Closed I'm Good Here, Thanks

Naveen Khatri

professional worrier 🌿proceed with caution
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 13 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
10/2049 (11)
Naveen took deep steadying breaths as the other kids screamed and laughed around him. Was everyone his age so...loud? He looked around for his sister desperately but he couldn't find Dhivya anywhere. What was the point of being a twin if you separated? He knew he was lucky that his dads' signed them up for so many activities and that most kids would be lucky. He had heard it all before. But he didn't care for Phoenix Scouts at all, and he had plenty of hobbies already. A craft day in the park sounded like a good idea until he was actually there and the structured activity slowly disintegrated into absolute chaos. It didn't take long for Naveen to find safety underneath one of the tables used for the previously mentioned crafts. This was better, much better.
Ivy enjoyed the scout meetings, and todays was in the park. She loved the park. it wasn't the first place she would think of for a craftanoon. she had started on the crafts. but ended up playing on the flying fox while she waited for some of the paint to dry and well. playing was more fun. it wasn't until she was called over to move her picture if she wasn't going to finish it so someone else could use the table that she knocked over a cup filled with pencils and they all went clattering onto the floor. They seemed to have gone everywhere getting lost in the grass and rolling under the table. she crouched to pick them up and crawled under the table. it was then that she realised that she wasn't the only one under there. "Hi Naveen. did you drop something too" she said as she picked up a stray blue pencil.
Naveen fiddled with the beaded bracelet he had made for his craft project so he would have something to show his dads. His eyes darted around looking for his sister when someone spoke to him. So maybe his hiding place wasn't actually fool proof. He knew he was too old to be hiding like this but he couldn't help it. He glanced over and saw Ivy, a girl his age who had been nice to him before. "Yeah." he lied and showed off his bracelet with the multicolored beads. "Dropped this and thought I'd....stay down here." Naveen didn't think his story was that great but he was sticking too it.
Ivy settled down. leaning against a table leg. "I can see why, it's like a tent under here" she said. though not like a camping tent. "did you make that just?" she asked. "I didn't see a beading area" she said. not that she had the patience to bead. though maybe it was less time demanding than painting and waiting for it to dry. but she wanted to be able to draw better.
Naveen had liked being alone but was now forced to have company in his safe zone. He nodded when Ivy said it was like a tent. It kind of was. In a lot of ways it felt like a barrier. He hadn't been camping much but he remembered hearing sounds in the middle of the night and burrowing into his sleeping bag. As if to prove his point a few kids ran by letting out a shrieking laugh making him jump. "Oh yeah." he said when she asked about his bracelet. "Yeah it was at the other table." he explained. "It seemed less messy than the paint."
Ivy nodded as Naveen said that it was on the other table and was less messy than paint. "mess is part of the fun of paint." she said wiglging her paitnt covered fingers in his direction "Cas is a painter and he always has paint on him when I go to his place. he is even teaching me to be better" she said. not even thinking that Naveen probably didnt even know who cas was.
Naveen tried not to make a face when Ivy said mess was a part of the fun. He disagreed but he didn't admit it out loud. There was a reason he always used gloves when he spent time in the garden. He had plenty of fun there without getting dirt under his nails. He did like the idea of painting lessons though. His dads had singed him up for plenty of art classes over the years and they had been alright. "That sounds nice." he said thoughtfully. "What kinds of things do you paint?" he asked curiously. Maybe he could give art another try if the teacher was good.
Ivy thought for a moment as Naveen asked what she painted. "whatever I feel like. at the moment cas is showing me how to draw people." she said. last week when she had been staying over they had tried drawing each other. Caspers picture was obviously far better than her attempt. and then after dinner they had both drawn Lin she had made a start with cas showing her how she could improve. "but we have done some landscapes and some plants too" she said. there had even been a diasterous tempt to paint her cat though that hadnt been particularly successful.

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