I'm just an ordinary girl ... Or not!

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Leslie Madden

West | Motherly | Helicopter Mum
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust

Leslie Jenelle West is her full name, she's very prefect as you all know.
Loves painting, reading, going at the salon and watching movies.
A born leader, pretty, smart, shopaholic but these are just her
some personality whenever she wanted from some person.
Leslie has a mean streak, she's greedy, self-centered and blames other
people for the bad things she done. So, enough about her, Leslie
wants friends that has the same personality as her and maybe
a few enemies and a few crushes as well
and if you must, a future love.

That's all I'm looking for, if you have questions just reply here.
Isobel here could be a friend, she is a natural leader, quite bossy and very confident. She is reasonably clever but her most striking characteristic is her evil personality. They could be allies as Isobel has already made a lot of enemies :p (All intentional of course :p )

By the way, i love your siggy :p its perfect for a slytherin. I am waiting for a new one for me to be made :D
It seems your very fit for her to be friends.
She can be her best friend as well, if you like though.
If you want to have a role play just reply here
and I will make the thread for you.

Thanks, I made it myself :)
Nick would like to ask her out but he gets nervous...help him out??
Of course Leslie will help him out, what if they start as friends
and then best friends and by the time he realized that he likes Leslie
then it will work out. Sorry, I'm not that smart at thinking ideas :p
Jaedan will be her friend but she might get annoyed you'll be dating her twin (Nick)
Well I have Ryan Moon he is in Slytherin he is not quite as self centered or anything like that in fact he doesn't even want to be in Slytherin.But maybe they could become friends and she could show him the benefits of being in Slytherin???Its up to you!

Ryuuji here can be a friend, he's rather athletic and he loves adventures. well... he's pretty sadistic at times too, but he does care about his friends.

I also have Fayt Aurelious, he's a slytherin.. :D

Fayt comes across as being a mostly emotionless, cold child, focused solely on his interests and his vow to protect his sister.Though he is capable of portraying himself as a charming, cheerful, lenient individual, typically when on the presence of his adoptive parents, he is quick to revert to being unsympathetic when he no longer has to hide his true self. Fayt is a person that doesn't like to admit defeat, and it's with this stubborn behavior that he'll push through obstacles with a single-minded resolve to win, to advance, and to do anything and everything perceived as necessary to achieve his goals.
Despite everything, however, under the surface there's still a 10 year old boy. Prone to acting egoistically with a self-centered point of view, he can be quick to irritation when his demands aren't met, and sink into a moody frustration when his plans are compromised.

Then I also have Maria Leingod, she is an enigmatic girl, and a slytherin as well. She is secretive and intelligent. Despite her occasionally antagonistic traits, she can be really friendly is she dares to.Although Maria has a cold and uncaring exterior, she demonstrates her concern for others in some instances. She is quiet and somewhat intimidating.She demands respect from others, and would respect someone faithfully is that someone respects her back.
Thank you very much for replying here, I very appreciate that.

Isobel: We can start role playing, just wait for my
PM msg with the link of the thread :)

Nick: Can we start role playing before we go at the castle?
I can start the thread if you like but if you want to start its fine with me.

Jaedan: Hmm ... I like what your thinking. That will work.
Do you want to start now or do you want to start after
Leslie and Nick know each other?

Ryan: Its like teaching him to be one. That will work as well.
Do you want to role play now or wait till they get to Hogwarts?
If you want now, I can do the thread or if you like you can do it.

Ryuuji: Can I take all your characters? xD I don't care if they are
the same role player. Just reply if you want to role play now or wait
till they get at Hogwarts? Its fine with me if you want to wait.

And FYI for all, she's taking over the HNZ cheerleading club.
Formerly run by my ex-character who just graduate

Tally here could be an enemy. She dislikes almost everything your character is (i.e. shopping, being self-centered, greedy etc.). Here is a bit more extensive on her personality cause I'm too lazy to type everything xD:Tally Amis Only if you want her to have a enemy but yeah. :3

Leslie West said:

Ryuuji: Can I take all your characters? xD I don't care if they are
the same role player. Just reply if you want to role play now or wait
till they get at Hogwarts? Its fine with me if you want to wait.

And FYI for all, she's taking over the HNZ cheerleading club.
Formerly run by my ex-character who just graduate

Sure... If you want to start now, then it would be really great.. :D
Tally: Thanked god for enemies, I thought no one will ever post an enemy
here. If you want to start a thread, I'm glad to start it and send you a link

Ryan: Okay, I'll start somewhere and send you a link

Ryuuji: I'll start three thread just for you xD
Leslie West said:
Tally: Thanked god for enemies, I thought no one will ever post an enemy
here. If you want to start a thread, I'm glad to start it and send you a link

Ryan: Okay, I'll start somewhere and send you a link

Ryuuji: I'll start three thread just for you xD
Really? thank you! :D
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