesome idea, love it!

@Katie: Naaaw he sounds like such a sweetheart! Definitely, lets rp them as romances! And, sure we can see how it pans out for them and we'll decide about wheter they're suited for finals and schtuuuff ^_^ Also, Sawyer sounds perfect for a friend! However, I'm slowly become drowned in rp's and I still have to reply for Andies ones, I swear I haven't forgotten about ours! :shy: xD So maybe we can rp them, when I get into the swing of things again?

Thanks so much for posting guys! :hug:
Trying them as romances sounds wonderful :D No worries about our Andie/Kynleigh RP...I know you'll get around to it when you can ;) We can RP Sawyer/Nora and Vlad/Nora whenever you want *nods* Just let me know when you're ready and I can always start up something :)
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